[外電] Wade comments on playing with LeBron …

看板IVERSON作者 (^^")時間15年前 (2009/07/11 11:38), 編輯推噓4(400)
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Source: http://tinyurl.com/nlkvnr Wade comments on playing with LeBron, Iverson, Heat's future 09:35 AM07.10 Posted By: Andrew Perloff Dwyane Wade joined the show to discuss his offseason and some of the moves around the NBA ... -- Wade said he would definitely be interested in adding Allen Iverson to the Heat. "To hear Iverson say that he wouldn't mind being here is great because he's one of the best scorers," Wade said. "I say that he's one of the best offensive talents to ever put on a jersey. So you can never frown your nose up or your eyebrows up to that because he's a plus to any team, especially that runs the style of offense that he likes -- that's to clear things out and open the court up some." 以下省略 **************************************************************************** http://sports.qq.com/a/20090711/000163.htm 陸聞翻譯! 此前Wade曾經公開表示過熱火並不排斥Allen Iverson加盟,而後者也在幾天前向熱火公 開示好。現在Wade對此依然持有樂觀的態度。“聽說Iverson說願意加盟熱火打球,這真 的是太好了。”Wade表示,“Iverson是一個偉大的得分手,在我看來,他就是最偉大的 進攻天才之一,所以對於Iverson的加盟你不可能感到厭煩。要知道,特別是對於那些以 進攻為的球隊而言,Iverson絕對會是一個很好的戰力補充,他可以讓球場的空間變得更 加廣闊,讓球隊的進攻變得更加流暢。” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Scott91 來自: (07/11 11:39)

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