Mature Bryant puts team first

看板KobeBryant作者 (...)時間18年前 (2007/02/08 23:55), 編輯推噓6(601)
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AUBURN HILLS -- The NBA came into this season touting a new generation of stars -- Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony. Former golden boys such as Vince Carter, Tim Duncan and Kobe Bryant were knocked off the marquee -- labeled by Sports Illustrated as the Lost Generation. Bryant, if he even took notice, was unfazed. "I didn't think much about it," he said Wednesday after practice at The Palace. "Personally, I am excited for those young guys. They are extremely exciting to watch, and I am friends with all of them. I am happy for them." 對於聯盟全力打造的幾個新世代巨星如Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony,對於這樣的世代交替,Kobe表示並沒有太多想法,他個人對這些年輕人的表 現感到很高興,而且他和他們之間都是朋友並為他們感到快樂。 Bryant said he didn't feel like he had been forgotten or cast aside, but he did admit to feeling a bit older than his 28 years. "When we went to Washington and Atlanta, and everybody was talking about my matchup with Gilbert Arenas and Joe Johnson," he said. "And I just started feeling really old because that just didn't excite me at all. Kobe表示他並不覺得他已經被遺忘或是拋棄,他只是覺得自己長大了,「在華盛頓和 亞特蘭大的時候,大家總是Gilbert Arenas 和 Joe Johnson跟我之間的對抗當話題, 而我真的感覺我成熟了,因為我覺得那些都提不起我的興趣。」 "Once you've been in the league for a while you start to understand that the individual things really don't mean anything. It's how you perform as a team. From that standpoint, I see myself aging." 「當你在這聯盟待一段時間後會開始發現那些個人之間的比較真的都沒有什麼,而是 在於如何提升整個隊伍,就這點而言,我再度的看見了自我。」 The correct term is maturing. And if the league's marketers have deleted the old No. 8 Kobe Bryant model from their star files, Bryant seems to have created a new, more relaxed, less self-absorbed, team-oriented No. 24 model. 關鍵就在於成長,如果聯盟慢慢讓大家遺忘背號8號的 Kobe Bryant這個超級巨星,那 今年看起來Kobe又創造了一個全新的,更優雅無私以團隊為指標的24號雛型。 "The No. 24 is about seizing the day," Bryant said. "I chose the number because there are 24 hours in a day. It's about taking it one day at a time and having fun playing the game. 一天24小時就是Kobe選擇這個新號碼的主要原因。 "This is my 11th year, and the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter than the one at the beginning. I am just enjoying things more." 這是我在聯盟的第11年,而就如同在漆黑的隧道中漸漸看到盡頭綻放的光明,我想 我更享受這些過程了。 He still is capable of putting up 50-plus points in any given game, but that's not his goal anymore. He is averaging 28.8 points, 5.5 assists and 5.5 rebounds. But more significantly, he has made his teammates better. The Lakers are 30-19 heading into tonight's game against the Pistons. 現在的Kobe只要他想,仍然能夠一場拿下50分以上的分數,但這已經不再是他的目標 反之更直得注意的是,他努力的提升隊友的能力,這些都呈現在湖人現今30-19的戰 績中。 "I just enjoy the journey a lot more," Bryant said. "Because of that, I think I have been able to be a lot more patient, more compassionate with my teammates. 我只是更享受這些過程,因此,我對我的隊友更加充滿信心和耐心。 "You enjoy the wins, and you don't enjoy the losses, but you see them as a necessary stepping-stone to get to where we want to go. When you have that kind of philosophy, it makes the season a lot easier." Bryant was the third-leading vote-getter in the All-Star balloting, so regardless of what the league believes, his popularity remains high. He also will play on the U.S. national team this summer, another indication he has abandoned some of his selfish habits. So, if Bryant has been cast aside by the league's star-making machine, Lakers coach Phil Jackson believes it's the best thing for him. Phil Jackson認為如果Kobe已經不在受到聯盟的寵愛,那反而對他會是最好的事情。 "The marketing part of the game is one area that coaches and people who are in basketball are really disturbed about," Jackson said. "It changes how the game is played. It changes how it is looked at. I think as a result of it, our international game has suffered. Our team game has suffered." Jackson's point was that the league's "starship," as he called it, promotes individualism over team play and was something Bryant was caught up in most of his career. Phil Jackson認為把比賽如此商業化的炒作成球星之間的對決,如此個人主義盛行, 對團隊籃球,對國際比賽都是一種傷害,這種做法會改變觀眾的價值觀和球賽的本 質。 "As coaches we all go, 'Oh, this is ridiculous. One man is not going to beat a team,'?" Jackson said. "It was one of the encouragements I used with Kobe, and we got criticized for it in the playoffs last year. But I told him, we're not going to beat Phoenix or Dallas or San Antonio in the playoffs if you are trying to score 40 points. "It's the same old thing we faced in Chicago with Michael Jordan. It has to be a team effort, and Kobe has really bought into it." 「太荒唐了,一個人可以擊敗一支球隊?我總是這樣告訴Kobe,在季後賽我們不能靠著 你一場球嘗試去拿到四十分來擊敗如太陽小牛馬刺這些強隊,一定要靠團隊的力量, 就如同當年Michael Jordan也是如此,而Kobe真的去做了。」 對不起,翻的很爛很隨性 Orz.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/08 23:57, , 1F
推啊~我期待季後賽擊敗太陽小牛馬刺這些強隊 XD~
02/08 23:57, 1F

02/09 01:31, , 2F
02/09 01:31, 2F

02/09 01:52, , 3F
02/09 01:52, 3F

02/09 08:23, , 4F
02/09 08:23, 4F

02/09 08:52, , 5F
Gilbert Arenas的對抗不在乎?老大騙人 XD
02/09 08:52, 5F

02/09 13:21, , 6F
02/09 13:21, 6F

02/11 09:03, , 7F
嘴巴說沒差 身體倒是誠實的很=
02/11 09:03, 7F
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