ASG post-game interview
文字紀錄來自 CL Klewfish (
Q: "Can you talk about the difference between getting the MVP here, where the
fans are chanting your name ,as opposed to Philly where you were getting booed"
Kobe: "Well ya know, it feels great. Us players, we always wanna feel like
we're appreciated for what we do. Having this reaction was humbling, and I feel
blessed to be able to come out here and put on a good show"
Q: "Doug Collins tells you before the game he thinks you're going to be ASG
MVP, do you laugh at that, or try to meet that goal? What is your reaction to
Kobe: " I laughed at it, I was tired as we all were. We came out and talked
about how we lost the last two years, and blown big leads, and we just wanted
to come out and get a win"
Q: "What is gonna go down, looking at the whole weekend, what is your
signature moment for the entire weekend?"
Kobe: "For us it's always the moments that a lot of people don't see,which is
the moments that take place behind the scenes. Ya know with my teammates here
at ASW. Ya know, this particular ASW was special cause I was fortunate enough
to be asked to be one of the judges of the dunk contest. I just had a lot of
moments in the back, ya know talking in the back with Michael, Dr. J, Dominique
and Vince, ya know those are moments that people don't see but it's extremely
special. As a kid ya know I never thought i'd just be in the back chattin' it
up with Dr. J and Mike and Dominique Wilkins, so thats something that i'll
remember forever.
Q: "Can you share something that Dr. J or Dominique or MJ told you that were
pretty inspirational"
Kobe (with a big grin): "Ya know what, what's funny is that we were pretty much
just talking trash the whole time, ya know it was just unbelievable because ya
know you get guys in the same room who are extremely competitive and all of a
sudden you start comparing eras, you start comparing sneaker technology and
what a guy would've done if they had the technology that we have nowadays, and
comparing hand size, and who can palm the basketball and who can do what, those
are things that are just fun, just fun to talk about, we had a blast doin it"
Q: "Most people think of this as an exhibition game, but you seemed to take it
Kobe: "Well we had lost 2 in a row, so we all made it a point to come out and
go for it. With about 6 minutes left we decided to play defense"
Q: "Tonight was Carmelo's first ASG and he was a late-comer, you guys really
made a effort to make him comfortable"
Kobe: "Well you really try and look out for the young fellas, and my first ASG
they did the same thing for me, so it's kinda passin' the torch on so to speak,
and Carmelo's one of my favorite people in the whole NBA I just love him, he's a
phenomenal talent and I think he's just scratching the surface of what he can
do, he's just phenomenal.
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