[閒聊] 以後遇到Kobe要請他簽名的話...

看板KobeBryant作者 (不要問我是誰)時間18年前 (2007/01/07 23:50), 編輯推噓5(503)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
不能拿8號球衣找他簽了... 要簽只能拿No.24 Advice for fans who track down Bryant for an autograph: Make sure not to bring a No. 8 jersey. Bryant signed a deal with Upper Deck Authenticated in which he would no longer sign No. 8 jerseys, only those with No. 24. The last No. 8 Bryant officially signed was recently auctioned off for an undisclosed sum, with part of the proceeds going toward Bryant's Vivo Foundation. Bryant is serious about sticking to the terms of the deal. "They understand," Bryant said of his fans. Then he added, jokingly, "They should have got a 24 jersey." 所以下次碰到Kobe時 要注意喔 要記得帶24號球衣 不要空歡喜一場 (可惡 擺明欺負我現在只有No.8) 不過 我連什麼時候能碰到Kobe都不知道Orz by the way那個Upper Deck Authenticated是什麼東東啊 他的勢力好像挺大的 有人能解釋一下嗎? http://0rz.tw/7b2ho -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/07 23:53, , 1F
01/07 23:53, 1F

01/08 00:34, , 2F
推 我連什麼時候能碰到Kobe都不知道
01/08 00:34, 2F

01/08 01:44, , 3F
upper deck是在籃球卡界幾乎是獨霸的公司 旗下的球員
01/08 01:44, 3F

01/08 01:45, , 4F
有kobe MJ LBJ PIP Rodman ...等,你要得到他們的簽꘠
01/08 01:45, 4F

01/08 01:46, , 5F
01/08 01:46, 5F

01/08 15:47, , 6F
01/08 15:47, 6F

01/08 15:48, , 7F
也就是說 他們幫這家卡公司簽名 不能再亂簽其他東西
01/08 15:48, 7F

01/10 00:30, , 8F
01/10 00:30, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #15eHRFli (KobeBryant)
文章代碼(AID): #15eHRFli (KobeBryant)