[外電] MC should keep job - but must curb AI

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間16年前 (2009/02/26 23:07), 編輯推噓7(708)
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Source: http://tinyurl.com/b2exbm ********************************************************************* Michael Curry should keep job, but must curb Allen Iverson BY MICHAEL ROSENBERG ‧ FREE PRESS COLUMNIST ‧ February 25, 2009 ********************************************************************* Pistons fans, and the media who cover them, are openly wondering about Michael Curry's job security. The math is straightforward: rookie coach + underachieving team + players who appear to have lost confidence in their coach = the ax. Yet there are no indications that Curry is close to losing his job. And I don't think he will. I suspect that, if it comes down to it, management is willing to take a mulligan on the season. If the Pistons land a star like Carlos Boozer or Chris Bosh this summer, they can put him on the floor with Rodney Stuckey and figure they have an inside-outside combo for the next five years. And then 2008-09 will seem like a blip, not a debacle. And I think Curry, who was so highly regarded by the Pistons, would get a chance to coach those new-look Pistons. I could be wrong, but I don't think president Joe Dumars will force Curry to make the ultimate sacrifice. (Wait, isn't the "ultimate sacrifice" giving your life? Then I'm 100% sure Dumars won't ask Curry for that. Also, I don't think Dumars will fire him.) Yet it would be wrong for the Pistons to simply write this off as a transition year. The fact is they have grossly underachieved -- and the reasons they have underachieved could haunt them next year. The organization and its coach should examine why things have gone so horribly wrong. The Pistons' biggest mistake was not trading Chauncey Billups for Allen Iverson. That deal could still have long-term benefits, and it made some sense for the short term, at least in theory. No, the Pistons' biggest mistake was what they did immediately after the deal. They handed the keys to this season to Iverson. ********************************************************************* 對於最後一句話,我是無法與作者看法一致。畢竟個人還是覺得AI從來沒擁有過 什麼樣的特權......但活塞戰績會這麼不好,AI說時在的也是難逃指責。 但是不管怎麼樣,AI永遠都是那一個偉大的戰神,他的拼勁是不用懷疑的。 最近八連敗大家都不好受,不管是AI迷甚至是AI本身,也都難逃被砲轟的命運。 可是換個角度想,這也代表這大家對於AI是有很大的期望的,我也相信AI一定可以 度過目前的狀況,從新在站起來! 希望各位AI迷可以繼續為他加油! 好好養傷吧AI ! 也希望他可以早日康復! -- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 23:40, , 1F
02/26 23:40, 1F

02/26 23:40, , 2F
02/26 23:40, 2F

02/26 23:45, , 3F
樓上說的好 其實應該說 認真就輸了 XD
02/26 23:45, 3F

02/27 01:46, , 4F
02/27 01:46, 4F

02/27 03:41, , 5F
現在去哪講話都要小心 不然被貼個"AI迷"就慘了
02/27 03:41, 5F

02/27 06:19, , 6F
沒錯 最好別去活塞板護航AI 不然會被某些老活塞迷砲轟
02/27 06:19, 6F

02/27 06:19, , 7F
02/27 06:19, 7F

02/27 07:12, , 8F
老實說 活塞板的板友也不是H大說的這麼不堪吧...
02/27 07:12, 8F

02/27 07:13, , 9F
有些言語很容易刺傷原球隊的球迷 新加入的本就要注意
02/27 07:13, 9F

02/27 07:14, , 10F
02/27 07:14, 10F

02/27 07:47, , 11F
我是說"某些"阿 當然很多都是很理性的 至於少部份就...
02/27 07:47, 11F

02/27 10:39, , 12F
02/27 10:39, 12F

02/27 10:40, , 13F
02/27 10:40, 13F

02/27 11:26, , 14F
02/27 11:26, 14F

02/27 18:16, , 15F
總之大家也不用太喪氣 球季還沒結束 現在比較希望AI快好
02/27 18:16, 15F
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