[外電] 費舍爾將披小牛6號球衣,因為2號不能用

看板JasonKidd作者 (隨遇而安)時間11年前 (2012/12/01 20:39), 編輯推噓5(502)
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Well, it appears that at least one higher-up in the Mavericks’ organization is thinking sensibly when it comes to Jason Kidd’s legacy. New Maverick Derek Fisher wore jersey No. 2 during his years as a Laker. He wore No. 37 with Oklahoma City last season because No. 2 already was owned by Thabo Sefolosha. 費舍爾在湖人的時候身披2號球衣,在雷霆則穿37號,因為2號球衣已經是索夫洛薩的了。 Fisher will wear No. 6 as a Maverick, however, even though jersey No. 2 currently is unoccupied. Jason Kidd wore that number the past five season. Owner Mark Cuban, upset that Kidd changed his mind this summer and signed with New York, went on record as saying he doubted he would ever retire Kidd’ s number here. 費舍爾將在小牛隊身披6號球衣,對此他表示非常理解。眾所周知,小牛隊的2號球衣曾 經屬於傑森-基德。 今夏他遠赴紐約,小牛老闆庫班也一直心存怨念,甚至說,對於基 德能否在小牛退役一事他表示懷疑。 “I was actually told that 2 was unavailable, which I can respect,” Fisher said Friday, following his first practice as a Maverick. “I think that guy was pretty good. He’s had a really, really good career. You can expect to probably see that one hanging somewhere, so that’s not available right now.” “實際上,我被告知2號球衣是不能使用的,我尊敬這樣的做法。”費舍爾說道,“我覺 得他非常棒,他有一個非常非常棒的職業生涯。 你可能會在某一天看到他的球衣懸掛在 球館上空,所以,現在這件球衣自然是不能用的了。” http://bbs.hupu.com/4694720.html -- ◥▊ ▊ ◣ [[ ]] ψsherry821224 ▊◢◤ ◥ ▎ ▎ = ▊◤ ▊ ◢▎ ◢▎ = = ▊◥◣ ▊ = #5 ` ▊ ◥▎ ▊ ◥ ◥ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (12/01 20:40)

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現在小牛的窘境 應該會很想念Kidd 控衛沒攻擊防守
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