[轉錄][新聞] Kobe's outburst amazes Nowitzki

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: royshine (全梭啦) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] Kobe's outburst amazes Nowitzki 時間: Sun Mar 25 17:58:31 2007 原文:http://0rz.tw/332xg Kobe's outburst amazes Nowitzki Dallas star calls four-game run of 50 or more points 'crazy' "That's crazy",Nowitzki said after he scored 20 points in Friday's vin over Boston."I would be tired. I mean, he's shooting 40 shots a night. He's so active To be all over the place, that's a hard thing to do." "這簡直太瘋狂了",司机在對Boston賽后如此評价Kobe連續四場得分50+的表現."要是 我的話早就累坏了.我是說,他每個晚上都要出手40次,他活力四射而且可以在場上任意位置 得分.這真的不是個容易的事情." "He's one of the best scorers this game has ever seen." 他是籃球這項運動最好的得分手之一. The mavericks have witnessed one of these eruptions up close. Remember the 62 points Bryant scored in three quarters against the team last season? 小牛曾經尷尬的見証過Kobe的爆發.還記得上賽季湖人對小牛他三節就拿下62分嗎" By that standard, Bryant's performance against New Orleans on Friday night was tame. He had only 44 of his 50 points at the end of the third. 按照這樣的標准,Kobe在周五晚上對黃蜂的表現對他個人來說不算為過.到第三節結束 時他得到了全場比賽50分中的44分. "I've always said, to me, he's the best perimeter player this league has right now," Nowitzki said."He's clutch. He's very explosive. When his jump shot is on, there's not much you can do." "我總是告訴自己,他(Kobe)有著聯盟中最好的中距离.當他的"跳投必進"開關打開的 時候,沒有人能關上它." "I watched him at the end of that portland game[65 points] when he took over. He made shots from 35,40feet with two guys on him. He's an amazing player." 他對拓荒者得到65分的比賽我看了一點,兩個人夾擊他,不過他在35,40英尺的地方 出手了,球還是能進.他真的是匪夷所思. "I always love to watch him." "我一直都喜歡欣賞他的表現". -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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