[外電] Iverson could be beat out in Miami b …

看板IVERSON作者 (Liffey)時間15年前 (2009/08/10 21:56), 編輯推噓2(200)
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熱火隊一直在找能加入輪值的控球後衛,像是 Allen Iverson 及 Stephon Marbury 等, 但考量到新人 Patrick Beverley,這兩個老兵很可能不會是 Pat Riley 的最終人選。 Patrick Beverley 去年效力於烏克蘭的 BC Dnipro 繳出 48% 的投籃命中率及 16.7 的 場均得分,並在今年的第二輪被湖人隊選中,當時熱火就已經將他交易過來,如今這位新 人也許會讓一些自由球員市場中的大人物失業。 如果熱火確定用他,那熱火也將要面臨一個問題──缺乏富有經驗的控衛。 (Mario Chalmers, Chris Quinn, Patrick Beverley) The Miami Heat is looking for another point guard to add to its rotation and some of the names that have supposedly come up are Allen Iverson and Stephon Marbury. But the two vets might not get the final call from Heat president Pat Riley because of rookie Patrick Beverley, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel. Beverley averaged 16.7 points per game on 48 percent shooting with a team in the Ukraine last year, BC Dnipro, and then was drafted in the second round this year by the Lakers. The Lakers and Heat made a trade on draft night in June and now Beverley may be keeping some of the free-agent list's biggest names unemployed. Though if that's the case, it would also leave the Heat with a very inexperienced trio of point guards: Mario Chalmers, Chris Quinn, and Beverley. Source: South Florida Sun Sentinel http://tinyurl.com/ldj86q -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Liffey 來自: (08/10 23:15) ※ 編輯: Liffey 來自: (08/10 23:16)

08/11 00:19, , 1F
AI:單挑阿! 誰怕誰!
08/11 00:19, 1F

08/11 15:08, , 2F
08/11 15:08, 2F