[球隊] Juventus解除Allegri主帥職務

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官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/ official-massimiliano-allegri-no-longer-juventus-coach 縮址: https://tinyurl.com/yc4rmr6f Official | Massimiliano Allegri no longer Juventus coach 17 May 2024 Juventus announces that it has relieved Massimiliano Allegri of his position as head coach of the men's first team. Juventus宣布已經解除Massmiliano Allegri擔任Juventus男子隊一軍的主帥職務。 The exoneration follows certain behaviours during and after the Coppa Italia final that the club deemed incompatible with the values of Juventus and the behaviour that those who represent it should have. 職務的解除肇因於義大利盃決賽賽後的特定行為,Juventus認為與Juventus的價值 不符,亦非代表球隊的人所該做的事。 It ends a period of collaboration, which began in 2014, restarted in 2021 and ended, after the previous three seasons together, with the Italian Cup final. 這終止了雙方從2014年開始以及2021再續這三年來直到這場義大利盃決賽的合作。 The club wishes Massimiliano Allegri good luck in his future endeavours. Juventus祝福Massimiliano Allegri的未來一帆風順。 -- Allegri是殺人放火還是沒簽聯絡簿嗎為什麼要搞這麼難看...啊是不會先內部禁賽 剩下兩場讓助理教練帶然後雙方好好談即便最後用相同理由解約也都比這樣好啊... 隊內目前好像很多剩一年合約的球員,這樣搞難道Allegri跟球員關係很差嗎?就不 要其實球員普遍跟Allegri很好然後還站在Allegri這邊喔,若是這樣管理階層最好 是有辦法高價賣掉,不然看看這些球員剩一年約要怎麼辦?反正這些球員教練不是 自己帶來的人馬所以隨便搞沒差? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1715970247.A.061.html

05/18 11:01, 7月前 , 1F
印象中當初清博努奇時也滿硬的 大概是覺得已經沒用隊職員
05/18 11:01, 1F

05/18 11:01, 7月前 , 2F
05/18 11:01, 2F

05/18 12:56, 7月前 , 3F
05/18 12:56, 3F

05/18 18:50, 7月前 , 4F
05/18 18:50, 4F
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