[轉錄][外絮] Camby:Bravo!!!

看板IVERSON作者 (喀啦喀啃特)時間15年前 (2009/07/14 15:32), 編輯推噓5(504)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: DontHouLan (別唬爛!!!) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Camby:Bravo!!! 時間: Tue Jul 14 15:28:29 2009 Marcus Camby Would Welcome Allen Iverson to the Clippers Marcus Camby couldn't offer any insight to Monday's surprising rumor that the Clippers were in "serious talks" with Allen Iverson, but he did admit that he'd be happy to see the Clippers sign his former teammates. Camby and Iverson spent a year and a half together with the Nuggets. Camby聽到AI可能加盟快艇,他感到很開心,因為他們曾經在金塊一起打球. "Anytime you can add a future Hall of Famer on your team, it can only help," Camby said. "I still feel there's a lot left in his tank, despite everything that transpired with him last season in Detroit. "自己球隊來了一名準名人堂的球員,你能不開心嗎?"Camby說. "我覺得他還是火力十足,忘了上季他在活塞不愉快的事情吧."Camby又說. "I know he's looking forward to bouncing back and resurrecting his career. ... Any team that he goes to, I think that team might have a chance to be a whole lot better because of the type of player and competitor that he is." "我知道他想重新振作,恢復雄風,我相信我們球隊可以讓他變得更好"Camby說. http://0rz.tw/XIzbA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DontHouLan 來自: (07/14 15:29)

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-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/14 15:34, , 1F
07/14 15:34, 1F

07/14 15:39, , 2F
07/14 15:39, 2F

07/14 15:51, , 3F
07/14 15:51, 3F

07/14 16:00, , 4F
從金塊出來的就是不一樣!!!! 推勉族~~
07/14 16:00, 4F

07/14 16:09, , 5F
BD可以走了 (認真的)
07/14 16:09, 5F

07/14 16:11, , 6F
樓上說好的簽名檔呢? 沒必要趕人走吧= = 等等酸民又...
07/14 16:11, 6F

07/14 16:21, , 7F
07/14 16:21, 7F

07/14 16:59, , 8F
camby和AI一直是好朋友喔 同梯嘛
07/14 16:59, 8F

07/14 18:03, , 9F
camby不錯 但對小弟而言 防守不錯 進攻搭配部分反而....=.=
07/14 18:03, 9F
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