
看板J_Will作者 (heartnsoul)時間18年前 (2007/03/15 16:55), 編輯推噓26(2600)
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SKOLNICK: Once wise guy, Williams is key guy Published March 7, 2007 更成熟睿智的威爺, 是老伯隊中的關鍵人物 MIAMI – The Heat features so many veterans that a different player reaches a career milestone each day. Points, games, assists, blocks, all the customary categories. Jason Williams is nearing a significant milestone, too. "I tease these guys all the time, saying I haven't been fined for two years now," the point guard deadpanned after Tuesday's practice. "So it might be time." Williams grinned. 賣阿蜜熱浪隊的一大特色, 就是有為數驚人的老球皮們聚在一起, 不停的把他們日後可以拿來幹古的事蹟增加遞增, 比方說得分啦, 場次助攻蓋帽等等, 反正就是那些常見的數據啦, 但威爺, 也慢慢成為了功績顯赫骨灰軍團中的一份子. "我都跟那些人瑞哈拉說這兩年來我都馬隨便打而已~" 威爺在週二的練習後淡淡的吐出這一句, "但現在是時候認真打啦." 威爺自己講自己爽XD Yes, there remains some mischief in him. Yet in two seasons with his third NBA team, he has made an unforeseen transformation, from notorious bad guy to valuable wise guy. 沒錯, 這個瘋狂的仁兄有時還是難掩反骨本色. 但在近兩季以來, 他默默的轉變自己, 從一個別人口中慣稱難以駕馭的惡質球員, 搖身一變成為比萬事達卡還無價的睿智球星. Coaches once wanted to wring Williams' neck, for his reckless play and insubordinate attitude. Now, at 31, he's been a model Heat citizen and the offense's steady hand. As the hurting Heat hobbles and wobbles toward the playoffs, the wise guy is arguably the key guy. 教練也是曾經緊盯威爺, 擔心他瘋狂無厘頭的打法, 跟老大不屌的態度, 但如今, 31歲的威爺, 是熱火的鄉民表率, 提供熱火穩定可靠的薪柴, 當隊上的夥伴們受傷掛點, 戰績動盪不安, 搞不好連季後賽都葛屁的時候, 這小子要挺身而出, 擔任鑰匙人. Dwyane Wade is out for weeks, at best, removing the most dynamic penetrator. Jason Kapono is out a while, taking away the primary long-range threat. Williams, when healthy, can do a bit of both. 典韋掛點要好幾個禮拜後才有可能回來, 他最拿手的快速切入直搗黃龍的技能也就暫時沒得點了. 卡波諾的長距離飛行道具也暫時缺貨. 但只要咱們的威爺健在, 這兩項他都能夠彌補不少. He has missed 20 games because of a balky knee and strained abdomen, and his shooting percentages are down from his first Heat run. Still, his assist-to-turnover ratio is healthier, at 3.6-to-1, and his restraint is at a peak. 他前二十場因為買不到阿鈣所以膝蓋不夠軟Q的老毛病又犯, 加上腹肌的問題, 所以都負責穿西裝一旁耍帥. 剛回來打球沒多久, 籃子都不是很準. 不過助攻失誤比還是不賴啦, 有3.6比1了咧~ 上場時間也變多. In his 2001 book, Shaq Talks Back, Shaquille O'Neal fantasized about playing with "White Chocolate," the playmaking prodigy then setting Arco Arena alight: "We'd have people spitting up nachos. I would be throwing down the nastiest dunks of all time. We'd have the greatest highlights in NBA history." 俠姬回憶起2001年時, 當這傢伙在國王主場作威作福光芒四射的時候, 他就肖想過跟白色巧克力同隊打球的情景, "鹹酥雞一定要加辣的啦, 所以我們要有人負責在旁邊煽風點火, 而有這傢伙傳球我就可以一直亂用各種奇怪的體位強暴籃框, 做出全NBA史上最屌的高光出來." 俠姬說. Age and injury have melted some of their skills, but they still shared the ultimate highlight: a championship in Dallas last June. The celebration was the last time we saw Williams out of control. 歲月跟傷病是有點消蝕這些人瑞的球技, 但他們上一季還是在達拉斯拿了冠軍, 樂不可支的看起來威爺爽的不得了 Williams' first thought? "All the people saying I would never win a championship. And being able to shut those guys up." So he could be forgiven for running around the Dallas visiting locker room spraying bubbly, or running his mouth about his doubters: "I am not a cancer!" Once he won that title, and vindication, he could have been expected to revert to his less corrigible persona this season, but he hasn't. 那時威爺在想什麼咧? "大家都馬一直說我拿不到冠軍, 喵的我就讓他們閉嘴." 當然, 在小牛主場休息室裡射在隊友身上是可以被容忍的, 向不信他的鄉民大叫"我不是敗球的~~~~"也很合情理, 但當鄉民們預測, 他拿了冠軍證明一切後,這一季有可能重拾他充滿個人特色的無厘頭風格 (或許用手肘反射投個三分球), 但他沒有. After all, he apologizes for nothing. The expulsion from Florida. A suspension for marijuana usage in Sacramento. Clashes with Memphis Grizzlies coach Mike Fratello. Fines, time after time, including a couple for confrontations with hecklers. "I wouldn't take anything back that I did, getting in trouble or anything like that, I wouldn't change anything if I had to do it all over again," Williams said. 自始自終這小子對於他的一些所謂惡行, 從來不屑低頭認錯, 比方說被佛大開除啦, 在國王隊的時候呼麻開飯搞到禁賽, 還有跟灰熊教練佛鐵羅答嘴鼓等等, 這一切讓他被用放大鏡檢視 and 頸子上的項圈還要加鏈條. "我以前幹過什麼或惹過什麼麻煩, 我都不後悔." "若時光倒流再給我一次機會, 我全都要照幹不誤." 威爺很邱的說著. All the same? "All of it," Williams said. "All of it. Because I think I learned from all that. Yeah, I made little mistakes, and probably some of them were stupid mistakes, but I probably wouldn't have gotten to where I got without doing them." He got here. That, he says, got him focused. 全都照幹不誤喔? "全部" 威爺說, 因為就是那些率性的過去, 才讓他有所成長, "ㄟ啦~ 是有幹過一些蠢事啦, 犯了一點錯." 可是如果沒有這些過往, 我今天就不會這麼帥了~ 如今有了過往的經驗, 他心裡更清楚他要什麼. The difference? "The caliber of players that they have here," he said. "It's more serious about winning championships, as opposed to back then just about winning games. ... Coming down here, I changed the way I play. I had no choice, you know. Just the way things are run down here." "差在哪裡阿?" 記者反問. "現在我的隊友水平確實不是同一個檔次' 威爺學政皓說, "而且這些老球皮每一個都是嚴重的冠軍控" 不像以前只是想要贏球而已...來這裡, 我打法都要略做調整, 你知道的啦, 沒得選擇, 這裡的打法就是這樣. It is a transition to play so infrequently in transition, with Pat Riley putting up the stop sign as he crosses halfcourt. "It is, it is," Williams said. "Because I am so used to, I just want to get it and go. I think that's the easiest way. But most of the time, it's not now, with our guys being hurt." 現在高速推進的快攻反擊已經不常見了, 因為當威爺把球快速運過半場時, 都會喵到教練手上拿著酒瓶跟板手. "襪災襪災啦~" 威爺說, "因為我以前都是那樣幹嘛~ 球來就先衝再說" 我覺得這是最簡單的打法, 但現在不是了, 我得顧及我們的隊友. That's a lesson learned. Williams is teaching others to his son Jaxson, 5. "I try to get him dribbling when he's looking at me, but he says it's too hard," he said. What about the trick stuff? "Maybe," Williams said. "But after he learns the basic things." As Jaxon's old man has learned, basic can be beautiful. 這就是事情的經過, 威爺現在也開始望子成龍了, 教他五歲的小朋友Jaxson, "我把他抓來練運球~" 但他抱怨說老爸教的也未免太難了~ 威爺說. "你是要教他手肘一顆星助攻哦?" 記者問@_@ "不一定阿, 但至少他現在會一些基本的了." 這就是Jaxson他老爸威爺現在所體會出的新奧義, 簡單, 也可以很帥氣. 原文出處:http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/basketball/heat/sfl-spskolnick07.1mar07,0,7046022.column?page=2&coll=sfla-sports-heat -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 17:13, , 1F
翻譯的夠機車 推一個
03/15 17:13, 1F

03/15 17:26, , 2F
03/15 17:26, 2F

03/15 17:30, , 3F
鹽酥雞一定要加辣的啦!!! 大推!!!! XDDD
03/15 17:30, 3F

03/15 18:31, , 4F
推翻譯夠機車 XD
03/15 18:31, 4F

03/15 18:33, , 5F
推翻譯 XD
03/15 18:33, 5F

03/15 18:54, , 6F
超好笑的啦 XD
03/15 18:54, 6F

03/15 19:11, , 7F
03/15 19:11, 7F

03/15 19:49, , 8F
03/15 19:49, 8F

03/15 22:43, , 9F
03/15 22:43, 9F

03/16 00:18, , 10F
03/16 00:18, 10F

03/16 01:07, , 11F
03/16 01:07, 11F

03/16 02:03, , 12F
屌!! 很好笑的翻譯
03/16 02:03, 12F

03/16 13:20, , 13F
03/16 13:20, 13F

03/16 15:44, , 14F
03/16 15:44, 14F

03/17 03:43, , 15F
大推這篇翻譯阿XD 生動有趣
03/17 03:43, 15F

03/18 15:05, , 16F
推翻譯 真的很有趣XD
03/18 15:05, 16F

03/19 21:01, , 17F
03/19 21:01, 17F

03/20 16:55, , 18F
03/20 16:55, 18F

03/20 21:40, , 19F
這翻譯讓我重看了原文一遍 太好笑了
03/20 21:40, 19F

03/21 08:32, , 20F
翻譯的真好 推一個 XD
03/21 08:32, 20F

03/22 18:46, , 21F
03/22 18:46, 21F

03/23 16:38, , 22F
03/23 16:38, 22F

03/23 19:30, , 23F
03/23 19:30, 23F

03/24 00:59, , 24F
03/24 00:59, 24F

04/27 18:45, , 25F
哈哈 好笑啊 威爺加上大大翻譯 鄉民都給200分~
04/27 18:45, 25F

04/29 01:28, , 26F
04/29 01:28, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #15-GdgLK (J_Will)
文章代碼(AID): #15-GdgLK (J_Will)