[外電] Curry Won't Rush Iverson's Return

看板IVERSON作者 (n___n)時間16年前 (2009/03/05 01:37), 編輯推噓7(705)
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Curry Won't Rush Iverson's Return AI要回來了? MC:"不急。" source: http://0rz.tw/08BSL Pistons coach Michael Curry won't rush guard Allen Iverson's return from a sore back. MC不會催促AI急著回來。 Curry said on Tuesday that he wants Iverson at ease with the injury before he returns to the court. 他希望AI在回到場上前,已經是很舒服的狀態。 "Hopefully we'll know more (today), but it's about him getting to a comfort level with the diagnosis of what's going on with him," Curry said. "We're like that for all our guys. MC希望直到AI達到舒服的程度再回來,也說其他人受傷也一樣。 "We want to make sure that anything they feel, any point of discomfort, we want them to feel comfortable with how their body feels so that when they step on the court, they can give us everything they got." 他希望他的球員只要有任何一丁點的不舒服,都能在身體感覺舒服的狀態回來,如此站上 球場,才能貢獻他們的全力。 Iverson is scheduled for a third exam on Wednesday at Georgetown, the school at which he starred. AI即將要做第三次檢驗,回到Georgetown--那個讓他開始發光發熱的地方。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/05 01:41, , 1F
又要做檢查了 真的做了好多檢查 愈來愈感覺不對...
03/05 01:41, 1F
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (03/05 01:42)

03/05 01:42, , 2F
03/05 01:42, 2F

03/05 02:08, , 3F
明年待在活塞的機率很低了 但是AI請記得 明年玩死活塞
03/05 02:08, 3F

03/05 02:09, , 4F
03/05 02:09, 4F

03/05 02:14, , 5F
03/05 02:14, 5F

03/05 03:24, , 6F
怎麼感覺不是很想要AI回來 活塞輸死算了
03/05 03:24, 6F

03/05 04:04, , 7F
03/05 04:04, 7F

03/05 05:33, , 8F
恩 有些事我們在心中說就好 還是祝福活塞吧!!
03/05 05:33, 8F

03/05 17:54, , 9F
03/05 17:54, 9F

03/05 18:43, , 10F
03/05 18:43, 10F

03/05 20:25, , 11F
咖哩:最好RIP跟AI其中一個受傷 不然我不會用
03/05 20:25, 11F

03/05 22:39, , 12F
Y大別這樣說 我想活塞還是需要AI的
03/05 22:39, 12F
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