[轉會] De Sciglio on loan to Olympic Lyonnais

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(補上週的舊聞) 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/thanks-and-good-luck-mattia Thanks and good luck, Mattia! 05 October 2020 After three years, 62 appearances, three Scudetti, an Italian Cup and an Italian Super Cup won, it’s time to say goodbye to Mattia De Sciglio. 效力三年贏得三座義甲聯賽冠軍、一座義大利盃冠軍以及一座義大利超級盃冠軍之 後,如今與Mattia De Sciglio珍重道別。 The full-back, who arrived in the summer of 2017, will continue this season in the ranks of Ligue 1 side, Olympic Lyonnais, joining the club on loan. 這位2017年夏天來到球隊的邊後衛本賽季將以租借形式加入法甲球隊 Olympic Lyonnais。 In these three years, Mattia's commitment to the Juventus cause has never once been lacking in training, on the field of play, and also off the pitch. He displayed a continuous seriousness and willingness to fight for his team. 三年期間De Sciglio在訓練與比賽、場內與場外都兢兢業業完全投入,持續展現為 球隊拚戰的專注與企圖。 We thank De Sciglio for this time together, and, as such, we wish him good luck for his next adventure. 感謝De Scilgio的付出,祝福他在接下來的挑戰一帆風順。 Thanks Mattia! --- 官方YouTube: Mattia De Sciglio joins Lyon on a One-Year Loan | Grazie Mattia! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5yzzgwSSFg
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