Kobe: Lakers lied to me

看板KobeBryant作者 (...)時間18年前 (2007/05/31 01:55), 編輯推噓5(501)
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http://www.dailynews.com/sports/ci_6016983 Kobe Bryant said he chose to stay with the Lakers in the summer of 2004 with the understanding that the Lakers would aggressively pursue top players and remain committed to winning championships. Now, Bryant said he believes the Lakers misled him. Kobe說2004年夏天留在湖人是因為球團說會加強陣容追求頂尖球員角逐總冠軍 但現在Kobe深信他被唬了。 The Lakers' public meltdown took another turn Tuesday when a seething Bryant called the team's front office "a mess," repeatedly said that he had "trust issues" with management, issues he isn't certain can ever be resolved, and left open the possibility of a trade. Bryant accused the Lakers of deceiving him about their plans to undergo long- term rebuilding in the post-Shaquille O'Neal era and also bristled at the oft- expressed belief that he forced the Lakers to trade O'Neal. Kobe說湖人哄他一個美好未來在後俠客時期,並且對於外界說他是交易俠客的幕後黑手 感到生氣。 "I get up at 4:30 (a.m.) and I get on the court and work on nothing but defense," Bryant said in an interview with 570-AM. "My focus has been all about getting this team to the next level. Now, the tone has switched now. The tone has switched. Because now I've got serious trust issues." "我在凌晨四點半起床,並到球場練習防守防守再防守,我全心專注於把球隊提升到更高 的層級,而現在但現在情況有了轉變,因為我開始感受到嚴重的信任問題。" Through team spokesman John Black, the Lakers declined to respond to Bryant's tirade, so Bryant's voice was the only one heard Tuesday as he took a verbal blowtorch to the organization. 湖人的發言人拒絕回應Kobe的怒吼。 Bryant's issues with the Lakers go back to the summer of 2004, after the Lakers lost in the NBA Finals, coach Phil Jackson was let go, Bryant became a free agent and O'Neal was traded to Miami. Owner Dr. Jerry Buss and general manger Mitch Kupchak promised the Lakers would remain at a championship level in the short term, Bryant said, which motivated him to sign a seven-year contract. 回到2004那個夏天,湖人輸了季後賽,禪師俠客出走,老闆Buss和庫胖答應Kobe球隊 仍會在短期內重建,這是促使他簽下七年合約的最大動機。 At the same time, Bryant said, the Lakers told Jackson that they were letting him go because they were committed to reducing payroll and a long-term rebuild When Bryant talked to Jackson on Tuesday and heard his version of the 2004 conversation for the first time, he seethed and publicly accused the Lakers of misleading him about their short-term plans for the team. 同時,球團跟禪師說可以閃了,因為他們決定要降低成本,並且進入長時間的冬眠。 當Kobe從禪師那邊聽到後,整個番仔火就起來了,因為球團許他一個短期重建的美好 未來。 "They said nothing, nothing, to me about a long-term plan. Absolutely nothing," Bryant told 570-AM. "They told Phil one thing and they told me another. Actions speak louder than words." "球團什麼都沒告訴我任何有關這個智障計畫的事情,完全沒有。他們在玩兩面手法。 說的比做的還好聽。" The Lakers missed the playoffs in 2005 and, after Jackson's return, were eliminated in the first round in 2006 and 2007. Since sending O'Neal to Miami, Kupchak has not made the bold move that so many Laker fans - and Bryant - have desired. "Now I realize that it's not so much them not being able to do anything. It's them not wanting to do anything," Bryant told 570-AM. "It's a trust thing. They're in a long-term plan that I had no idea about. I'm bringing them players and I'm looking like a fool. Baron Davis wanted to play here for less money, but it's one excuse after the other because they're on some long-term plan that I have no idea about." "現在我了解步是他們沒辦法做,而是根本不想做,這是誠信問題,我無法理解他們所謂 的智障計畫,我還幫忙拉攏其他球員,但現在我看起來就像個傻瓜。當小胖Davis想要拿 少一點的前來湖人打球,但球團的藉口卻是一個接一個,因為那些我無法理解的長期計 畫。" Bryant, his voice becoming increasingly loud and tense, also bristled at a published report that quoted a "Laker insider" who said that Bryant was the motivating factor in the Lakers' trade of O'Neal. Bryant told of a midseason meeting in 2004 in which Buss said he would trade O'Neal, independent of Bryant's free-agency choice. Kobe被問到之前內部人士透露是他把歐肥肥弄走的事情,他語氣變的大聲且有點生氣。 Kobe說2004球季中一次的會談中就聽到Buss想要交易歐肥肥的念頭,跟Kobe變成自由球 員一點關係都沒有。 "This is the truth," Bryant told 570-AM. "I want to see someone from Lakers management say otherwise. I want to see it. I want to see them say that they did not tell me that they wanted to win right now. I want to see them go out there and say that they did not tell Phil that they're in a long-term plan. "I would love to be there when they said that, because they know what the truth is, and now Laker fans know what's been going on for the last three years." "我所說的都是真的,我希望湖人球團有人能出來講講話,證明我說的話,最好他們能 否認當初對禪師說的那些話,但他們心裡都明白事實是如何,這三年來的一舉一動球迷 也都看在眼裡。 Bryant's mood has been sour since Phoenix eliminated the Lakers during the first-round of the playoffs, after which he publicly challenged team management to make immediate moves to improve the roster. The issue simmered last week when Bryant publicly endorsed the idea of bringing back former general manager Jerry West and reached a boil Tuesday. Bryant said he was prepared to sign with the Chicago Bulls or the Clippers three summers ago when he got a phone call from Buss, who told Bryant that the Lakers would not have a long rebuilding process. 2004夏天Kobe原本已經在考慮公牛或是快艇的時候,Buss打了通電話過來,並強調湖人 不做長期打算。 "That was my concern when I spoke with Dr. Buss," Bryant told 570-AM. "I said, `Are you guys on a nine- or 10-year plan?' Or do you want to try to rebuild this team right away? "Jerry Buss called me from his vacation in Italy and promised that they wanted to rebuild right now. I trusted that promise and went with them." "我問老Buss球團是要來個十年計畫還是要馬上重建,而最後Jerry Buss在我一次義大利 度假的期間答應我球隊會很快變強,我也相信了。" Bryant said he believes the Lakers weren't being honest. Asked if that trust can be rebuilt, Bryant flatly said, "I don't know" and said he had not talked to Laker management in more than three weeks. Kobe認為湖人球團不會承認這些事情,而當他被問到彼此的信任是否能重建,Kobe說 "我不知道"並表示他已經有三個多星期沒有跟球團聯繫。 Bryant remained adamant that he has not demanded a trade but, in the next breath, did little to downplay the idea. Kobe仍然非常堅持他並沒有要求交易,但很快的跳過這個話題。 "If we're not making any strides here to improve this team right now, to be aggressive and things of that nature, then what's the point of having me here?" Bryant told 570-AM. "如果我們沒有打算現在做些重大改變,那我真的不知道我該如何是從才好。" 洛城龍捲風上演中-----------------------待續------------------------------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/31 01:59, , 1F
05/31 01:59, 1F

05/31 02:13, , 2F
05/31 02:13, 2F

05/31 02:25, , 3F
現在是要求交易 or not?
05/31 02:25, 3F

05/31 02:25, , 4F
各處看的都不一樣 @@
05/31 02:25, 4F

05/31 02:36, , 5F
05/31 02:36, 5F

05/31 04:21, , 6F
借轉湖人板! 謝謝
05/31 04:21, 6F
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