[轉錄][外電] AI:打第六人和背傷無關

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間16年前 (2009/03/25 09:30), 編輯推噓7(702)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: pennymarcus (De-troit Basketball) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] AI:打第六人和背傷無關 時間: Wed Mar 25 09:15:01 2009 http://tinyurl.com/caddrb Allen Iverson has played most of his career with a collection of bumps and bruises. AI大部分的生涯都是負傷上陣。 So when his back injury occurred around the same time as coach Michael Curry's decision to have him come off the bench, speculation centered that his extended absence coincided with perceived disappointment. 所以當他的背傷發生的時間和 MC決定要他從板凳出發時間重合時,很多人就猜他延長 缺賽時間來表達他的不滿。 "That's hilarious," Iverson said in an interview with Booth Newspapers on Sunday. "My health is the most important thing, that was the whole thing. I know people are going to say that. I've been a warrior my whole career and I pride myself on that. But it (the back injury), it is what it is." 「這實在太可笑了。」AI在星期日受訪時說到。「我的健康是最重要的事。我知道大 家會這麼說。我整個生涯都是個戰士,我也以此為傲。但背傷就是背傷。」 Iverson has been bothered by a sore back for quite some time. But he said it was not until he started to feel numbness in the back of his legs that he become nervous about it being a potential career-ending injury. AI 已經受背傷所困一段時間了。但他說直到他開始感受到腿後的麻木感,他才變得 緊張,怕這個傷會結束他的職業生涯。 "I've never been 100 percent my whole career," said Iverson, a 10-time All-Star. "It's just the fact that it is my back, and me having numbness in my legs and everything ... that was the whole thing." 「我整個生涯從未完全健康的上場過。」十度全明星的AI說。「只是我的背,我的腿 失去了感覺,就是這樣。」 As far as coming off the bench, Iverson said his injury and being a reserve are two separate issues. AI 說他的傷和成為板凳球員是兩件分開的事。 "(Coming off the bench) is something I have to deal with," Iverson said. "That's not going to be a problem. And I wouldn't cheat the game, I wouldn't cheat myself, my family and friends ... I wouldn't cheat all them because of a situation. It's just another obstacle in my life that I have to overcome." 「(打板凳)是我得面對的事。」AI 說。「這不會是個問題。我不會欺騙比賽。我 也不會欺騙我自己,我的家人和朋友。 我不會因為這樣的狀況欺騙所有人。這只是 我生活中另一個我得克服的阻礙。」 Iverson added: "I owe too much to myself. I owe too much to my fans, people that care about me and love me and want to see me play. And to my teammates. I owe so much to my teammates to go out there and perform." AI補充說到:「我欠我自己太多了。我對我的球迷,在乎我,愛我,希望看我打球的人 都虧欠太多了。還有我的隊友。我也欠我的隊友太多了,我該上場表現的。」 In terms of when he will return, Iverson is not sure, but he hopes it will be soon. 至於他什麼時候可以歸隊,AI自己也不確定,但他希望愈快愈好。 "I'm looking at it like this," said Iverson, who said he still has pain in his back, "If I can feel good enough to go, then I am going to go." 「我是這麼看待的。」表示自己的背仍然疼痛的AI說。」如果我覺得狀況好到可以上場了 ,那我就會上場。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pennymarcus 來自: (03/25 09:16)

03/25 09:19,
03/25 09:19

03/25 09:20,
推! 祝AI早日康復
03/25 09:20

03/25 09:29,
推! 祝AI早日康復! 借轉AI版
03/25 09:29
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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※ 編輯: Paraguay 來自: (03/31 23:59)
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