[轉錄]Bryant befriends Melo in time of trouble

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※ [本文轉錄自 Nuggets 看板] 作者: paradoxmelo (ray) 站內: Nuggets 標題: [外電] Bryant befriends Melo in time of trouble 時間: Wed Apr 4 03:32:06 2007 http://www.denverpost.com/sports/ci_5579778 By Marc J. Spears Denver Post Staff Writer The "Stop Snitching" video cameo. The extortion and blackmail attempt against him. The charge of marijuana possession. A poor showing at the 2004 Athens Olympics. And a fight in a New York City nightclub. All those issues weighed heavily on Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony early in the 2004-05 season. 在04-05年球季開始之前,一件又一件的麻煩事找上了金塊隊的球星Carmelo Anthony. 被查到持有大麻,在04年雅典奧運糟糕的表現,還有在紐約的夜店和人起衝突.這些議題都 重重的壓在了Melo的身上. But at that time when a stressed and depressed Anthony needed a respected word of wisdom, he received a surprising text message from "K.B." in December 2004. 在2004年12月,就在Anthony快被這些壓力搞的喘不過氣的時候,他得到了一些的建議,從0m一個匿名叫做"K.B."的人得到. "I got a text from him that said, 'Don't even worry about that,' and this and that. I was like, 'Really? For real? Who is this?' It didn't have his name. It just had his (cell) number and 'K.B.' I was like 'Who is this?' It was Kobe,"Anthony said. "He's been through a lot so you know he has the people against him. He's his own person. He's in his own world." "我拿到了一個文件上面寫著 '不用去擔心這些事情' ,還有一些其他的建議.我那時候的 感覺是 '喔,真的嗎?這是誰傳來的?' 我甚至不知道他的名字,上面只有他的手機號碼和 'K.B.'後來我才知道他就是Kobe",Anthony說到."他經歷了太多太多的事,你也知道有很 多人與他為敵.不過他就是他,他一直處在他自己的世界(這邊應該是讚美吧)" Since Kobe Bryant's message to Anthony, 22, more than two years ago, the all-stars quietly have developed a big brother-little brother relationship. 自從兩年前收到Kobe的訊息後,Anthony就慢慢的和Kobe建立了如兄弟般的情誼 Whether the subject is Anthony's struggles against the Los Angeles Clippers in the 2006 NBA playoffs or his 15-game suspension this season for fighting, Bryant, 28, has continued to be supportive with advice at a moment's notice. 就算是在去年Anthony在季後賽第一輪快艇表現不佳,或是這個球季的打架事件,Kobe持續在第一時間對Melo表示支持,並且給予建議. "I just check on him to make sure he's OK," Bryant said. "It really upsets me when I see people come down hard on him and things like that. I just try to stick up for him because he's with the younger generation coming up. "我只是關心他並且確認他是否OK" Bryant說. "當看到人們對他嚴厲抨擊的時候,我感到 很不捨.我只是試著在背後支持他,因為他代表新一代的力量." "It's our responsibility to make sure they are being taken care of. He got a raw deal by that. I was a young player once, too." "我們的責任就是確認他們是否受到良好的照應.他對應付那些問題還很生澀,我以前也曾 經是一個很年輕的球員" Coming off the 2002-03 season, Bryant was the star of the Los Angeles Lakers and considered one of the world's most popular athletes and pitchmen. But his image was tainted in the summer of 2003 when he was accused of sexual assault in Eagle. While the charges against the nine-time all-star eventually were dropped, the damage was done - millions in endorsement money was lost and his popularity plummeted. 就在02-03年開始的時後,Bryant是洛杉磯湖人隊的球星,而且被認為是世界上最受歡迎的 運動員和商品代言人之一.不過就在那年暑假,他的形象因為遭到性侵害的指控而有了很 大的傷害.雖然這件事情最後是以和解收場,但是傷害已經造成--數百萬元的和解費,和支 持度的直線滑落. Now leading the NBA in scoring,Bryant overcame the drama and again is arguably the league's most popular player with the hottest selling jersey. While Bryant still has his naysayers, Anthony remains one of Bryant's biggest fans. NBA現在的得分王,Bryant克服了這個阻礙而在一次的成為NBA最受歡迎的球員,他的球衣 也成為了最熱門的球衣.Bryant仍然有許多"反柯比迷",不過Anthony始終是他的球迷之一. Bryant and Anthony were only colleagues when the latter started going through his off-court problems. Watching from afar, a concerned Bryant decided to contact Anthony. "When I was going through my trials and tribulations, he reached out to me, " Anthony said. "He had already been through what he had been through. So he was just telling me how to deal with it. He was telling me don't even worry about it, things are going to change, they are going to get better. "當我遇到困境和阻礙的時候,他伸出了援手"Anthony說."他已經經歷過那些他該經歷的. 所以他只是告訴我要怎麼去處理它.他告訴我根本不用去擔心這些事,事情會有改變的一 天,那些事會越來越好." "At that time you don't want to hear none of that. But we just started going back and forth. He started calling me. He started telling me 'good game' and all this stuff every time I saw him. It just evolved like that." "在剛開始的時後你根本聽不進去.不過我們開始會互相連絡,他開始主動打電話給我.之 後我們遇到的時候他會和我說'good game'和一些其他的事.事情就是這樣發生的." Anthony was the NBA's leading scorer this season until Bryant got hot in March, which included a four-game 50-point streak. Bryant is averaging a league-best 31.0 points per game, while Anthony is averaging 29.1. Anthony原本是這個球季的得分王,直到Bryant在三月熱的發燙--包括連續4場得分超過 50分才超過Anthony.現在Kobe平均每場得31.0分,而Anthony平均每場得29.1分. "(Bryant's) on a mission," Anthony said. "I guess he got tired of everybody in the media (messing) with him so he went on a rampage." "這是他的任務" Anthony說. "我猜他已經厭倦了媒體一再的煩他,所以他決定開始爆衝" Bryant and Anthony were teammates for the first time at the 2007 All-Star Game And this summer Anthony expects their friendship to grow when they play at the FIBA Americas Championships in Las Vegas. Braynt和Anthony在今年明星對抗賽第一次當起了隊友.而在暑假,他們兩要在Las Vegas 為美國隊一起效力 "I'm looking forward to this summer," Anthony said. "I'm looking forward to it right now." "我很期待這個暑假" Anthony說. "我現在就很期待." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Melo和Kobe的關係其實在前一陣子有被拿出來作文章 http://0rz.tw/cf2ye 在上面這篇外電裡有一小段提到,上一次金塊和湖人比賽的時候 Melo和Kobe除了肢體接觸很多以外,Melo還說了一些了垃圾話 然後從下一場比賽開始,Kobe就開始了他的飆分秀 所以就有人開始推測他們是不是變成仇人 不過那篇外電我是不怎麼相信啦XD 這篇外電算是小小的解釋了一下 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hvariables 來自: (04/04 22:37)

04/04 23:32, , 1F
今天才知道原來 Kobe 和 Melo 有這層關西 !!!!!!!!!!!!
04/04 23:32, 1F

04/05 03:11, , 2F
04/05 03:11, 2F

04/05 03:12, , 3F
不太可能因為肢體碰撞-->垃圾話-->仇人吧 =.=
04/05 03:12, 3F
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