[外電] The Great Unknown-1
2006/04/17 Sports Illustrated
The Great Unknown
By Jack McCallum & L.Jon Wertheim
Ten seasons into a certain Hall of Fame career,
Kobe Bryant remains, to teammates and opponents, admirers and haters
as big a mystery as ever
I.The Image
"Some people are going to like me, some people aren't going to like me,"
Kobe Bryant is saying after a practice at the Lakers'El Segundo training
facility in late March. "The people who don't, just have to understand
who I truly am, and that can only happen through time. That's why you don't
see me doing talk shows and things like that."
Opponents who marveled at Bryant's ability to compartmentalize his life
while facing charges for felony sexual assault of an employee at luxury
hotel in Eagle, Colo., in 2003--he would fly to Eagle in the morning for
proceedings in the case, then play an outstanding game in Los Angels that
night--say he has become an even more steely-eyed assassin since his legal
difficulties. "It's like he's paying everybody back," says Portland Trail
Blazers guard Sebastian Telfair. "It's like he's thinking, The best way
for me to get my image back is to go out there and kill everybody. He
wants to, like, mulder you."
Were you expecting a chastened, contrite post-Eagle Kobe? Bryant is adamant
in his assertion that there is not--and never will be--a charm campaign
to mend his image. The Lakers didn't do anything official to try to restore
Bryant as an icon to the denizens of Staples Center, no meet-and-greets
with season-ticket holders, no orchestrated interviews with Oprah or Ed
Bradley. "Kobe's approach was: Let's have it be real, professional on and
off the court; handle yourself the right way, every day," says John Black,
the Lakers' director of public relations. "And, over time, people will
respect that."
NBA commissioner David Stern recalls the pleas for Bryant to be suspended
even after the sexual-assault charges against him were dropped. "That is
not the American way," says Stern, who adds that "it's clear that Kobe
hasn't made this into a case of either rehabilitation or image management.
It's Kobe being Kobe."
Even before Eagle, Brayant's image was that of a loner, a fierce
individualist who didn't connect with his teammates or the public at large.
Though several people close to him bemoan his lack of common touch, Bryant
disputes his portrayal. "I never was as lonely and solitary as people
thought," he says. "When I first came [into the NBA] I didn't know much
about anything. So I kind of sheltered myself off. But I was 17 when I got
here. Seventeen! It was hard figuring out who I was."
Bryant's claims to the contrary, there are signs that he cares about
refurbishing his image, at least in select forums. Earlier this year he wrote
a first person article for Dime, the hoops fanzine, addressing a wide range
of issues. Most revealing were his observations about his relationship with
the black community. "...I never truly believed that my own people wanted
to identify with me."
As the editors wrote in an explanatory note in front of the magazine, "This
story was important to Kobe; he viewed it as an opportunity to communicate
unfiltered and uncensored with the public."
The article, of course, was a no-risk proposition, Bryant calling the shots,
leaving little--potentially unpleasant lines of inquiry, follow-up questions,
unflattering photos--to the control of others. There was no mention of the
Colorado incident nor his role in splintering the Lakers and their run at a
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