[Boniperti] 傳奇Giampiero Boniperti過世

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(隊史傳奇Giampiero Boniperti曾說出許多名言,這些文章有提到一些,真的不是 很好翻成中文,建議參考英文,或是去找義大利原文...) 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/farewell-boniperti Farewell, Boniperti 18 June 2021 This is the news we never wanted to give you. 這是則我們不願見到的消息。 Today, 18 June 2021, we bid farewell to Giampiero Boniperti, who passed away in Turin at the age of 92. 今日,2021年06月18日,我們告別了Giampiero Boniperti,他在杜林過世,享耆壽 92。 This emotion we are all feeling right now will not prevent us from thinking fondly of him, for everything our President was and will always be in Juventus' life. 此刻我們深情緬懷Boniperti主席,他與Juventus永遠同在。 An indelible figure, who, as of today, is handed over to memory, despite being in the history books of football for some time. Because when you express a thought, and that thought becomes part of Club's DNA you have dedicated your life to, it means that your character has become its identity and way of being. Forever. Boniperti是一位永垂不朽的人物,今天起他活在我們的記憶中,儘管他早已在足球 界留名青史。當所傳達的想法成為了終身效力之隊伍的DNA一部分時,表示著這個人 物與這個性格,已經是這支隊伍的代名詞與核心價值,直到永遠。 AN IMMENSE LEGEND Giampiero Boniperti, was a champion who helped make Juventus fans forget the war: "with his kindness and the class he displayed in hand, and together with which he participated in giving back rays of hope for the future after the war", wrote Hurrà Juventus in 1966. Boniperti had a football curriculum that everyone knows of. Even children. Giampiero Boniperti是一位幫助Juventus球迷忘卻大戰烽火的冠軍球員。1996年的 Hurra Juventus雜誌寫道:「以他慈祥的個性與精湛的球技,以及他為戰後的未來 所照耀的光芒。」家喻戶曉地Boniperti用足球傳達教會了大家,包括兒童在內。 One day in the spring of 1946, at the age of 18, Boniperti left Barengo (where he was born in 1928) to go to Turin. He was a football pioneer, a romantic and carefree. 1946年春季的某一天,這位足球界先驅、18歲浪漫飄逸的Boniperti離開他於1928年 出生與成長的Barengo前往杜林。 "He was thrilled by the Bianconeri colours and wanted to become a Juventus player,” reported his first profile in the Bianconeri magazine. Almost a year later, at the beginning of March 1947, Boniperti made his First Team debut against Milan, in a campaign that Juve finished in second place behind an impregnable Torino. The following year, Vittorio Pozzo handed him the Azzurri jersey in Vienna against Austria, where he initially distinguished himself as a world-class right winger, then centrally alongside Muccinelli in the Rimet Cup (1950) – a position he took up also at Juve in the 1950s. Those were the years of the three names: Boniperti, Charles, Sivori. Three icons, with any other comment being superfluous. Boniperti在斑馬軍團雜誌的第一份報導寫道:「他對斑馬軍團的色彩感到激動,想 要成為一位Juventus球員。」而就在一年之後,1947年03月,Boniperti在對Milan 的比賽一軍首演,該賽季Juventus最終獲得第二名,僅次於五連冠王朝的Torino。 接下來的一年,義大利國家隊主帥Vittorio Pozzo在維也納對奧地利的比賽讓 Boniperti首次穿上國家隊藍衫,一開始他先以右邊鋒位置的世界級表現驚艷,之後 的1950世界盃他則與Ermes Muccinelli搭檔踢前鋒,這兩位也同時是1950年代 Juventus的鋒線組合。那是Giampiero Boniperti、John Charles、Omar Sivori這 三位傳奇球星獨領風騷的年代。 He scored a brace in the legendary Wembley match between England and the Rest of Europe (and the only Italian-based player alongside Nordahl, Vukas, Kubala, Zebec), Boniperti was a thoroughbred centre-forward with a powerful shot. Boniperti在Wembley球場舉行英格蘭對歐洲隊的傳奇比賽中破門雙響,他是該比賽 唯一的義大利球員,擔任中鋒重砲轟門。 (註: 這是1953年英格蘭足協90週年紀念友誼賽。可參考 https://www.englandstats.com/matches.php?mid=282 ) He became top scorer in Serie A in 1947/48, barely 20 years old, with 27 goals scored. It was the prelude to his first of five Scudetti in the black and white jersey. 年方20的Boniperti成為義甲聯賽1947/48賽季的頭號射手,射進27球,那是他穿著 黑白條紋衫豪奪義甲五連冠的序曲。 He was a very refined player, yet deadly. There was an agreement on everything between Boniperti and the ball. Once he confessed: "When I was younger, the goalmouth was always wide for me and the goals came in one after the other. I shot and it was a goal. As I became an adult as a player, therefore more complete, the goalmouth got narrower. Obviously, it depended on the fact that I wanted to score a powerful goal, with the ball that starts and cannot be seen anymore.” Boniperti是位非常優雅但致命的球員,宛如人球一體。Boniperti曾說:「年輕時 球門對我來說看起來總是很寬,進球一個一個來。成年成為球員更加成熟之後,球 門就變窄了,顯然這是因為我就是想勁射入網,來顆只來得及看見射門卻來不及看 清是怎麼進的得分。」 He preferred to be the inspirer and regulator of the game, the basic element, the pivot of a whole device, the lever that set the mechanism in motion. He freed the game from personal matters. And so it would also be in the future, when he returned to Juventus as manager. Boniperti喜歡擔任比賽的啟發者與調節者、擔任球隊不可或缺的一環、擔任這整個 裝置的樞紐、擔任讓機器動起來的槓桿。他讓比賽從個人昇華為團隊,並且在卸下 球員身分之後回到Juventus擔任管理階層時亦然。 He wrapped up his career in 1961, as an Italian Champion, with 179 goals. He was 33, and he hung up his boots with a simple ceremony: "Guys, I'll stop." The inflexible temperament of an extroverted gentleman on the pitch. Boniperti在1961年以義大利冠軍的身分掛靴退休,33歲的他在Juventus累積179顆 進球,這位球場上開朗外向的紳士在他相當簡潔的退休儀式展現樸拙的一面:「大 夥們,我退了。」 PRESIDENT OF A EUROPEAN JUVE In July 1971, a second Boniperti era began for Juve: after that as a player, he commenced a new era, with him at the helm of the club, this time as President. B for Boniperti, B for big. With him at the helm, Juve became a world renowned great in Europe and globally. Scudetti were won, yes, but above all, so were the Continental and Intercontinental Cups. In total, 16 pieces of silverware were raised aloft to make Juve the only team to have won all UEFA competitions. 1971年07月,Boniperti再次效力Juventus的時代開始了,從球員身分退休之後他再 創新猷,這次是擔任球隊的主席。B代表Boniperti、B代表宏偉盛大(big)。 Boniperti主政的Juventus在歐洲與全世界登上巔峰,不只贏得多座義甲聯賽冠軍, 更重要的是還贏得歐洲與洲際冠軍。期間舉起16座獎盃的Juventus成為贏得所有歐 足聯賽會的唯一大滿貫。 A smiling, prudent and reserved manager, he was “the creator of a collective on and off the field, made up of professionalism, without divas. It was a Juve of hard work and sacrifice,” described Hurrà Juventus. Juve’s simplicity was made in the likeness of its President. A Juve that didn't just mean youth, but became once and for all synonymous with victory. 他是一位慈祥、謹慎、內斂的管理者。Hurra Juventus雜誌寫道:「專業、不倚靠 特定球員、場內外兼顧的創造者,那是一支犧牲小我勤奮不懈的Juve。」Juventus 的樸實無華是以Boniperti主席的氣質所打造,Juve不只是字面上的青春煥發,也 永恆地成為勝利的同義詞。 (註: 這裡應該是取juvenile在拉丁文為youthful意思的雙關。) In recent years, he has always been close to his Lady. Perhaps the most touching moment of the Stadium’s inauguration was precisely when, on September 8, 2011, he headed towards a bench in the center of the field, alongside another Juventus legend, Del Piero, the only player who was able to score more than him. 最近這幾年Boniperti也從未離開他的老婦人。2011年09月08日球場啟用典禮中最為 感人的一幕,大概就是Boniperti走向球場中央的一張長凳,與唯一超越他進球紀錄 的另一位Juventus傳奇Alessandro Del Piero一同。 (註: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh2OxPxYhZw
) On that occasion, he chose to tell us about his first meeting with Juventus. Excited himself, he excited us all. 在那一刻,Boniperti談起他與Juventus的初次相遇,讓他感到激動,也振奮了我們 所有人。 "My life at Juventus", he said. “Began on June 4, 1946, and after 65 years I am here to hug you all, send you my best wishes and bring back to the players the phrase written on a banner a short time ago. Winning is not important, but it is the only thing that matters.” Boniperti說:「我的Juventus人生開始於1946年06月04日,65年後我仍在這裡擁抱 各位,祝福大家,並且提醒各位隊員:『Winning is not important, but it is the only thing that matters.』」 From up there, now, there is another star in the black and white firmament that shines: it is that of Giampiero Boniperti, one of who gave the most to Juventus. 現在,在黑白交替的天空中又有一顆明星閃耀:Giampiero Boniperti,為Juventus 付出最多的人之一。 Thanks for everything. Rest in peace, Presidentissimo. 感謝您所做的一切。願安息,主席。 --- 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/ boniperti-the-player-an-extraordinary-career 縮址: https://tinyurl.com/7x7zna3f Boniperti: an extraordinary career on the pitch 18 June 2021 For 15 years, from 1946 to 1961, Giampero Boniperti represented Juventus on the pitch, for a total of 459 games, a feat that hadn't been previously managed by anyone ever before. “One match would have been enough to be happy forever, I'm sure of that. It went even better." A fantastic story, absolutely unique. Boniperti was born on 22nd May 1946, and when he trialled with the Juventus reserve team and scored 7 goals at Fossano, the club wasted no time and made him sign the contract in the underpass that led to the changing rooms! 從1946到1961的15年間,Giampiero Boniperti代表Juventus上陣共459場,是前無 古人的壯舉。「我確信只要一場比賽就足以讓我永遠歡喜,能踢這麼多場真是太好 了。」這是個美麗奇妙且絕無僅有的故事。Boniperti出生於1946年05月22日,當他 在Juventus預備隊試訓對Fossano踢進7球,球隊沒有等待任何時間,就讓Boniperti 在通往更衣室的通道簽署了合約! https://i.imgur.com/YRzzblF.jpeg
THE YOUNG CHAMPION At the age of 18, Boniperti made his league debut, and in his second match, which was a trip to Genoa against Sampdoria, he already scored a brace. In the first tournament of his "apprenticeship" and by playing great football, he scores five goals in just six games. The future is already there in this explosive start, which he certifies in the following year by conquering the top scorer charts. Then, in 1950, with the Danish double-act of John Hansen and Carl Aage Praest, he forms an extraordinary attacking trio. Juventus scores 100 goals en route to winning the Scudetto. For Giampiero, (in the photo you can even see the famous Black and White stripes under his shirt) it is the first great satisfaction in his career, which will be followed by his second Scudetto two years later. 18歲的Boniperti在職業聯賽首次出場,第二場比賽作客熱那亞對Sampdoria時他就 單場進了兩球,在應該要像是個小學徒的這個賽季,表現精采的Boniperti僅僅6次 出場就進了5球。這個爆炸性的開端昭示了未來,接下來的一年他就征服了進球榜得 以證明。1950年,與兩位丹麥人John Hansen與Carl Aage Praest一同,他們組成了 非凡的鋒線三重奏,Juventus在奪得義甲聯賽冠軍的過程中進了100球。對於 Boniperti來說,這是他職業生涯首次如願奪冠,而2年後他還將贏得他的第二座義 甲聯賽冠軍。 https://i.imgur.com/Z8lQgRy.jpeg
ONLY JUVE In what becomes a recurring theme, Juventus is called upon to say "no" to the many clubs that court Boniperti, rightly considering him the best Italian player of his time. "I have had so many offers: Inter, Milan, Rome, the Great Torino", he said, with the pride of someone who has worn only one shirt in his career. In this photo we see him unusually facing an opponent in black and white, whilst he wears a green uniform bordered with black and white with the Italian tricolour. Juventus不斷地對許多追求Boniperti的球隊說不,清楚地認知Boniperti就是當代 最佳的義大利球員。「我曾收到許多邀請:Inter、Milan、Rome,以及那支偉大的 Torino。」Boniperti帶著從一而終只效力一支隊伍的自豪說道。在這張照面中我 們不尋常地看見他與穿著黑白條紋衫的對手為敵,那時他穿著的是綠色底中間黑白 橫紋的義大利三色球衣。 https://i.imgur.com/MsMFwdu.jpeg
THE ITALIAN OF EUROPE One of his greatest achievements as a player was obtained on 21st October 1953. Giampiero Boniperti, here in the blue jersey, is the only Italian called up for the Rest of Europe to face England. The skill of the Juventus player enchants everyone, as the match ends 4-4 and Boniperti scores two goals. When asked what it would take to strengthen his team, England coach Walter Winterbottom replies without hesitation: "11 Boniperti". Boniperti作為球員最偉大的成就之一是在1953年10月21日獲得的,穿著藍衫的 Boniperti是唯一作為歐洲隊受邀參加英格蘭紀念友誼賽的義大利球員,而這位 Juventus球員的技巧讓所有人著迷,4-4手的這場比賽中Boniperti梅開二度,而當 被問到若要讓英格蘭隊更上一層樓還需什麼時,英格蘭隊教練Walter Winterbottom 毫不猶豫地回答:「11位Boniperti。」 https://i.imgur.com/B8nkuMW.jpeg
NUMBER 9 The centre-forward is the role in which he has played in the most. Boniperti, as a number 9, seeks the most direct way to reach the goal. There are no exaggerations in his repertoire, there is concreteness and efficiency. An essentiality, translated by him into a formula that enforces using instinct when it comes to the most important aspect: "The best shots succeed when you don't think about it, or when you make a mistake, but the ball still goes into the net." 居中前鋒是Boniperti最常踢的位置,作為9號球員他尋求達成目標的最直接方法, 沒有鋪張誇大,只是實用有效,而他本人則將這個體現在最關鍵一瞬間必須依靠本 能反應的這個本質以言語表達:「最佳的射門是毋須刻意而為的,或者是就算失誤 但仍能進網。」 https://i.imgur.com/fTrVUkP.jpeg
THE PLAYMAKER "Boniperti shot quickly and hit the ball with both feet": this is one of the descriptions from journalist, Gianni Brera, that emphasises some of the characteristics that will be very important for the last part of his career. When Giampiero dropped back further from goal, he covered more areas of the pitch and helped create the goals of John Charles and Omar Sivori. Work that the great Omar defined perfectly: "Boniperti is a playmaker with very clear ideas, he directs the traffic." 「Boniperti射門飛快且雙腳都行。」這是記者Gianni Brera的描述之一,點出他在 球員生涯後期非常重要的特性。當Boniperti後撤遠離球門,他負擔了更大的範圍, 並且協助創造John Charles與Omar Sivori的進球,偉大的Omar Sivori這樣描述: 「Boniperti是一位有著明確想法的組織者,他指引著方向。」 https://i.imgur.com/vZF7jzU.jpeg
THE STAR Giampiero Boniperti with one of the most legendary uniforms in the history of Juventus, the one that celebrates the victory of the 10th Scudetto, the first to host a star. The 1957-58 championship, which saw the Old Lady triumph, is framed by his first and last goals of Juventus' perfect season. This opens up a new cycle of great successes to come. Boniperti穿上Juventus隊史最傳奇球衣之一,那是件首度能繡上一顆星以慶祝10座 義甲聯賽冠軍的球衣,1957-58賽季老婦人冠軍的第一顆與最後一顆進球都是由 Boniperti射進,開啟了偉大成功的新王朝。 https://i.imgur.com/ZoHSMY8.jpeg
THE WINNER Giampiero Boniperti, here, receiving the Coppa Italia with President Umberto Agnelli, retires from football in 1961. His career ends in the midst of a period of triumphs, with three Serie A titles and two Coppa Italias in four years. It would go on to be no coincidence that to return to an era of continuous victories it will be necessary to call on his managerial skills as a director, when everything he learnt in many years as a leading man on the pitch will be applied in a different method. 這張照片是Boniperti在1961也是他退休的那一年與主席Umberto Agnelli一同獲頒 義大利盃冠軍,他的球員生涯在輝煌時期結束,4年間贏得3座義甲聯賽與2座義大利 盃冠軍。球隊要重返榮耀再立王朝,就必須仰賴Boniperti作為董事的管理能力,所 有他所學會擔任球場上領導者的一切,都將以另一種方式發揮實現。 https://i.imgur.com/8ValTwo.jpeg
THE CAPTAIN Giampiero Boniperti is the captain: this is probably the most recurring and most popular image. More than the goals, more than the victories, more than his excellent technical play, as a player he was remembered for how he was able to represent Juventus. He did it with an enormous sense of responsibility and with the conviction of someone who truly loves the club: "I did my part without sacrifices, because I gave what I had inside." 隊長Boniperti,這大概是最常見也最受歡迎的印象。不僅是進球,不僅是贏球,不 僅是他絕佳的技巧所踢出的好球,作為球員的Boniperti因為能夠代表Juventus而被 銘記,這是Boniperti以重於泰山的責任感與真心熱愛球隊的信念所達成的:「心之 所向,身之所往。」 --- 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/a-champion-behind-the-desk A champion behind the desk 18 June 2021 It's impossible to think of one without referring to the other and vice versa: Giampiero Boniperti and Juventus are practically synonymous. And it is because of him a unique story took place; he became a manager first and then a President. "Juve is not only the team of my heart. It is my heart,” he once said. 提起Giampiero Boniperti就不能不想到Juventus,提到Juventus也一定會想起 Giampiero Boniperti,他們已經是同義詞了。正是因為Boniperti,才有這樣的故 事誕生。Boniperti首先成為了一位教練,然後是擔任球隊的主席。他曾說:「Juve 不只是我心中唯一的隊伍,她就是我的心。」 https://i.imgur.com/q7CI7Gq.jpeg
A YOUNG MANAGER It was said of him, that as a player, he behaved like a manager who knew how to do everything, and who was in love with football in every aspect. And as a manager - a position he assumed as soon as he hung up his boots - he never stopped thinking like a footballer, therefore, making him more able to understand the inner workings of the pitch. "Football is the possibility of overturning a prediction": it is not one of Boniperti's best-known phrases, but it is certainly what he learned in the 1960s when he began to have responsibilities, in a period where Juventus were winning regularly. As President, a position he undertook in 1971, he managed to bring the club to a continuity of successes that had never been seen before. 有人曾說,作為球員的Boniperti就已經像是位知曉一切的管理者,並且是全方位地 熱愛著足球。當他成為管理者,也就是正如他從球員身分掛靴退休時就認定的任務時 ,他總是像個足球員般思考,因此使他更能洞察球場上的內情。這並非Boniperti最 著名的名言:「足球就是推翻預測的可能性。」但這肯定是他從1960年代開始承擔起 責任所學到的,而這段期間Juventus是支常勝軍。Boniperti於1971年起擔任球隊的 主席,為球隊帶來前所未有的持續榮景。 https://i.imgur.com/ACbb35P.jpeg
GIAMPIERO, UMBERTO AND GIOVANNI Giampiero Boniperti was the man who embodied the Agnelli family's culture of renewal and did so for a very long time. In a shareholders meeting in 1956, Umberto said that the Club relied on him "for a real and effective attachment to the social colours and not only for professional reasons". And when Boniperti took charge later on, he was described as: "the ideal President, now he has more determination than when he played". Boniperti本人就是Agnelli家族長期以來在簽約方面之文化的體現。1956年在一場董 事會中,Umberto Agnelli說球隊依靠他「不僅是職業運動方面,也真切地包含社會 的影響力。」而之後當Boniperti接任管理階層時,就被描述為是「理想的主席,相 較於球員時代,如今他更加堅決。」 "I would not set a time limit to the presidency of Giampiero Boniperti": this was a sentence declared by Giovanni Agnelli in 1976, when the cycle inaugurated by the new Juve commenced. It went as brilliantly as l'Avvocato would have hoped, and under the "Bonipertian" management, Juventus became the first team in Europe to win all international competitions. 這是Giovanni Agnelli在1976年宣布的一句話:「我不會設定Boniperti的主席任期 。」當時Juve正開啟一段新的王朝,一如「律師」Giovanni Agnelli所期盼的那樣出 色,而在Boniperti的帶領下,Juventus成為歐洲第一支贏得所有國際賽會冠軍的隊 伍。 https://i.imgur.com/OE6lK77.jpeg
THE BONIPERTIAN PHILOSOPHY Giampiero Boniperti's philosophy was based on two pillars... Boniperti的帶隊哲學有兩柱根基: Roberto Bettega was the Turin soul of Juve and an academy product. Boniperti had the admirable courage to focus on the youth, investing each year in young talent. Michel Platini was the international champion who was ahead of his competition, who brought the delicious taste of iconic football, and the strength of a club that improves with the champions and, at the same time, completes them. Roberto Bettega是Juve的杜林在地靈魂,並且也是青年訓練系統的畢業生。在專注 青訓方面Boniperti有著令人欽佩的勇氣,每年都投資青年才俊。Michel Platini這 位國際冠軍曾經在他所屬的聯賽鶴立雞群,他帶來了美妙的足球,為這支與冠軍球員 們一同前進的隊伍提供了逐鹿中原的力量,並且身體力行達成目標。 https://i.imgur.com/p97tNHm.jpeg
A LIFE WITH TRAP The greater the challenges, the more you need to be able to face them with courage. After three championships in four years, Juventus saw their Granata cousins prevail in the league in 1976. Boniperti felt that there was a need for a radical shift and he focused on a very young tactician: Giovanni Trapattoni. Never will a choice prove to be more apt. Trap would become the coach who would remain on the bench the longest, 10 years of triumphs across all competitions until 1986 and a second stint from 1991 to 1994. 挑戰越大,所需的勇氣也越大。經歷了4年間奪得3冠軍之後,1976年Juventus目送同 城死敵Torino登頂義甲聯賽。當時Boniperti感覺到徹底變革的必要,他鎖定了一位 非常年輕的戰術家:Giovanni Trapattoni。這是個再合適也不過的選擇,1976至 1986之間成功的10年,以及1991至1994年的二進宮,Trapattoni成為職掌Juventus最 久的主帥。 https://i.imgur.com/cEYqRqF.jpeg
ITALY, EUROPE, THE WORLD Giampiero Boniperti has the historical merit of broadening Juventus' horizon. After having conquered the hegemony in Italy, widening the gap of the league titles won over Inter and Milan, his Juve went on to conquer all the European cups. It was an unstoppable crescendo, from the UEFA Cup in 1977 to the Intercontinental Cup in Tokyo in 1985. In this period of time, there was only one season - 1979-80 - where the Lady's trophy cabinet did not grow. Boniperti在拓展Juventus視野方面有著歷史性的功績。在拉開與Inter與Milan的聯 賽冠軍次數優勢稱霸義大利之後,Boniperti治下的Juventus繼續朝征服歐洲所有榮 譽邁進。那是一曲銳不可當的高歌猛進,從1977年的UEFA Cup,到1985年愛東京舉行 的Intercontinental Cup,這段期間除了1979-80賽季空手而歸之外,每一個賽季都 為陳列室增添了冠軍獎杯。 https://i.imgur.com/BhTz5Q1.jpeg
WINNING IS NOT IMPORTANT... Boniperti's most famous phrase, the sum of his "Juventinità" is well known: "Winning is not important, it is the only thing that matters". This was a challenge first of all to oneself, to continuously improve, to go beyond one's limits and to make sure that a success is never a point of arrival, but the starting point. In order to succeed in all of this, the President had a truly extraordinary ability to evaluate people. With him, Juventus became a club full of reference figures for years and years, such as Dino Zoff and Gaetano Scirea, who were capable of transmitting the club's culture and values. One of them, Antonio Cabrini, summed him up well: "Boniperti was a charismatic and decisive character who lived for Juventus, 24/7." 集其Juventus精神之大成,Boniperti最著名的一句話流傳已久:「Winning is not important, it is the only thing that matters.」首先這是對自我的挑戰,要持 續進步,要超越極限,並且確保成功不是終點而是開啟下個挑戰的起始。為了達成所 有目標,Boniperti主席有著非凡傑出的識人之明,在他治下Juventus年復一年充盈 著標竿球星,諸如Dino Zoff、Gaetano Scirea這些能傳承球隊文化與價值的球員。 身為其中一位球星的Antonio Cabrini適切地總結:「Boniperti是位具有魅力且果斷 的人物,他為Juventus而活,從不間斷。」 https://i.imgur.com/BAh2Esq.jpeg
THE FIRST TIME A ritual, a superstition, a way of experiencing the matches as a fan. Most of the time, Boniperti left the grandstand after 45 minutes, went to talk to the team in the locker room and then preferred to isolate himself: "I left after the first half in order suffer less, I locked myself in the office, played solitaire and waited for them to come and tell me how it went. I preferred not to talk to the journalists immediately after the game." In this too, the President was absolutely unique. 這是一種儀式、一種迷信、一種作為球迷體驗球賽的方式:通常Boniperti會在上半 場結束時離開看台,到更衣室與球隊談話,接著他偏好自我隔離。「我看完上半場就 離席是避免承受太多,我把自己鎖在辦公室內玩牌等他們來報告進展如何。我傾向不 在比賽結束後立即與記者交談。」這方面Boniperti主席也絕對是獨一無二的。 https://i.imgur.com/4sX9ftr.jpeg
COMMITMENT TO SPORT In his experience as a European parliamentarian, Giampiero Boniperti was proud that the word sport "which did not appear in the Italian Constitution" had been included in the Maastricht Treaty. In addition to Juventus, his work had also been oriented towards the promotion of sports activities through the management of Sisport, a company of the Fiat Group, since the end of the 1970s. It was an important period, with world-class protagonists such as Sara Simeoni and Pietro Mennea, who were athletic champions. 在擔任歐洲議員的經驗中,Boniperti為義大利憲法內沒有的「sport」一詞被包含於 馬斯垂克條約而感到自豪。除了Juventus事務之外,從1970年代末期開始透過管理 Fiat集團旗下的公司Sisport,Boniperti還致力於推管體育活動,這段重要的時期還 包括世界級競技冠軍巨星如Sara Simeoni與Pietro Mennea。 (註:1992年簽署的馬斯垂克條約(Maastricht Treaty)是建立歐盟的基礎與里程碑之 一。) (註:Sara Simeoni是義大利跳高運動員,曾獲1980夏季奧運跳高金牌,並曾兩度創 造女子跳高世界紀錄。) (註:Pietro Mennea是義大利短跑運動員,曾獲1980夏季奧運200公尺賽跑金牌,在 1979年所創造的200公尺世界紀錄則高懸近17才被打破。) https://i.imgur.com/tWsO3Qb.jpeg
THE PRESIDENT His latest gift from behind the desk was the purchase of Alessandro Del Piero. We saw them together on September 8, 2011, at the inauguration of the Stadium. "Tell a child about Boniperti and you will have coloured his heart with black and white for his entire life," wrote Claudio Marchisio. 身為管理階層,Bonipert最後的華禮(gift)是簽下Alessandro Del Piero,我們在 2011年09月08日的球場啟用典禮見證了他們兩位。Claudio Marchisio寫道:「將 Boniperti的事蹟講述給孩子,你會將孩子的心終身染上Juventus的黑白雙色。」 (註:英文gift除了禮物之外也有天才、天賦的意思。) On that magical evening, Giampiero Boniperti did exactly that: sitting on that bench, the Presidentissimo, seemed to us, to be one of the founders, one of those guys from the Liceo Massimo D'Azeglio, who created a dream called Juventus. 在那個奇幻的夜晚,Boniperti就是這麼做的,這位主席坐在那張長凳上,彷彿當年 的創始人之一Liceo Massimo D'Azeglio,那時,他們發起了這個夢想,名喚: Juventus。 (註:傳說在1897年11月01日,一群14到17歲的高中學生聚在corso Re Umberto這條 街的一張長凳上討論並創立了Juventus足球俱樂部。關於這張長凳我只查到曾經被展 示在corso Galileo Ferraris的Juventus總部前址,不知道現在是搬到目前位於 Continassa的新總部還是J|Museum或是其他地方。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1624131136.A.1AF.html ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 ( 臺灣), 06/21/2021 00:22:42

06/21 23:29, 2年前 , 1F
06/21 23:29, 1F

06/21 23:38, 2年前 , 2F
06/21 23:38, 2F

06/21 23:39, 2年前 , 3F
翻得很好,像是Winning is not important那句就還沒想到
06/21 23:39, 3F

06/21 23:39, 2年前 , 4F
中文該怎麼寫就乾脆偷懶填英文了XD 另一方面是這種文章
06/21 23:39, 4F

06/21 23:41, 2年前 , 5F
06/21 23:41, 5F

06/21 23:42, 2年前 , 6F
06/21 23:42, 6F

06/22 20:33, 2年前 , 7F
Winning is not important那句真的夭壽難翻
06/22 20:33, 7F
※ 編輯: dimhdp10 ( 臺灣), 06/22/2021 20:50:12

06/22 22:33, 2年前 , 8F
06/22 22:33, 8F

06/22 23:10, 2年前 , 9F
06/22 23:10, 9F

06/23 11:56, 2年前 , 10F
威爺is watching You!
06/23 11:56, 10F

06/25 13:04, 2年前 , 11F
06/25 13:04, 11F

06/25 20:47, 2年前 , 12F
06/25 20:47, 12F

06/25 20:52, 2年前 , 13F
06/25 20:52, 13F

06/27 12:20, 2年前 , 14F
06/27 12:20, 14F

07/02 02:22, 2年前 , 15F
哇 是威爺
07/02 02:22, 15F
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