[外電] Allen Iverson's Agent: Thunder, Rock …

看板IVERSON作者 (熊吉)時間15年前 (2009/08/09 16:26), 編輯推噓19(1905)
留言24則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Allen Iverson's Agent: Thunder, Rockets and Pacers Interested. Source: http://tinyurl.com/nqmfu9 As I was buying coffee this morning from Starbucks I heard a man talking about Allen Iverson. He was talking to another man about a possible destination for Iverson. 當我在買咖啡時,我聽到有人正探討AI可能去的地方。 He said the Rockets, Pacers and Oklahoma Thunder have all contacted him about Allen Iverson. 那個人說火箭,溜馬,和雷霆都有與AI聯絡。 He said the Pacers and Thunder were offering around $5.85 million for a one-year contract.The Rockets were also offering $5 million for a season. 他說溜馬和雷霆提出一年585萬美金的合約。而火箭提供一季500萬美金的合約。 The man said he spoke with the Sixers and they were not quite on the same page, but said if they changed their mind they would be open to discuss this anytime down the road. 這人說AI有與七六人討論過合約的事,但他們認為他們與AI達不成共識,如果 他們改變心態的話,也許就有討論的空間。 Rose said he talked to Larry Bird and Bird said he would love to see Iverson team with Danny Granger and thought that Granger could benefit from Iverson and understands Iverson still has the abilities he had from when he was in Philadelphia and Denver. He said he thinks Granger and Iverson can easily be the highest scoring duo in the league. AI的經紀人Rose與Bird談,而Bird說他很喜歡看到AI與Granger的隊伍,而且Grange可以 從AI那中學習到東西並了解AI仍然是相當有實力的。Bird認為Granger和AI可以很輕易的 在聯盟中得高分。 Bird also thinks Iverson can still tickets. Bird 也認為AI仍是吸引球迷觀看球賽的焦點。 I went over to this man and asked him who he was. It turned out he was Iverson's agent Leon Rose. I started asking him questions about what I heard them talking about and he said he can not talk with me about those. But he answered one question. When I aked if Iverson was going to Greece Rose responded saying, "No way". 當我問到AI是否會到歐洲打球的事,而Rose 很堅決的說"不可能" I went to go get my coffee and by the time I was back Rose and the other man with him had left. It seemed to me they did not want this news to leak out which is probably the reason they were talking so quietly. 很確定的是Rose 和其他人並不想洩露秘密有關於去歐洲的事。 I just could not resist and had to write about it as soon as I got home from work. This news would probably leak soon anyways. But seems to me that Iverson is heading to one those three teams because they are all probably going to let him start and are offering the money he wants for a year. 對我來說 AI將要前往那三個球隊,因為他們可能都會讓AI有機會重新開始,並提供AI一 年中想要的薪資。 To me the best fit would be in Oklahoma because Iverson and Durant could put the Thunder in seventh or eighth seed because of their high-scoring. 就我的觀點而言AI比較適合雷霆因為AI和Durant可使雷霆隊進入第七或第八種子,因為 他們兩人都有相當高的得分能力。 I do not like the idea of Iverson and McGrady joining forces because both are coming out with a chip on their shoulder next year and would clash at one point because they both want to be the guy to prove they are still one of the elite players in the league. 而我不喜歡看到AI和Mcgrady同一隊,因為他們兩都想要當球隊的支柱來證明自己的領導 能力,也想證明自己是聯盟中的菁英。 The Pacers could also be another great fit and Iverson and Granger along with Troy Murphy can easily lead this team into the playoffs if they work together. 而溜馬也許對AI來說也是很適合的去處,AI,Granger,和Murphy可以很輕易帶領球隊打 入季後賽,如果他們能夠合作的話。 Well there you have it. Be free to comment below on what you think about this. 就這作者而言,他認為AI較適合的地方是雷霆 > 溜馬 > 火箭 -- ○○○○○ □□□ ⊙⊙ ◎◎ ☆ ☆ ○ □ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆☆ ○ □□□ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆ ○ □ ⊙ ⊙ ◎ ◎ ☆ ○ □□□ ⊙⊙ ◎◎ ☆ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/09 17:00, , 1F
假如他去溜馬 他就會來台灣耶!!!
08/09 17:00, 1F

08/09 17:03, , 2F
08/09 17:03, 2F

08/09 17:26, , 3F
08/09 17:26, 3F

08/09 17:41, , 4F
沒有時期那邊 應該是沒有共識 沒有共同的想法 看法
08/09 17:41, 4F

08/09 17:41, , 5F
08/09 17:41, 5F
※ 編輯: teddy8989 來自: (08/09 17:45)

08/09 17:46, , 6F
08/09 17:46, 6F

08/09 18:03, , 7F
08/09 18:03, 7F

08/09 18:37, , 8F
08/09 18:37, 8F

08/09 19:06, , 9F
08/09 19:06, 9F

08/09 19:10, , 10F
08/09 19:10, 10F

08/09 19:39, , 11F
溜馬吧 來台灣 那不就要買黃牛票了 不過八字都沒一撇
08/09 19:39, 11F

08/09 20:02, , 12F
08/09 20:02, 12F

08/09 20:38, , 13F
XD~ 推~
08/09 20:38, 13F

08/09 22:04, , 14F
08/09 22:04, 14F

08/10 00:54, , 15F
08/10 00:54, 15F

08/10 01:32, , 16F
不要雷霆 其他兩隊沒意見@@
08/10 01:32, 16F

08/10 07:29, , 17F
08/10 07:29, 17F

08/10 11:27, , 18F
08/10 11:27, 18F

08/10 13:22, , 19F
火箭.... 為什麼不是在姚明健康的時候阿
08/10 13:22, 19F

08/10 14:07, , 20F
08/10 14:07, 20F

08/10 16:41, , 21F
借轉火箭版 謝謝
08/10 16:41, 21F

08/10 20:13, , 22F
我只希望能趕快有明確的消息 話說某人在總板很威喔XD
08/10 20:13, 22F

08/10 20:50, , 23F
08/10 20:50, 23F

08/11 01:43, , 24F
火箭 是的話樂觀其成
08/11 01:43, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1AVeWeBq (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #1AVeWeBq (IVERSON)