[外電] Iverson and the Afterlife

看板IVERSON作者 ( )時間16年前 (2009/02/18 01:15), 編輯推噓11(1102)
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http://0rz.tw/dUbhl Allen Iverson, sporting a new hairstyle reminiscent of his days at Georgetown, was sitting around one of those NBA all-star weekend media sessions when he was asked by a reporter about whether he thought some of the NBA charity events -- reading books to kids, handing out Thanksgiving turkeys -- were a bit staged. AI 在全明星週末時被訪問 記者問他對於一些NBA近日 慈善事業的看法 "Fake," said the 10-time all-star who plays for the Detroit Pistons. Iverson went on to say that he prefers the cameras not be around when he helps others less fortunate than him. "I just look forward to doing it. I don't need all the publicity that comes with it. I don't need that. When it's time for me to get toward that gate, either He [is] gonna say, 'Come in,' or He [is] gonna say, 'Turn around.' And a camera won't decide whether I get in or not." "對我來說 做善事是不需要滿滿的鎂光燈的" "我只是去做" AI說 不是為了名 事實上他認為沒有鎂光燈環繞更好 Rather than ignoring the obvious religious comment by Iverson, reporters pressed him on it. Someone asked if Iverson thought he was going to heaven or hell. "I've done a lot of good things in my life and done a lot of bad things in my life so I don't know. I hope the good things outweigh the bad things. I'm damn sure I don't want to go to hell." 記者問到AI 認為自己會去天堂還是地獄? AI說"也許我做了不少好事 好啦 壞事我也承認有" "肯定的是 我才不要去地獄咧XD" Iverson was then asked if he was troubled by not knowing where he stood. "I'm not saying that I'm not in, because I think I am. Unless some things go dramatically wrong in the next how many years, I think I'll be welcomed through those gates." The discussion turned to how sports can be an escape from the troubles of everyday life and whether NBA players and other professional athletes should be viewed as role models. AI接下來被記者問到他是否認為 NBA 球員身處麻煩的處境 畢竟放大鏡看待 人人都得做個模範寶寶 "We have more impact on the world than people may think, than even we might think, you know what I mean? When I was younger, when we talk about role model-type situations, I never knew that we were important like we are. "We are role models, regardless if we like it or not. It is something that we got to accept, but it is something that people should know that we're human and we make mistakes and we are not going to be perfect. You can want to be like Allen Iverson, but I don't think people should try to be like Allen Iverson. I think people should be better than Allen Iverson." "不管我們喜不喜歡 我們就是得當 role model" "我想大家該知道的是 我們不完美 我們會做錯事情" "你可以向著AI前進 但我相信人們的善心可以做的比我好" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 翻譯的實在滿破的o(〒﹏〒)o 好啦我英文真的好爛 我自己有添加一些自己推測的想法 希望讓文章順點 看完之後只覺得AI揪甘心耶 最後一段 感覺太棒了~~~~ 為善不欲人知加上鼓勵大家向善 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #19cl2rnI (IVERSON)