[外電] AI缺席今晚比賽

看板IVERSON作者 (n___n)時間16年前 (2009/02/28 10:47), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Allen Iverson out for tonight, Rasheed Wallace fined AI今晚不會上 溪蛙被罰錢 source: http://0rz.tw/MTpDn 僅摘錄有關AI的部份: It's too soon to tell how Allen Iverson will handle coming off the bench. One thing we do know, is there won't be an answer tonight. 現在要評論AI從板凳出發會有怎樣的表現有點嫌早,但至少今晚可以確定不會有 "答案"。 Iverson had a Magnetic Resonance Imaging test conducted today on his sore back. A team official said the results were negative. AI今天做了MRI檢查他的背部,結果是陰性的。 However, Iverson was scheduled to return to Detroit for further tests. His status remains questionable for Sunday's game at Boston, although Pistons coach Michael Curry said it was doubtful that he would re-join the team in time for Sunday's 1 p.m. game at Boston. 然而,AI接下來會回底特律做更進一步的檢查測試,甚至(美國時間)週日對超賽的比賽 都還不知道能否上場,MC說他對AI能否及時趕上對超賽的比賽是存疑的。 AI看來傷的不算輕 加油啊 多休息 無論回來以後 打先發或替補都加油! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/28 12:46, , 1F
02/28 12:46, 1F

02/28 13:16, , 2F
02/28 13:16, 2F

02/28 13:22, , 3F
推回來 就是有人吃飽沒事做
02/28 13:22, 3F
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (02/28 13:30)

02/28 13:30, , 4F
嗚嗚我的推文數沒了 感謝前幾樓義氣相挺XD
02/28 13:30, 4F

02/28 15:57, , 5F
推一個 抱歉今天比賽 晚處理小白 抱歉
02/28 15:57, 5F

02/28 23:23, , 6F
02/28 23:23, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #19gAMtEt (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #19gAMtEt (IVERSON)