Bryant is being pushed to brink

看板KobeBryant作者 (不要問我是誰)時間18年前 (2007/04/25 21:06), 編輯推噓13(1304)
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今天被電爆之後再看這一篇特別有感覺 小弟試著翻譯一下,如果有錯請大家不吝指教,謝謝 Bryant is being pushed to brink It was the darkest moment of a quarter blackened with shame. 這是在這一節中蒙著恥辱,最黑暗的一個時刻 With 4:32 left in the second quarter Tuesday, Kobe Bryant drove through three Phoenix Suns before being fouled in front of the basket. 在第二節還剩4分32秒時,Kobe繞過三個太陽的防守者,然後在籃下被犯規。 It was the kind of tough play the Lakers had been avoiding. It was the sort of effort the Lakers had been missing. 這是湖人一直在避免的tough play,這也是湖人一直缺乏的努力。 Yet as Bryant walked to the foul line, he walked alone. 但當Kobe走向罰球線時,他是一個人走去的。 No teammate slapped his hand. No teammate patted his back. No teammate even behaved remotely like a teammate. 沒有隊友向他擊掌。沒有隊友去拍拍他的背。更沒有隊友表現出隊友的樣子。 Not only didn't the Lakers seem to care about the Phoenix Suns, they didn't seem to care about each other. 湖人看起來不但不在意他們的對手太陽,他們好像也不在意彼此。 And after their awful 126-98 loss to the Suns in Game 2 of the first round of the playoffs, falling behind two games to none with no hope in sight, you have to wonder. 當他們在第一輪第二場球賽以126-98慘敗給太陽,落入了0-2的絕境後 你會想知道一些事情。 With the Lakers seemingly destined to be sent home without a playoff series win for the third consecutive year since the departure of Superman, where does this leave Wonder Boy? 在那個"超人"離開之後,湖人連續三年沒辦法在季後賽贏得任何一個系列似乎已成事實 (註:where does this leave Wonder Boy? 這句不曉得怎麼翻 囧) After three years of wondering what the Lakers are going to do with Kobe Bryant, maybe everyone has been wondering the wrong thing. 思考了三年"湖人和Kobe到底有什麼關係"之後,也許大家是不是都想錯了。 What is Kobe Bryant going to do with the Lakers? "Kobe Bryant和湖人是什麼樣的關係?" With the window closing quickly on his chance to win a championship without Shaquille O'Neal, the prematurely aging Bryant must surely ponder jumping out before he spends the rest of his career with his nose pressed longingly to the glass. 沒有Shaq之後,拿到冠軍的機會越來越小,年紀越來越大的Kobe絕對會在他剩下的籃球 生涯中試著突破困境。 How much longer can Bryant stand to be a Laker? Kobe還可以當多久的湖人? The horrific second quarter Tuesday at the US Airways Center was the perfect example of how the only thing more amazing than his ability is his patience. 在美國航空中心恐怖的第二節證明了他的耐心是比他擁有的能力還要驚人的。 How much more can Bryant take? 但他還可以忍耐多久? In the second quarter in Game 1, he was subtly poked by Coach Phil Jackson for taking eight shots and scoring 15 points and exhausting himself too soon. 在G1的第二節,Phil稍稍的指示他(要多投籃),結果Kobe投了八球得到15分 而且太快的讓自己疲勞。 "That's what we would have liked to see at the end of the game," Jackson said. Phil說:我們比較希望看到那是在比賽快結束時發生。 So in the second quarter Tuesday, what did Bryant do? He took one shot. He had two assists. He scored four points. And what happened? 所以G2的第二節,Kobe做了什麼? 他只投一次籃得了四分,有兩個助攻? 結果呢? The Lakers were outscored, 37-22, it cost them the game, and Bryant was left with 15 meaningless points, a needlessly sprained ankle and a huge scowl. 湖人的分數遙遙被太陽擺到後面:37-22,而且因為這樣而輸了比賽。Kobe整場得了 影響不大的15分,還扭傷了不需要扭傷的腳踝,還有一個很不高興的臭臉。 "They played harder than we did," he said, later adding, "It's not like we have the best talent in the league, so we really have to pride ourselves on playing hard all the time. All the time." Kobe說:他們打得比我們還拼,我們不是聯盟中最具天份的球隊,我們必須對自己更有 信心,而且每分每秒都要打得很認真,一直都要。 Right about now, those who believe that Bryant engineered the trade of O'Neal are clucking about making beds and sleeping in them. 目前為止,那些相信是Kobe促成Shaq交易的那些人,目前正在clucking about making beds and sleeping in them(不知怎麼翻...) But first, although Bryant might have wanted the deal, it was made by Jerry Buss. 但首先要注意,雖然Kobe有可能要求這個交易,但交易的決定權是在Jerry Buss的手上 And, second, no superstar should be forced to sleep in a bed this disheveled 再來,沒有一個超級巨星在這種情況不會有反應的。 At one point in the second quarter, the Lakers fielded a team of Shammond Williams, Sasha Vujacic, Maurice Evans, Brian Cook and Lamar Odom. 在第二節湖人一度在場上擺上Shammond Williams, Sasha Vujacic, Maurice Evans, Brian Cook和Lamar Odom這樣的陣容。 Although Bryant missed his only shot of the quarter, the other Lakers were six for 20. 雖然Kobe在第二節一投不中,但其他隊友是20投6中。 And nobody played defense. 而且沒人在防守。 For the Suns, it was layup after dunk. It was as if the Suns were running sprints and the Lakers were running for the bus. 太陽是一個上籃接著一個灌籃。好像太陽在跑籃,而湖人卻在追公車。 Five on four, it was. 事實上,太陽是在五打四。 Midway through the quarter, the Suns had two offensive rebounds on each of two consecutive possessions, scoring each time. 在第二節中,太陽有兩次進攻時各抓了兩次進攻籃板,而且兩次都得分。 Moments later, Steve Nash connected on an ally-oop dunk pass to Shawn Marion from midcourt. 不久之後,Nash在中場給了Marion一個ally-oop灌籃 Five on three, it was. 這時候是五打三。 By the end of the quarter, the Suns held a 68-47 halftime lead and the game was history. 這節結束之後,太陽半場就以68-47領先,這場比賽也可以說是結束了。 By the end of the night, the Lakers' chances of even winning one game in this series approached history after Bryant rolled his ankle while playing in yet another no-win situation. 這場比賽要結束的時候,Kobe在不可能贏的的情況下上場並扭傷腳踝,而要這在這系列 中要贏的機會也即將灰飛煙滅。 What exactly was he doing in the game with 7:59 remaining and the Lakers trailing, 107-79? 在比賽剩下7:59,107-79落後,他到底在幹麻(為啥還在場上)? Said Bryant: "Phil told me to go in and play, so I went in and played." Kobe:Phil告訴我上場,所以我就上了。 Said Jackson: "It wasn't that late … they still had their starters in …. I thought Kobe was out of sync and I wanted him to get in sync." Phil:比賽其實是還有機會的,他們還是擺上了他們的先發,我想Kobe已經脫離了整隊 的節奏,所以我要他跟上球隊的節奏。(......) So when is the Lakers' talent level going to get in sync with Bryant? Or will it ever? 那請問一下,什麼時候湖人的天份是跟得上Kobe的"節奏"的,而在未來有可能會發生嗎? Earlier this week, when asked about that closing window on his career, Bryant said, "We definitely have to get to that elite level. And we have to get to that level, like, now." 在這星期稍早,Kobe被問到生涯的巔峰即將過去的問題時,他說:我們一定要達到強隊 的水平,我們必須要達到,就是現在。 Never before has he sounded so impatient. And he was only getting started. 他在從前從來沒有像現在這樣的沒耐心,而他現在慢慢的也開始了(沒耐心) "It makes me frustrated," he said. "When I'm not shooting well, we struggle. And when I'm shooting, I'm doing it against three guys, and I can't get to the basket, and I have to pull up and shoot jump shots, and that takes it toll." "這真的讓我很挫折,當我不能得分時,我們就會陷入困境。但當我在投籃時,我一次 要面對三個對手,我無法接近籃框,我必須拔起來做跳投,而這會付出代價" Unless the Lakers are able to get Bryant some legitimate and consistent help, that is the scenario he faces in each of his playoff games in the rest of his career as a Laker. 除非湖人們能給Kobe一些實質而且穩定的幫忙,不然以後他在湖人的季後賽同樣的事情會 一再重演。 Suddenly, this week, for perhaps the first time, those prospects didn't seem so publicly appealing. 突然地在這星期,也許是第一次,未來好像不是這麼的令人感到滿意。 Bryant shook his head. Kobe搖搖頭 "I've won before," he said. "I want to win again." 他說:我曾經拿過勝利,我想要再贏一次!(這絕對是我認識的Kobe) Not this year. And, at this rate, maybe not in his Lakers lifetime. 但不會是今年,而且照現在看來,也不會是在湖人的日子。 One can only wonder how much longer Kobe Bryant wants that lifetime to last. 我們只能猜想,Kobe Bryant還會希望這樣的日子持續多久。 (From LA Times) -- 看完之後會感覺,怎麼這麼像阿宅把不到馬子那樣的無力.... 這篇翻的真的有夠爛,請大家該鞭就鞭,謝謝指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/25 21:12, , 1F
04/25 21:12, 1F

04/25 21:11, , 2F
看了心酸,好深的無力感~ 只能說Kobe還能當幾年的KG?
04/25 21:11, 2F

04/25 21:41, , 3F
04/25 21:41, 3F

04/25 21:52, , 4F
04/25 21:52, 4F

04/25 21:52, , 5F
04/25 21:52, 5F

04/25 22:02, , 6F
想那麼多 落後二十分應該是沒人會有心情在振奮擊掌
04/25 22:02, 6F

04/25 22:04, , 7F
反正傳到位的球沒投進 基本上就輸了一半了
04/25 22:04, 7F

04/25 22:04, , 8F
湖人每個人投籃都很小心翼翼 其實是沒啥信心會進
04/25 22:04, 8F

04/25 22:04, , 9F
04/25 22:04, 9F

04/25 22:23, , 10F
04/25 22:23, 10F

04/25 22:27, , 11F
04/25 22:27, 11F

04/25 22:28, , 12F
04/25 22:28, 12F

04/25 22:55, , 13F
04/25 22:55, 13F

04/25 23:06, , 14F
04/25 23:06, 14F

04/25 23:12, , 15F
淚推 借轉湖人板~ 謝^^
04/25 23:12, 15F

04/25 23:15, , 16F
快哭了= = ...
04/25 23:15, 16F

04/26 10:11, , 17F
04/26 10:11, 17F
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