[轉錄]Re: [陸聞] 隊友曝艾弗森在活塞很不開心 …

看板IVERSON作者 (MingSi)時間16年前 (2009/03/14 18:22), 編輯推噓11(1104)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: celestial318 (強尼) 看板: NBA 標題: Re: [陸聞] 隊友曝艾弗森在活塞很不開心 答案其實뜠… 時間: Sat Mar 14 16:23:22 2009 原文恕刪 http://tinyurl.com/c7nacz The RealGM headline (mentioned in the comments) boldly proclaiming “AI doesn't want to be in Detroit” caught my eye, so I tracked down the radio interview it cites. It’s from an appearance current 76er Lou Williams made yesterday on WMMR in Philadelphia, which you can find here (skip to the 1-hour, 53-minute mark). I transcribed the relevant portion: 昨日瀏覽RealGM時發現了一則標題聳動的頭條: "戰神聲稱汽車城非久留之地"。基於現今 媒體的程度以及加油添醋的無上功力,我秉持著真相只有一個的名偵探精神去收聽了此消 息來源的節目。這段談話來自於現役七六人隊球員Lou Williams在接受費城的WMMR's Preston & Steve電台的採訪,而我將其相關部分節錄如下: Host: Are you friends with him, are you friends with Allen? Lou Williams: Big brother. Host: Really, no kidding. How’s he doing? Lou Williams: He’s doing great, he’s doing great. Back’s a little messed up so he’s going through that, but he’s doing well. Host: Does he like Detroit? Lou Williams: I really haven’t asked him about that because I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to be there. My personal opinion, that’s my disclaimer, but, you know. 主持人: 聽說你和戰神是麻吉? Lou: 我一直都將他當成我的大哥看待。 主持人: 喔? 那他最近過的如何? Lou: 他過的很好阿。雖然背部的傷勢最近正困擾著他,但復原的狀況十分良好。 主持人: 他喜歡汽車城嗎? Lou: 這問題太敏感了,所以我一直都沒有問他,也沒這個必要。大哥的心情我能體會,他 根本不想待在那裡。這雖是我個人淺見,但我想也是很明顯的事實。理性討論,勿戰。 And … that’s it. It took less than 20 seconds in an long segment of a nearly two and a half hour show. He didn’t elaborate, he didn’t explain himself, they quickly moved to the next topic. Despite the fact that it’s picking up steam (MLive and Dime have already chimed in, and I’m sure others will follow) , there’s really nothing here. 整個長達兩個半小時的節目,關於這個話題也只談了不到20秒。Lou射後就不理了,他們很 快就轉移到了下一個話題。雖然這個傳聞最近是被炒的沸沸揚揚,鬧的滿城風雨,但單就 這次的談話內容,實在是沒什麼好評論的。 ============================================================================== 這是國外的熱心人士所提供的 看來全世界的媒體都一樣 捕風捉影 看到黑影就開槍的能力相差不遠 為了AI 害我公休期間還工作= = 他本人目前沒有發表任何聲明 希望他趕快養好傷 重返球場吧 ------------------------------------------ 加個顏色比較好看文@@ 順便把總版推文刪掉… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ymsya 來自: (03/14 18:27)

03/14 19:15, , 1F
去看醫生吧 Now1
03/14 19:15, 1F

03/14 19:33, , 2F
03/14 19:33, 2F

03/14 19:34, , 3F
03/14 19:34, 3F

03/14 19:49, , 4F
NOW1 拜~
03/14 19:49, 4F

03/14 20:01, , 5F
那誰又需要你呢 NOW1
03/14 20:01, 5F

03/14 20:20, , 6F
03/14 20:20, 6F

03/14 20:31, , 7F
03/14 20:31, 7F

03/14 21:51, , 8F
NOW1太幽默了 莊子的那套拿來用XDDDD
03/14 21:51, 8F

03/14 21:52, , 9F
03/14 21:52, 9F

03/14 22:22, , 10F
03/14 22:22, 10F

03/14 22:35, , 11F
03/14 22:35, 11F

03/14 23:31, , 12F
看到一樓被水桶 大家都會很開心~~~
03/14 23:31, 12F

03/15 01:09, , 13F
03/15 01:09, 13F

03/15 02:30, , 14F
哈哈哈 笑死><
03/15 02:30, 14F

03/15 04:07, , 15F
03/15 04:07, 15F
※ 編輯: ymsya 來自: (03/15 12:19)
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文章代碼(AID): #19kuLxIs (IVERSON)