[轉會] 與Barcelona交易:Arthur加入 Pjanic離隊

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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/ official-arthur-pjanic-agreements-with-fc-barcelona 縮址: https://tinyurl.com/ybq3eld8 OFFICIAL | ARTHUR & PJANIC, AGREEMENTS WITH FC BARCELONA 29 June 2020 Juventus Football Club S.p.A. announces that these agreements have been finalised with FC Barcelona: Juventus宣布已經與Barcelona達成以下協議: A definitive acquisition of the registration rights of the player Arthur Henrique Ramos De Oliveira Melo for a consideration of € 72 million payable in four financial years. The purchase value may increase of maximum € 10 million on achieving given conditions during the course of the contract. Juventus and the player have signed a 5-year contract of employment valid until 30 June 2025. 以歐元72M分四個財務年度支付的費用完全轉會購入球員Arthur,而此轉會費用可因 協議期間達成特定條件而最多再增加歐元10M。Juventus已經與球員簽署2025年06月 30日到期的5年合約。 A definitive disposal of the registration rights of the player Miralem Pjanic for a consideration of € 60 million payable in four financial years. The consideration may increase of further € 5 million on achieving given conditions during the course of the contract. The economic effect is positive for about € 41.8 million, net of solidarity contribution and auxiliary expenses. 以歐元60M分四個財務年度收取的費用完全轉會售出球員Pjanic,而此轉會費用可因 協議期間達成特定條件而增加歐元5M。此項操作扣除青訓補償與其他支出之後,對 財務面有約歐元41.8M的正面影響。 -- 交易是完成了,不過看起來兩人還是會踢完這個賽季的賽程才正式換隊? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1593532548.A.CD1.html
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