[轉錄][外電] Who would the NBA All-Stars li …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: LTP (每天都是一種挑戰) 看板: Pistons 標題: [轉錄][外電] Who would the NBA All-Stars like to … 時間: Sun Feb 22 19:03:02 2009 ※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板] 作者: SexyCassell (其實我很帥) 看板: Celtics 標題: [外電] Who would the NBA All-Stars like to be? Ray:我愛自己! 時間: Sun Feb 22 17:12:54 2009 Who would the NBA All-Stars like to be? By Scoop Jackson http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=jackson/090216 →這是明星週的文章「你想成為哪一個NBA球星」 球員們的回答都很有趣~ 正經的也不少 是說槍西的回答是有怨念嗎 XDDDDDDDDDD 至於RAY果然是14歲就開始研讀時代雜誌.... KG:RAY就像個哥哥,教我任何事情! ----------------------------------- PHOENIX -- I walked up to each one of them and asked the question. If you could be any other player here who would it be? It was a question I'd asked 12 years ago to Dream Team III: Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley, Penny Hardaway, Gary Payton, Shaq. 我在12年前,曾經問過集合了大嘴、巴克利、一分錢、手套、歐尼爾的夢三的球員們: 如果可以,你想成為哪一位NBA球星? Their answers lent insight into which players they respected, whose game they feared. Back then Scottie Pippen's name came up the most. Five out of the 12 players on that team wanted to be, even if for one game, Jordan's Green Hornet. When asked, "Why Pip?" it was Miller who explained it best: "Because Pippen can score only five points and still dominate a basketball game." 從球員們的回答可以窺探他們心目中最景仰的球星為何人,其中Scottie Pippen的名字出現 最多次,12名球員裡有多達5位希望成為Pip 。當被問到希望成為Pip的原因,大嘴的解釋 最好:「因為Pip只得5分依然可以統治整場比賽!」 Over this All-Star Weekend I whispered the same question into the ears of the New Kings On The Block. I wanted to see if things had changed: Did the best ballplayers in the world admire someone on a level the rest of us haven't recognized? Is LeBron, to the guys who have to play against him, really the Chosen One? 而──今年的明星週,我問了球員們同樣的問題,時至今日情況有了什麼樣的改變呢? 世界上最好的籃球員是否有了(不一樣的)解釋,會是LeBron嗎? It was an experiment, 12 years in the making. The results? An introspective read into the psyche of an NBA player. Data psychological. An informal case study. (關於這個問題的訪談)是十二年來的經驗,球員們的內心。 Tim Duncan: "That's a tough one. Probably LeBron. I just want to know what it feels like to be a 6-8, 260-pound guy that can just fly. That would be great, that would be fun." 石佛:這問題有點難,我想應該是LBJ......我只是想知道一個身高6-8、體重260磅的傢伙 飛起來是什麼感覺,那一定很棒! Dwyane Wade: "I'd trade places with LeBron. I wanna be 6-8, 265 pounds and play like I'm 6-4. And I want to go back to being 24 years old!" 典偉:我想成為LBJ!我想要有6-8那麼高、265磅那麼壯碩,但是打起球來卻像6-4一樣!而 且──我想回到24歲呀! Kevin Garnett: Man, I'm good with me. I good with me. I hear about all these other problems these other players have and I'll take my little problems and run with them. That's if you want to call them problems. I respect everyone's ability here, I respect everybody on how they got here, I respect everyone whose team is successful and how they got to this point. Every All-Star here is well deserving, but being someone else? Naw. Other than wanting to fit in a regular shower or something, other than that, I'm cool." 真男人:老兄,我很好!我覺得自己很好!我總是聽到其他人有這些那些的問題,相形之下 我生活中的小事顯得微不足道。我尊重這裡每一個人的實力,我尊重每個人為了達到他們的 成就所付出的努力,我尊重每一個努力讓自己球隊成功的球員。 真男人:這裡的每一個全明星都應該受到尊重,但是成為其他的某個人? 真男人:喔!算了吧,當自己最好! David West: "Probably Yao. I see how much in demand he is in terms of representing not only himself and his family but also an entire nation. And I know it's probably a little more difficult, but he's still able to move at his own pace. He handles it." 大衛西:應該是姚明,我了解姚明背負著來自己、家庭、祖國的期望,我知道那很艱難, 但是他處理的很好,他以自己的方式走在成功的路上。 Joe Johnson: "Yao. I want to see what Yao's life is like. The reason why is, he came in from China, man, billions of people. I could only imagine the type of press and the type of things he must go through as a player. I don't know, I would want to see what that's like. It seems amazing." 秋江嬸:姚明。我想知道姚明的生活是怎麼樣的。至於我選擇的理由,他來自中國,老兄 , 他們有十億人吶!他所要面對的壓力和必須處理的事情我只能在腦子裡幻想一下。我 不知道,我很想知道那是什麼樣的生活,看上去很有趣。 Jameer Nelson: "Dwight Howard. Most votes ever." 尼爾森:魔獸!史上票王! Chris Paul: "Shaq. He demands the most attention out of anybody. I don't care who it is, LeBron, Kobe, it doesn't matter. Shaq's been doing this forever." "You'd want to be Shaq for a day or forever?" I asked him. "Just for a day," CP3 said back. "I like my life." CP3:俠客!他能幹掉絕大多數人。LBJ、科比還是其他什麼人通通無所謂。俠客永遠是最 牛~逼~的~~~~ 你想成為俠客一天還是永遠? CP3:一天就好,我喜歡我的生活。 Amare Stoudemire: "I'd trade places with Shaq. Man, he's a 15-time All-Star and he's my teammate. Plus, if I traded places with him I'd be closer to me (loud laugh)." 阿罵:我想和俠客互換。老兄,他可是15次入選全明星了,而且他還是我的隊友。另外 ,如果我和他互換的話,我還能離我自己近一點。(大笑) Shaquille O'Neal: "Nate Robinson." (Shaq's answer came before Saturday night's dunk contest). 俠客:Nate Robinson.(灌籃大賽前) "Nate Robinson?" I asked, shocked. "Yeah. I've been big all of my life, dominating, and I'd just like to know what it feels like to be that size and be able to throw it down like that." 俠客:沒錯!我這輩子都是大人物,統治一切,我只是想知道用那樣的身材打球感覺怎樣! "But you were that size at 10 years old," I said. 問題是你10歲的時候也長那樣呀.....囧 (Laughing) "You're right." 俠客:也對! Mo Williams: "A combination of both Kobe and LeBron. They are both dominating players and they dominate the game in different ways. LeBron does it athletically, Kobe does it skillfully. I think the combination of those two would be the best player ever. Better than Mike [Jordan]." 莫不傳:科比和LBJ的結合體。他們都是統治型的球員,以不同的方式掌控比賽。LBJ有 霸氣,科比有靈氣。我想他們兩個的結合體是史上最牛的球員了,甚至比喬丹好! Tony Parker: "MJ." "That's it?" I say to him. "But he's done. I'm talking about only players that are here." Still. "Jordan. That's my idol, the best ever." "No LeBron, Kobe, Yao ...?" Still. "MJ. No one else. MJ, baby." 趴車:喬丹。 就這樣?但是喬丹已經退役了啊。我問的是現役球員。 趴車:喬丹。他是我的偶像,史上最佳球員。 你不考慮一下其他球員嗎?比如LBJ啊,科比啊,姚明啊? 趴車:喬丹,沒其他人了。喬丹。 Pau Gasol: "Michael Jordan. That's the only player I would ever like to be." 耶穌:喬丹!他是我唯一想成為的球員。 Ray Allen: "I like myself. I really love who I am." 雷艾倫:我喜歡自己,我愛死我自己。 "That sounds Ray," I said to him. 聽起來很像RAY的回答吶! "It is." 雷艾倫:就是這樣。 Devin Harris: "LeBron," he said without even thinking. When asked why: "Billionaire status! They say he's going to be the first billion-dollar athlete." 哈利斯:LBJ!因為他太有錢。 Brandon Roy: "Shaq. When he's in a room people just flock to him. Just watching him walk around, everybody wants to be around him. The way he carries himself, the way he plays. I'd just want to be him for like a day." 羅伊戰士:俠客!當他在某個房間內的時候人們都會不由自主的聚集在他周圍。每個人都想 跟他在一起。他的個人風格,打球風格都很吸引人。我希望可以當一天的俠客。 Then came Chauncey Billups' classic and unexpected answer: "A.I. So I can get my Detroit No. 1 [jersey] back." 槍西:我想當AI,我只想把我的底特律1號拿回來呀呀呀呀呀呀呀~~~~~~~~~ Allen Iverson couldn't choose one. And he thought on it for a while. "All of 'em," he said. "For me it's too hard to pick one." When I told him that a lot of the players picked Yao, his response was so Iverson: "Man, I wouldn't want to be that damn tall. You can't even look cool in your clothes." AI:這太困難了! (當記者告訴他很多人選姚明的時候......) AI:我不想長那麼高,長太高穿衣服看起來不好看。 Kobe Bryant (paraphrasing): "Just me, man. I'm cool with just being me. Nobody else." 科比:做我自己,我對自己很滿意,不想當別人。 For LeBron, it took more than a minute to answer. He needed a day to think. Then, when he did settle on one player, it explained more about his total understanding and appreciation of the game. Read deep into his answer and you'll find many answers on why he is who he is and why he is who he's going to be. "KG," LeBron said. "The game, the personality, everything. Plus, he has a ring. If I could be one other player, it would be KG." LBJ(深思熟慮後回答):KG. LBJ:我想成為KG!KG的比賽,KG的人品,KG的一切!而且他有總冠軍戒指...... 如果我可以成為其他球員的話...... LBJ:我想成為真──男──人── # Scoop Jackson is a columnist for ESPN.com. -------------------------------------------------- 估計如果問到PP,他應該也是回答:MAN,我很好 GO GO CELTICS ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SexyCassell 來自: (02/22 17:17)

02/22 17:26,
02/22 17:26

02/22 17:46,
翻譯的超棒!!! 給推!!!
02/22 17:46

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02/22 19:02,
02/22 19:02
-- Player G GS MPG FG% 3p% FT% OFF DEF TOT APG SPG BPG TO PF PPG R.Wallace 81 77 35.1 .519 .160 .704 1.60 5.40 7.00 1.8 1.07 1.32 1.94 2.70 16.4 S.Smith 82 81 32.8 .467 .398 .850 1.50 2.30 3.80 2.5 .87 .38 1.43 2.60 14.9 S.Pippen 82 82 33.5 .451 .327 .717 1.40 4.90 6.30 5.0 1.43 .50 2.54 2.50 12.5 D.Stouda 78 78 30.4 .432 .377 .841 .80 2.30 3.10 5.2 .99 .01 1.91 2.20 12.5 A.Sabonis 66 61 25.6 .505 .368 .843 1.50 6.30 7.80 1.8 .65 1.18 1.47 2.80 11.8 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 19:03,
02/22 19:03

02/22 19:14,
XDDD 這篇好笑
02/22 19:14

02/22 19:23,
簽名檔的溪蛙 這時還沒有練過三分XD
02/22 19:23

02/22 19:34,
XD 不過有一股淡淡的.......
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02/22 20:10
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 20:16, , 1F
02/22 20:16, 1F
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