[轉錄]Re: [新聞] 布萊恩:我去踢足球 美國隊뜠…

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: fatfatfat (死肥豬) 看板: NBA 標題: Re: [新聞] 布萊恩:我去踢足球 美國隊會更強大 時間: Fri Aug 11 23:34:11 2006 原文嘿~ http://0rz.net/b01HK -- Bryant in cleats? Fans' dreams might have come true 布萊恩穿釘鞋? 球迷的夢想曾經可能實現 By Luis Arroyave Tribune staff reporter August 8, 2006, 8:45 PM CDT Many U.S. soccer fans have wondered what would happen if the nation's best athletes played soccer, especially after seeing the United States' disappointing performance in this summer's World Cup. 許多的美國足球迷,特別在看過自己國家在今年世界盃令人失望的表現之後,都在 幻想:假如美國體能最優秀的運動員都是足球員的話,情況會是如何? One of the athletes that U.S. soccer fans dream about most actually dreamed about playing the sport himself. 事實上,一個美國足球迷最常幻想的運動員小時候曾經把踢足球做為自己的夢想。 When Kobe Bryant's father, Joe, moved his family to Italy, where he was playing pro basketball, then-6-year-old Kobe was introduced to soccer and the sport's culture. Bryant often went to parks in Italy to play basketball and would jump in on a game of soccer before hitting the basketball court. Kobe Bryant的爸爸,Joe,因為在義大利打職業籃球的關係,在Kobe六歲時就把全 家帶到義大利去,而這也是Kobe第一次接觸到足球和它的文化。Bryant在義大利時 常常到公園打籃球,而有時候就會在打籃球前先踢一踢足球。 "I wasn't anything spectacular," Bryant said. "I would have moments of doing something crazy that really wasn't done on purpose. I'd pull off a nice move that was unintentional. 「我當時一點都不突出,」Bryant說。「我偶而會做出一些驚人的動作,但其實根 本不是刻意做出來的。我會不小心做出一些神奇的動作。」 "I started out at goalkeeper because my arms were so long and I didn't really have a good feel at handling the ball. As I practiced and progressed, they moved me to midfield." 「我一開始的時候是擔任守門員,因為我的手臂非常的長,而且我當時還不是很會 盤球。後來經過持續的練習和進步,他們就把我調到了中場。」 The Bryants moved back to the U.S. in 1991. With few kids playing soccer in his Philadelphia neighborhood, Bryant turned his attention strictly to basketball. Bryant全家在1991年的時候搬回了美國。因為在費城家鄉太少小孩在踢足球,所以 Bryant就把注意力全部放在了籃球上面。 Bryant never played high school soccer, but he credits his playing days in Italy for helping his basketball game. Bryant在高中的時候完全沒有踢足球,但是他認為他在義大利踢過足球對於他籃球 的成就有很大的幫助。 "I'm comfortable [with basketball] footwork because I played soccer," Bryant said, "from changing up rhythms to foot speed, to being comfortable with having my right foot as my pivot foot and my left foot as my pivot foot." 「小時候踢球對於我在籃球的步法方面有很大的幫助,」Bryant說,「從變換節奏 到腳步速度,還有個別利用雙腳做軸心腳等等。」 Bryant entered the NBA straight from high school and has won three championships with the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant在高中畢業後就直接加入了NBA,並在湖人隊贏了三次NBA總冠軍。 What would have happened if he had stayed in Italy? 要是他當時留在義大利呢? "I would have kept playing [soccer], that's for sure," Bryant said. "I loved basketball so much, but I also wanted to play for AC Milan. That was my team growing up." 「我一定會繼續踢足球的,」Bryant說。「我非常的愛籃球,但是我也很想加入AC 米蘭踢球。那是我從小就支持的球隊。」 Following AC Milan these days has been a challenge for Bryant with his schedule, but he says it's getting easier with the increase in Internet coverage and soccer channels. 時時關注AC米蘭不是一個繁忙的Bryant可以輕鬆做到的事,但是他說因為網路報導 和足球頻道增加的關係使得他可以較以前更容易取得相關消息。 Bryant attended the Brazil vs. Japan World Cup match this summer in Germany with his wife. He hopes to attend an AC Milan match. Bryant在今年世界盃和他的老婆一起到德國觀看了巴西對日本那場球賽。他希望以 後能有機會去現場看AC米蘭的比賽。 "To this day, I've never seen my team, AC Milan, play in person," Bryant said. "My mother never let me go to games in Europe. She'd say, 'No, it's too violent. What happens if the fans go crazy and [you get] squished up against the fence?'" 「到目前為止,我還沒能夠親眼目睹我最愛的球隊,AC米蘭比賽,」Bryant說。「 在歐洲的時候我媽從來沒有讓我去現場看過球。他會說:不,太危險了。要是現場 球迷太瘋狂然後你被擠到柵欄邊的話怎麼辦?」 On Saturday, Bryant emceed Nike's pep rally for FC Barcelona in Los Angeles. Bryant was unable to participate in the event's soccer activities because of recent knee surgery, but he insists he can "still put it in the net." 在週六的時候,Bryant擔任了Nike在洛杉磯為FC巴塞隆納舉辦的歡迎會的主持人。 Bryant因為膝蓋剛開完刀的關係導致他沒有辦法親自下場參加這項歡迎會的足球玩 樂活動,但是他堅持說他還有能力「把球射進網裡。」 Bryant and Barcelona star Ronaldinho met for the first time on stage at the event and exchanged phone numbers. Imagine if Bryant met Ronaldinho under different circumstances this summer. Not on a stage in Hollywood, but on the world's biggest soccer stage in Germany. Bryant在歡迎會的台上和巴塞隆納巨星Ronaldinho第一次碰面並交換了電話號碼。 想像Bryant今年夏天是在不一樣的情況下和Ronaldinho碰面;不在好萊塢的台上, 而在德國,世界最高的足球殿堂。 "If myself, Tracy McGrady and LeBron James had a soccer ball at our feet instead of a basketball at 2 years old, with our size, it could have been something," Bryant said. "If we had played soccer all our lives, I think [the U.S. soccer team] would have been pretty potent." 「假如我,Tracy McGrady和Lebron James從小是跟著足球長大而不是籃球的話, 以我們的身材來說,我們有可能會很特別,」Bryant說。「如果我們一生都在踢足 球,我想美國足球國家代表隊應該會挺強大的。」 -- Kobe踢球(Nike廣告): http://youtube.com/watch?v=W2twtVAFNwk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u_aRGuq1_c&NR
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08/11 23:38,
借轉Kobe版...謝謝 :)
08/11 23:38
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/12 22:08, , 1F
AC Milan...KAKA'+Kobe 好屌的組合
08/12 22:08, 1F

08/31 16:18, , 2F
08/31 16:18, 2F
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