[轉錄][外電] 法院宣判Iverson需賠償26萬

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: tc89 (StreetRock) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] 時間: Wed Mar 25 09:10:33 2009 Court says Allen Iverson must pay $260K over bar fight http://0rz.tw/uZdmL By NEDRA PICKLER ‧ Associated Press Writer ‧ March 24, 2009 WASHINGTON — Pistons star Allen Iverson must pay $260,000 for standing idly by and watching his bodyguard beat up another man in a 2005 bar fight, a federal appeals court ruled today. 聯邦上訴法院今天裁定,發生在2005年時的一場酒吧鬥毆中。 Iverson的保鏢動手打人,而他袖手旁觀未出面制止。 因此裁定他必須罰緩 $260,000。 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected the guard’s attempt to throw out the verdict decided by a jury in 2007. 在2007年,美國哥倫比亞區上訴巡迴法院駁回了保鑣企圖否決陪審團的裁定。 Bar patron Marlin Godfrey accused Iverson’s bodyguard, Jason Kane, of punching, kicking and hitting him with a bottle because he refused to vacate the VIP section at Washington club Eyebar to make way for the basketball star and his entourage. 酒吧的老闆Marlin Godfrey指控Iverson的保鏢,Jason Kane 不只灌他、踹他、還用酒瓶毆打他。 因為他拒絕空出Washington club Eyebar的VIP區塊給Iverson與他的隨行人員。 Godfrey suffered a concussion, a ruptured eardrum, a burst blood vessel in his eye, a torn rotator cuff, cuts and bruises, and emotional injuries. Godfrey因此有腦震盪、耳膜破裂、眼睛血管爆裂、肩袖遭撕裂、以及心靈上的創傷。 A three-judge appeals court panel wrote that Iverson stayed out of the fray in the back corner of the VIP area, standing on a couch or bench and observing. 在上訴法院中三名法官的裁決狀寫著, 當鬥毆發生時,Iverson回到角落的VIP區站在沙發或板凳上觀戰。 “The evidence in this case supported the jury’s finding that Kane attacked Godfrey in a fight that lasted several minutes, and that Iverson stood and watched without attempting to do anything to stop the beating,” the decision said.證據支持陪審團的結論,當Kane攻擊Godfrey持續了幾分鐘,但Iverson只是站在那觀 看,而沒有做出任何阻止這場鬥毆的企圖。裁定的結果這麼寫著。 Godfrey and another patron, David Anthony Kittrell, sued Iverson for $20 million, but the jury decided not to award punitive damages and only compensate Godfrey $10,000 for his medical bills and $250,000 for pain and suffering. The jury did not find either of the men liable for assaulting Kittrell. Godfrey與另一位合夥人,David Anthony Kittrell,向Iverson求償$20M,但陪審團決定 不判處額外的懲罰性賠償,僅酌量裁定賠償$10,000作為醫藥費的部份,以及$250,000作為 受害者承受痛苦的賠償。 而陪審團並沒有找到任何人可以證明Kittrell也遭襲擊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/25 09:20,
第三段好像有點怪怪的 或許可以說他拒絕空出VIP 區塊
03/25 09:20

03/25 09:21,
03/25 09:21

03/25 09:21,
好的,立刻來改 感謝penny姐
03/25 09:21

03/25 09:26,
辛苦原PO的外電!原PO可以考慮轉錄至AI版嗎 感恩!
03/25 09:26

03/25 09:27,
如果是巴拉圭大的話...可以喔 XD
03/25 09:27
※ 編輯: tc89 來自: (03/25 09:28)

03/25 09:30,
03/25 09:30

03/25 09:39,
03/25 09:39

03/25 11:03,
這種事 隨便啦 反正很多球員私生活都不怎正常~
03/25 11:03
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Paraguay 來自: (03/31 23:59)
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