[轉錄][請益] 請高手幫忙翻譯: AI語錄

看板IVERSON作者 (Novacaine)時間15年前 (2009/05/03 14:27), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: suendy ( ) 看板: NBA 標題: [請益] 請高手幫忙翻譯: AI語錄 時間: Sun May 3 13:50:31 2009 翻的不好之處,請幫忙翻譯,謝謝! I'm not perfect. But I am trying every day to concentrate on being better. 我並不完美,但我每天專心致力於使自己更棒. I don't put pressure on myself. I just compete. 我不給自己壓力,我只是盡力去競爭. If you're struggling with your shooting, then do other things on the baskerball court. Getsteals, get assists, get rebounds, do anything on the court to help the team win. 在籃球場上如果你不擅長得分,那就做些其他的事. 抄截,助攻,搶籃板,去做任何可以幫助球隊贏球的事. As long as you get the win, that's the most important thing. 最重要的事就是你得到勝利. You have to go through good times and bad times to get where you're trying to go. 你必須歷經美好和差勁的時光,才能得到你嘗試想得到的. One of the things you have to learn is that you don't have to have the ball all the time to be effective. 你必須學習著去了解一件事: 在場上並非一定要長時間的持球才能夠對球隊有所貢獻。 I take everything I learned from the streets and put it in my NBA game. 我把我從街頭籃球學到的一切投入到NBA的戰場上. If I was trying to make everyone happy. I could only rap about cartoons and the Rugrats. My hip-hop fans wouldn't accept that. 假設我試著想要去娛樂大家,但卻只會唱與卡通或是Rugrats有關的饒舌歌,我想我的那 些嘻哈歌迷是不能夠接受的。 Mistakes happen. But after a while you've got to stop making them happen twice. 錯誤總會發生,但你必須避免犯同樣的錯誤. You honestly don't really feel it when the shots are going down. You don't ever get the goose bumps until the fans start to appreciate what you're doing. 當你投籃進了,你並沒有真正的感受到它. 直到你的球迷開始給予你掌聲,否則你不會感到雞皮疙瘩. I always wanted to a Sixer. I always wanted to finish my career here as a Sixer. I wanted to stay for a lot of different reason, but one of the main reasons was because of you all, who come here every night and support us. 我總是想成為76人之星. 我總是想在76隊結束我的籃球生涯. 我有一大堆的理由想要留在這裡,但最主要的原因是因為你們, 是你們這些每天晚上來支持我們的球迷. If there is no Larry Brown, there's no MVP Allen Iverson. 如果沒有 Larry Brown 教練,就不會有最有價值球員 Allen Iverson. I came out to the war beat up, but I feel like we competed. 雖然在這場戰役中我們失敗了,但我認為我們確實表現出了應有的競爭力。 I am what I am. 我就是我自己. There's gonna be a million people that love Allen Iverson. There's gonna be a billion people that hate Allen Iverson. Concentrate on the ones that care about you and keep stepping. 有很多人喜愛 Allen Iverson,也有更多人討厭 Allen Iverson. 全神貫注於那些對你的關心並且繼續前進. It's time to go to war. 打仗的時候到了. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/03 13:52,
我覺得AI下一季可以回七六人 不管會不會上場 至少可以
05/03 13:52

05/03 13:53,
贏得費城球迷的尊敬 也可以在那退休
05/03 13:53

05/03 13:55,
05/03 13:55

05/03 13:56,
05/03 13:56

05/03 13:56,
05/03 13:56

05/03 13:58,
05/03 13:58

05/03 14:00,
推AI 不過我大膽預測會有可憐的鄉民來酸 啊哈哈
05/03 14:00

05/03 14:00,
AI應該還是很想拼總冠軍吧 回七六人奪冠機會不大
05/03 14:00

05/03 14:01,
又容易讓人家覺得他打的很掙扎 實在很為難XD
05/03 14:01

05/03 14:01,
個人覺得他如果想幫助球隊拿冠軍 打法真要改變了
05/03 14:01

05/03 14:03,
他的打法改變很久了= = 要不然他會拿更多座得分王
05/03 14:03

05/03 14:04,
05/03 14:04

05/03 14:13,
05/03 14:13

05/03 14:15,
推AI AI的態度真的不用懷疑 籃球是他生命中最重要的
05/03 14:15

05/03 14:16,
就當替補吧 這樣76人也挺屌的
05/03 14:16

05/03 14:22,
AI + 魔獸 = 無雙
05/03 14:22

05/03 14:22,
05/03 14:22

05/03 14:23,
剛好魔術沒有SG 加AI的話不錯
05/03 14:23

05/03 14:25,
05/03 14:25
-- Life isn't all that complicated. If you want, you can say: "I am looking for something." -- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/03 14:37, , 1F
05/03 14:37, 1F
※ 編輯: Erving 來自: (05/03 15:07)

05/03 23:03, , 2F
05/03 23:03, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #19_Jaxbl (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #19_Jaxbl (IVERSON)