[轉錄][外電] Iverson不想成為坐板凳的答案

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: tc89 (StreetRock) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] 時間: Thu Apr 2 16:34:20 2009 VINCE ELLIS | INSIDE THE PISTONS http://0rz.tw/h0RRL Iverson doesn't want to be The Answer from the bench I v e r s o n 不 想 成 為 板 凳 的 答 案 By VINCE ELLIS ‧ FREE PRESS SPORTS WRITER ‧ April 2, 2009 ( 前幾段訪問Iverson的內容與前幾篇大同小異,略 ) 「 Who exactly should be sitting on the bench instead of him? 」 聽完了Iverson的牢騷,那到底誰該取代他坐回去板凳呢? Let's go through the candidates. 咱們來看一下有哪些候選人 First, there's Rip Hamilton. 首先,來談談Hamilton Iverson may be borrowing a page from Hamilton's playbook. Hamilton complained earlier this season about coming off the bench. But there's one huge difference. The Pistons were in the throes of an eight-game losing streak. Iverson是可能會借走Hamilton的一些上場時間。 Hamilton早先在本球季曾抱怨過他打板凳時,球隊效率不佳。 但兩者有個很大的不同,當時活塞正處於8連敗。 Not counting the games he missed with a sore left groin, the Pistons are 8-4 since Hamilton spoke out, and Rip has been the catalyst. 扣掉因鼠蹊部酸痛所缺陣的比賽,自從Hamilton跳出來說話後活塞的戰績是8勝4敗 而且他顯然成為比賽中不可或缺的催化劑。 How about Will Bynum?Bynum 呢? Iverson may be a first-ballot Hall of Famer while Bynum is a basketball journeyman with stops in the NBA Development League and Israel; but frankly, in terms of blending in with the team, Bynum was a revelation while Iverson was out with a sore back for more than a month. He has earned his playing time. Iverson也許是第一輪投票就會進入名人堂的球員,而Bynum還只是個菜鳥。 但坦白說 BynumIverson因背部酸痛的缺陣期間,展現了他令人大吃一驚的實力。 他為他自己贏得了那些上場時間。 Rodney Stuckey has been very inconsistent lately. So with 3:12 left in the game and the Cavs leading, 72-69, no eyebrows would have been raised if coach Michael Curry had left Iverson in the game instead of rolling with Stuckey. Stuckey最近的表現非常不穩。 所以當上一場對騎士的比賽剩下3:12秒, 如果Curry決定留Iverson在場上取代Stuckey,沒有人會感到意外。 But the Pistons are committed to Stuckey learning the ways of playing point guard. In fact, you can make a case that the Pistons have lost several games this season down the stretch while going through Stuckey's growing pains. 但活塞在Stuckey的PG成長之路灌溉了滿滿的愛。 事實上,你可以推得一個充分的理由: 為了讓Stuckey熬過成長之路的痛楚,活塞已經在本季輸了幾場比賽。 But can you blame the Pistons? Who is more likely to be here as the team transitions to another era: Stuckey or Iverson? 但你可以因此責怪活塞嗎? 活塞正在進行世代交替的陣痛期,誰更應該上場:Stuckey還是Iverson? It's understandable that a competitor like Iverson would balk at coming off the bench. He is still supremely confident in his abilities, although he is slow to realize that his once-formidable skills have started to erode. 板凳出發的Iverson會感到挫折是可以理解的。 他對於自身能力仍相當具有自信,即使他也慢慢了解到他曾令人畏懼的功夫亦日漸衰退。 So the next time somebody asks him about his back, maybe he should fight the urge to criticize his role on this team. 所以當下次有人問及他背部的傷勢時, maybe he should fight the urge to criticize his role on this team. -- 最後一段煩請各位幫忙翻譯。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 16:47,
04/02 16:47

04/02 16:50,
04/02 16:50

04/02 17:01,
google了一下: fight the urge to do something
04/02 17:01

04/02 17:02,
04/02 17:02

04/02 17:06,
所以如果翻作: 克制自己想批評球隊中角色定位的衝動 可以嗎?
04/02 17:06

04/02 17:33,
04/02 17:33

04/02 17:34,
04/02 17:34
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #19r8Qaqg (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #19r8Qaqg (IVERSON)