[轉錄][外電] 如果他不是真男人

看板KevinGarnett作者 (Lucky Ball)時間15年前 (2009/04/19 23:39), 編輯推噓5(5013)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板] 作者: SexyCassell (其實我很帥) 看板: Celtics 標題: [外電] 如果他不是真男人 時間: Sun Apr 19 22:44:14 2009 Silence was not the ticket Garnett should let pride go before fall http://0rz.tw/Qalzz http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/articles/2009/04/17/ silence_was_not_the_ticket/?page=2 目前關於KG的傷勢問題還是霧裡看花的狀態 bostom.com裡有一篇「On eve of playoffs, Celtics lose Garnett」 那篇文章從另外一個角度看KG的傷勢 不過那篇外電實在太難翻譯了= = 請強者誰去瞧瞧吧~ http://0rz.tw/iUYUs 裡面提出KG不能上場的原因不是因為原本右膝的骨刺 也不是現在官方對外宣稱的肌腱拉傷 有很大的可能是還有其他的傷勢尚未被發現(或者是此時不宜公佈的傷勢????) 個人感覺前者的成分頗大,不然KG不會一度復出又停賽......T^T 順道一提,KG在今年球季結束後會進行骨刺手術的樣子...... 而以下的這篇外電是在談KG的心境問題(※節錄部分原文) 明顯可以看出KG本人是想要上場的! 不管最後KG能不能上場,這種心態讓球迷很感動哪~ 所以對公牛第一場的下半場,KG沒有待在板凳是對的 不然PP那個罰球沒進,真男人應該會馬上衝進場內吧 XDDDDDDDD ------------------------------------------------- Shortly after the morning workout began, coach Doc Rivers brought it to an abrupt halt. There was nothing more Garnett could do to change the situation. Rivers saw Garnett's condition go from bad to worse over the last week, and made the call to end Garnett's season just before the playoffs because of a strained tendon in his right knee, which will also require surgery to remove a bone spur. Rivers made the decision because it was too tough for the prideful superstar to make for himself. 早上的訓練才剛開始,河流就很快地制止KG的動作,因為KG的狀態實在太糟糕了! "It was a sprint, and we just didn't get into it," Rivers said. "That's how quick and decisive it was. It was long enough. There was no way. No way. No chance. He was trying to fake it. I said, 'Just quit.' I basically said, 'It's ridiculous. There is no way. You're kidding me.' KG根本連慢跑都有問題!河流表示:「而KG居然還想隱瞞傷勢,不!這不可能的......我告 訴KG『你不要鬧了』!」 "He stopped and said, 'What do you mean?' I said, 'This is it.' And then after that we talked to the doctors and, obviously, he was not improving. Let's stop kidding ourselves." 河流把醫生叫來,停止了KG試圖隱瞞傷勢的行為。 No one in the NBA detests talking about his injuries and admitting to being hurt more than Garnett. When the 14-year veteran is out with an injury, the media will see him from time to time without being able to say anything more than hello as he quickly walks by with his head down. The Boston print media has not spoken to Garnett since he last played, against Orlando March 25. 現在全NBA,沒有人比KG更厭惡談論傷病和承認自己的傷勢了。 當這個有著14年職業生涯的男人,由於受傷而停賽,媒體看到的只是一個低著頭、除了哈囉 之外什麼也不想說的KG,事實上從3月25日開始──KG最後一場對魔術上場的比賽之後,波 士頓的媒體通通再也採訪不到他。 Garnett, who tried to run before practice, wasn't available to speak to the media and now it is uncertain when he will address the injury. "He's here," Rivers said before practice. "But he just didn't want to come out and he doesn't want to talk to anybody. I feel bad for him." KG不願意在媒體前露面了,而人們無法得知KG真正的想法,河流說:「KG一直都在球館 ,但是他不想出來,他不想和任何人說話,他很難過。」 Said Perkins, "He knows how to hide [stuff]. It's all because of his [mind-set]. He's strong mentally." 隊友Perkins表示:「KG很聰明,他很頑強,他知道如何隱藏他的病情......」 Considering Garnett's reputation as a gamer, the Chicago Bulls still are preparing as if he will suit up for Game 1 of the teams' first-round playoff series tomorrow afternoon at the Garden. 不過即使如此,身為對手的公牛還是不敢輕忽KG,依然戰戰兢兢地準備球賽。 You have to respect Garnett's toughness. But if the Celtics hope to win another title during his time in Boston, the soon-to-be 33-year-old with three years and approximately $55 million remaining on his contract must let pride go and let the team know about his health. As loud as Garnett is on the floor, it's in the Celtics' best interest for him to be louder when he's not feeling right. 你必須尊重KG的毅力。 這個即將33歲的老將如果想在波士頓再拿下一個冠軍,他需要放棄他的自尊心,讓球隊了解 他身體健康的真相。 當KG健康時,他總是在球場上鬼吼鬼叫,但是為了球隊,一旦他感覺不舒服,他應該要喊的 更大聲,好讓大家知道他的情況。 "He just couldn't run," Rivers said. "You saw it in his face. He tried to mask like there was no pain. He couldn't do that. Obviously, when he was shut down he was frustrated and upset by it. But he stopped immediately. That told you all you need to know." 「他只是不能跑。」河流說:「但你可以從他臉上看出來。他正試圖偽裝自己一點都不 痛!(KG:我真的不痛喔~) 可是疼痛是不可能隱藏的。當KG知道他不能打季後賽他是多麼傷 心難過,可是他會挺過來的──這就是你們大家想知道的一切。」 # ----------------------------------------- THE LIFE THE WAY THE TRUTH GO GO CELTICS ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: SexyCassell 來自: (04/19 22:45)

04/19 22:47,
04/19 22:47

04/19 22:51,
04/19 22:51

04/19 22:58,
04/19 22:58

04/19 22:59,
so sad...
04/19 22:59

04/19 23:09,
十年了....看他看了十年了 希望他的球員生涯能繼續
04/19 23:09

04/19 23:09,
04/19 23:09

04/19 23:09,
04/19 23:09

04/19 23:30,
04/19 23:30

04/19 23:31,
04/19 23:31
-- _–_ ◤ ˍ ▁▃▄ ▄▊ _ _ ﹊ ﹉ `▄▆◤◤ ▂◤▌_◤◤◤ ◣ ◥ ▁▁ ◤▊ ◢◤ \\◣ ▂ ˍ_ ╲▏ ◤▍ ◤▌ ◢◢◢▍ ◣╲_◣ ◢◣◣◤▊◥▎ ▍◢◤ ◣╲ ◣◣ ◥▎ -wut- |▉◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/19 23:39, , 1F
真的很難過...都拼到季後賽了 卻不能上場...
04/19 23:39, 1F

04/19 23:40, , 2F
04/19 23:40, 2F

04/19 23:40, , 3F
要是禁區有KG的補防 我很懷疑昨天Rose能不能得到25分
04/19 23:40, 3F

04/19 23:41, , 4F
不過KG還是好好養傷吧 捲土重來未可知
04/19 23:41, 4F

04/19 23:41, , 5F
骨刺絕對只是小手術 真正的大傷還是趕快養好...
04/19 23:41, 5F

04/19 23:42, , 6F
話說 ...我暑假也要去開骨刺手術 跟KG同款~XD
04/19 23:42, 6F

04/20 00:05, , 7F
04/20 00:05, 7F

04/20 00:06, , 8F
KG現在開刀的確切時間未定 但是有確定是本季結束
04/20 00:06, 8F

04/20 00:09, , 9F
04/20 00:09, 9F

04/20 00:11, , 10F
04/20 00:11, 10F

04/20 00:12, , 11F
04/20 00:12, 11F

04/20 00:13, , 12F
這讓我想到去年總冠軍第一場 PP被抬出場又回來的時候
04/20 00:13, 12F

04/20 00:13, , 13F
KG是全隊最高興的..... 如果他不是真男人也就算了
04/20 00:13, 13F

04/20 00:15, , 14F
04/20 00:15, 14F

04/20 00:16, , 15F
希望他的膝蓋沒事 我真的不能想像他跛腳的樣子
04/20 00:16, 15F

04/20 00:36, , 16F
應該不會跛吧~~@@" 他今天在場上還能站著走來走去0.0
04/20 00:36, 16F

04/20 00:38, , 17F
04/20 00:38, 17F

04/22 13:45, , 18F
04/22 13:45, 18F
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文章代碼(AID): #19wqMLkn (KevinGarnett)