[外電] AI持續缺陣

看板IVERSON作者 (n___n)時間16年前 (2009/03/19 11:46), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Allen Iverson remains out with sore back injury AI因背傷持續缺陣 source: http://0rz.tw/kvy7b It's looking more and more like the Detroit Pistons are going to enter the most important stretch of their season without the services of Allen Iverson. Iverson, whose sore back has caused him to miss the last 10 games which includes tonight's game against Houston, won't be returning to the court anytime soon. AI還不會那麼快回來。 Pistons coach Michael Curry said Iverson will undergo additional tests on Thursday and Friday at Georgetown University. AI這幾天在喬治城大學還會有更多的測試。 "After that, we'll see where he's at," Curry said. "檢驗測試之後,我們再來看看他的狀況怎麼樣。" MC說。 Iverson's absence presents a series of potential problems for Detroit. The longer it takes for him to gain clearance to resume practicing, the less time the Pistons will have to get him up to speed. 現在比較棘手的問題是,AI愈慢從傷勢中復元,球隊讓他恢復狀態及融合的時間就愈少。 And if Iverson can't return at a level as good or better than the one he was at prior to leaving with the injury, it may not be worth it to have him back on the active roster. 假使AI回來不能達到至少跟之前受傷前一樣的水準甚至更好的話,要他回來似乎就沒有 什麼必要跟價值了。 "It ain't my call," Curry said. "That's above my pay grade." MC被問到有關AI是否會缺席到球季結束,他說:"這不是我能決定的,我不知道啦,科科。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (03/19 12:10)

03/19 12:56, , 1F
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03/19 13:10, , 2F
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03/19 13:39, , 4F
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03/19 13:41, , 5F
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03/19 16:03, , 6F
被冷凍 @@
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03/20 01:13, , 11F
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03/20 19:17, , 12F
希望AI好好養傷 現階段養傷比上場重要太多
03/20 19:17, 12F

03/20 19:42, , 13F
沒錯!我還想多看AI幾年~~~沒有AI的NBA 好無聊
03/20 19:42, 13F
※ 編輯: unicotexalex 來自: (03/31 23:30)
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文章代碼(AID): #19mR_wap (IVERSON)