[轉錄]Re: Putting Kobe in perspective (一個 …

看板KobeBryant作者 (期待晴天)時間18年前 (2007/04/02 18:26), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: claus (La Jolla) 看板: Lakers 標題: Re: Putting Kobe in perspective (一個禮拜前的古文) 時間: Mon Apr 2 15:01:38 2007 然後,理所當然的,這個敏感的議題當然招來很多評論。 後來作者又寫了一篇專欄,算是上篇的後續 http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=hill/070330&sportCat=nba A few of you didn't agree with my Kobe column By Jemele Hill Page 2 What is so fascinating about the stir created by my "Kobe is better than Michae l Jordan" column -- which generated more than 2,000 e-mails -- is that a couple months ago, I wrote a column on "The Hook Up" and no athlete generated more vi triol than His Airness. 當初寫「Kobe is better than Michael Jordan」,有2000多封EMAIL的回覆,最驚奇的地 方是幾個月前我(原作者)寫的另一篇報導「The Hook Up」然後沒有任何球員製造議題的 能力能和大帝相比。(其實這段亂翻,因為我看不到The Hook Up在講啥) A taste: "The ultimate Hook Up of all time is Michael Jordan. Not even close. America fell in love with him the moment word got out that he was cut from his basketball team in high school. His story is the American Dream. His attempt at baseball, gamb ling issues and marital problems did nothing to his Hook Up." Disclosure: Dan is from Salt Lake City, but valid, valid points. 舉例: 史上最受矚目的球員當屬MJ是也。根本沒有競爭可言。他被他高中籃球隊踢掉的那一刻他 就令全美著迷了。他的故事就是典型的美國夢。他短暫的棒球生涯,賭博議題和婚姻失敗 都無法撼動對他的熱愛。 附註:DAN(大概是寄EMAIL的讀者)來自於鹽湖城,但是非常中肯的論點。 More: Joe, a North Carolinian, wrote: "The man gambled a good bit of his money away, [allegedly] had a long-term affair with [had to be deleted for fear of a lawsui t], ran the Wizards into the ground, single-handedly destroyed Kwame Brown, and was overcompetitive to the point of violence. Despite all this, we love Michae l Jordan. The man could get away with murder anywhere in North Carolina. I shou ld know, I grew up in Durham." Compare that to what reader Richard Kavalauskas wrote to me on Thursday, which summed up the overall sentiment toward my Jordan-Kobe column: "You are sick. Th e article you just wrote is blasphemy." Based on the response, the only athlete who could possibly have generated such heated emotion is O.J. Simpson. Kobe certainly has his defenders, but it is amazing how many people were more t han willing to use Kobe's personal life as ammunition in a Jordan-Kobe basketba ll debate. People are aware of Jordan's personal lapses, but there is a state o f denial there that is just startling. 更多: 一位來自於北卡的Joe寫說「他賭輸掉相當比例的財富,可靠消息說和某人有長期的婚外 情,把屋獅隊搞的亂七八糟,親手毀了囧丸,競爭慾望強烈到暴力的程度。儘管這些, 我們仍然愛死MJ。他可以在北卡任何地方犯下某殺案但仍然全身而退。我知道這些,因為 我是在 Durham長大的。」 根據這個回覆,能產生這種具爭議的情感的球員大概只剩OJ了吧。 當然有替KB講話的人,但是仍然可令人玩味的是仍有許多人利用KB私生活的部分來作為 KB MJ於籃球上的爭論。人們都知道MJ私生活的污點,但是卻都選擇忽略這些污點。 Anyway, 75 percent of you disagreed with me, which is no surprise. But the responses were so overwhelming, it was worthy of sharing. But a couple quic k explainers first: (1) I do not believe the NBA is better now than it was then. It's my fault for not explaining this better. At least a third of you who e-mailed thought I was on crack -- and seriously at least 400-500 e-mails had, "Are you on crack?" in the subject line -- for even entertaining the possibility the NBA is a better p roduct now. No, it's not. That's not what I'm saying. I believe today's player is more athl etic, stronger and has more raw ability than players in the '80s and early '90s . Clearly those players in the Magic, Bird and Isiah era were more polished, to ugher and had unbelievable basketball acumen. It was a better game because the players were more skilled. Today, we see guys with extraordinary physical gifts and no fundamentals. So, to sum up: Today's player has more talent, but yester day's player was a better basketball player. 總之,有75%的讀者不同意我,這結果也並非預料之外。但回應之多,多到值得和大家分 享。但是有些東西要先快速的解釋。 1)我不相信NBA現在比以前好。我沒有把他解釋清楚。至少1/3的人寫信說我是不是在吸 毒...至少400-500封email有實際寫到「Are you on crack?」...因為我竟然會認為NBA現 在比以前好。 不,現在沒有比以前好。那不是我想說的。我相信現今的球員運動能力較強,較為壯碩, 體能方面的能力比80/90初期的球員好。顯然的球員如Magic, Bird, Isiah技巧較為純熟 ,對籃球的敏銳程度甚至到無法相信的地步。那時候的球賽比較有水準因為球員的技巧 比較純熟。今天,我們看到的球員都是體能爆發力強但是毫無基本技巧軮言。總結,現在 的球員天賦及潛力比較大,但是以前的球員是比較好的籃球球員。 (2) That being said, there are teams in the league right now that were better t han at least three of the teams Jordan beat in the Finals. The Mavericks, Suns and Spurs are better than Clyde Drexler's Trail Blazers, Gary Payton's Sonics a nd Charles Barkley's Suns. The coaches: Avery Johnson, Mike D'Antoni and Gregg Popovich versus Rick Adelman, George Karl and Paul Westphal. Not even a debate there. Drexler was horribly overrated -- a slasher, terrific shot-blocker and r ebounder for a 6-foot-7 guy, but he was a subpar shooter and mediocre ballhandl er. You play the who-would-you-rather-have game with the rosters and you would favor most of the 2007 players. Nash or KJ? Duncan or Kemp? Stoudemire or Kemp? Shawn Marion or Buck Williams? The only untouchables are Payton and Barkley. A nd by the way, I'm not entirely convinced Jordan's Bulls could have beaten the Rockets in '94 or '95 when Hakeem Olajuwon was at the height of his filthiness (I mean that in a good way). 說了這麼多,現今聯盟裡至少有三支球隊比當初MJ在冠軍賽擊敗的球隊還有強。MAV,PHX ,和SAS都比當初滑翔人的PR,手套的SEA和巴爺的PHX來的強。教練方面,Johnson, D'Antoni, Popovich vs Adelman, Karl, Westphal. 這點連爭都不用爭了。Drexler極度 的被高估成一個破壞能力強,火鍋能力和籃板能力優秀的6尺7吋球員,但他是一個平均水 準的射手,處理球的能力也普普。如果妳玩「妳會選誰」的遊戲的話,2007年的球員入 選的會比較多。Nash還是KJ?TD或Kemp? Stoudemire或Kemp? Marion 或 Williams? 以前 球員無法被取代的只有手套和巴爺。另外,我現在還沒完全被說服如果MJ領軍的公牛是否 可以擊敗94 95年的火箭。當時歐拉珠旺的噁心程度(正面的噁心程度XD)正達到頂尖。 (3) I'm not totally certifiable. I know T-Mac or Vince Carter couldn't stop an 8-year-old on a PAL team. Dwyane Wade's defense also is suspect. My argument wa sn't about their defense, but their offense. The evolution of size and skill fr om the '80s until now is obvious. This is a league filled with very tall, very big, athletic people who can shoot and do ridiculously dumb things above the ri m. When Jordan played, some could match his athleticism, but not many. These da ys, 40-inch verticals are a dime a dozen. Jordan's killer instinct will always set him apart, but if he played today, his athleticism would not be the disting uishing factor it was before. I concede, though, he would have nearly 40 a game . 我知道我講的也不全然都一定是對的。我知道TMAC或是VC無法阻擋一個PAL team的8歲小 孩(PAL team是啥我也不知道)。D-Wade的防守也有待進步。但是我所講的不是防守, 而是進攻。80年到現在球員身材和技術的演變是很明顯的。現今聯盟充斥著又高又大運動 能力極佳的球員,而且能外線投籃或是在籃框上做出極為誇張的動作。MJ的年代,少部分 球員的運動能力可以和他媲美,但是少數,反觀現在,垂直起跳40吋滿街都是。MJ的殺手 本能會永遠和其他球員做出程度上的區隔,但是如果他是在現在打球的話,他的運動能力 就不會像當初一樣扮演那麼關鍵的角色。但我仍然認為他可以平均一場40分。 (4) I'll say it again: Kobe is just as good or better than MJ on the defensive end. Jordan was an unbelievable defender, but some of you seemed to forget he w as playing alongside a defender who was just as capable -- Scottie Pippen. If y ou think that didn't help Jordan beef up his defensive stats, you are delusiona l. The reason I give Kobe even more credit is (A) he's the only player in the l eague even remotely interested in being a good defender and (B) he's been named to the All-Defensive first team four times during an age when every rule is ge ared to create more offense. Will Kobe ever win Defensive Player of the Year? P robably not. But then again, he probably won't win a lot of the awards Jordan r eceived because people really, really hate Kobe. The wall of hate that Kobe fac es is why he remains underappreciated. No matter how much surgery he performs o n his image, most people always will view him as an egotistical ball hog who go t away with a major sexual assault even though he was never convicted. Hey, peo ple just prefer to show blind loyalty to a player some people believe is a dege nerate, philandering gambler whose teammates would have killed him if they didn 't fear prison. 4) 我再說一次。KB的防守能力和MJ相當,甚至更好。MJ的防守能力相當的好,但是少部 分人選擇忽略他和另一個偉大的防守者一起合作...Pippen. 如果妳認為那對MJ的防守數 據沒有幫助的話,妳一定在幻想。我認為KB比較好的原因是(A)他是現在聯盟裡唯一對 「當個成功的防守者」有任何興趣可言。(B)他所處在的年代是一個所有規則都被更改 成要製造更多進攻更多分數的環境,但是他仍然入選防守第一隊4次。KB是否會贏得一次 最佳防守球員?大概不會。但是,同樣的他大概不會贏得許多MJ曾經贏過的獎項因為太多 人討厭,並且發自內心的討厭KB。KB所面對的憎恨之牆是他現在仍然沒有獲得應有的待 遇的主要原因。不管他如何的改善他的形象,絕大多數的人仍然會把他視為一位極度黏球 並且僥倖躲過重度性侵害(即便他連定罪都不曾有)的人。人們選擇展現盲目的忠誠並 崇拜一位人格一樣有缺陷並且曾經劈腿搞婚外情的賭徒,一位如果不畏懼坐牢的話隊友 會搶著謀殺的球員。 (5) And yes, I still believe Kobe is a better player. This is an eyeball argume nt. Kobe will never be the best player who played the game. That achievement be longs to MJ alone. He'll never impact the world the way MJ did. But from a skil l perspective, Kobe has MJ beat. 是的,我仍然相信KB是比較優秀的球員。這是一個很精細的評語。KB不會是最成功的球員 ,MJ才是。他所造成的影響也不會超越MJ。但是從球技方面而言,KB超越了MJ。 Now, a few e-mails: Matthew Ivaliotes wrote: "Kobe Bryant is indeed comparable to a retired player. Dominique Wilkins. Both players were good enough to draw glory to themselves, alienating too many teammates, and selfish enough to make all but certain that they can't climb the mountain. Without Shaquille O'Neal, you never would have h ad the thought hit your head that Kobe Bryant is even an all time top-five play er, much less No. 1." Everybody needs help, even the great ones. How many titles did Jordan win witho ut Pippen? I'll eat complete crow about this argument if Kobe gets a legitimate sidekick and doesn't do anything. So talk to me when his sidekick isn't Smush Parker. 現在,一些emails Matthew Ivaliotes寫說:「KB的確足夠和一位已經退休的球員相比。D-Wilkins。他們都是 好到足夠把鎂光燈聚於一身,並且分化隊友,自私到無法完成大業。沒有SHAQ的話,KB 是史上前五球員的想法連產生都不會產生,更甭論史上最優秀。」 所有人都需要幫忙,偉大的球員也是。MJ在沒有Pippen的幫忙贏得了幾個冠軍戒指?如 果KB有搬的上台面的助手但是卻仍毫無成就的話,我會撤回我自己的論點。所以當他KB 的左右手不是Smush Parker的時候再來和我討論這個議題。 From Steve Madison: Subject line: WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? "There is no way Kobe is/was better than Jordan. Jordan played in an era of Mag ic, Larry, Karl, Charles, etc. Jordan played in an era of team basketball and t hat's why he has six rings to Kobe's three. Better teammate, better defender an d better player overall. Jordan could have put up 60 a night if he wanted to. H ere's my list: Better defender: Jordan Better shooter: Jordan Better passer: Jordan Better teammate: Jordan Better leader: Jordan Better rapist: Kobe The fact that the sexual-assault charge against Kobe was dropped was often over looked by e-mailers. Steve Madision,主題:妳在吸啥毒 寫道:「 KB不可能是/曾經是比MJ還優秀的球員。MJ是在Magic, Larry. Karl, Charles的等球員的 年代打球的。他是在一個團隊籃球的年代打球的,所以他有6枚戒指,相較於KB的3枚。 他是較好的隊友,較好的防守者,整體而言較好的球員。只要MJ願意,他一晚都可以得60 分。以下是我的分析表。 較優秀的防守者:MJ 較優秀的射手:MJ 較優秀的傳球者:MJ 較優秀的隊友:MJ 要優秀的領導者:MJ 要優秀的強暴犯:KB 性侵害的控訴被撤銷的事實時常被讀者所忽略。 And finally, my favorite e-mail, from Amsterdam: "Hello, I'm Sharone Wright, a former top-six pick in the NBA. I was around Kobe my first and second year with the 76ers (Bryant worked out with the 76ers when he was in high school). Kobe would be the first to be at practice and he would be the last to leave. You want to talk about a will to win? This kid was amazi ng. He has a mad streak only the good ones have. When he wants to stop you, he will. When he wants 50, he'll give you 50. Simple as that. "I played a lot of g ames against Jordan, and truthfully Michael was the greatest I've ever seen, bu t Kobe has everything and even more to his game. The comparisons are so equal. So many critics let their displeasure for Kobe in his personal life blind them when it comes to his game and his place as one of the top-three players of all time. Kobe should be going on his fourth MVP, but they are so blinded by what t heir perception of Kobe is. Say what you want, but poll 20 NBA players right no w, the ones that don't hold a grudge against Kobe, and they will tell you that it isn't even close to him and another player in the league. That's real talk f or you." 最後,來自阿母斯特丹,我最喜歡的email 「妳好,我是Sharone Wright,曾經以第六順位選秀進入NBA。 (編按:http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/w/wrighsh01.html) 我在76人的前兩年曾和KB一起打球。(當時KB在高中的時候有和76人一起練球)KB會是第 一個來練習的,並且是最後離開的。要來討論球勝的意志?這小子太不可思議了。當他要 得50分的時候,他會給妳50分。這麼簡單。我曾對到MJ許多次,說實話MJ是我所見到最偉 大的。但是MJ有的KB都有,甚至更多。他們旗鼓相當。許多評論家容許他們對KB私生活 的厭惡影響到他們對KB的球技和他足夠名列史上前三偉大球員之列的評論。KB應該於本季 得到他第四個MVP,但是他們被他們自己的偏見所盲目了。說你們想說的,但是隨便對20 為球員做調查(沒有對KB有私人怨恨的),他們會告訴你沒有任何人球技有辦法攀上KB的 一點邊。這才是事實。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 15:42,
04/02 15:42

04/02 15:53,
感謝翻譯~~ 看的好心酸阿...
04/02 15:53

04/02 15:57,
哀 滿腹雜陳用力推!
04/02 15:57

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04/02 16:14,
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04/02 17:41,
來自阿母斯特丹,我最喜歡的email~~~~~ T_T
04/02 17:41

04/02 18:11,
From Steve Madison: Subject line: WHAT ARE YOU SMOKIN
04/02 18:11

04/02 18:12,
04/02 18:12

04/02 18:12,
04/02 18:12
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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