[轉錄]Kobe 與 Dan Patrick 的訪談節錄
※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板]
作者: Versatile (heart broken) 看板: Lakers
標題: Kobe 與 Dan Patrick 的訪談節錄
時間: Thu May 31 12:02:17 2007
DP: Any thoughts that they planted this, that maybe they do want to move
in a different direction and want you to be the bad guy?
DP : 對於他們可能想做的和你要的概念不同,以及他們想讓你聲名狼籍這些事,
KB: You know what? Nothing surprises me at this point. They know what
happened with the Shaquille situation. They know what they told me. They
know I had nothing to do with that, but for a Laker insider to say that, it's
extremely hurtful..."
KB : 你知道嗎?在這個時間點,沒有什麼事會讓我驚訝的。他們知道 Shaq 事件
"DP: Would you waive your no-trade?
DP : 你會放棄掉不被交易的權利嗎?
KB: Absolutely... I just want to play basketball. I want to play basketball
and not worry about anything else. Not worry about being a scapegoat for
anything. I just want to play... I never thought it was somebody inside the
Lakers walls kind of fanning that flame. When I saw that, now it was, "Okay,
I'm not taking that bullet. I'm not taking the bullet for something I did
not do. It's time for me to go out and say what I need to say about what
KB : 絕對會... 我只想打籃球,完全不想管其他事情。我不想為了成為代罪羔羊
而煩惱著,我真的就只想打籃球... 我從未想過會是湖人內部的人在那邊搧
"DP: You called Mitch today?
DP : 你今天有打電話給 Mitch 嗎?
KB:... I wasn't on the phone personally, myself. If I'm going to speak to
somebody about this, I'll speak to Dr. Buss...
KB : ... 我並沒有打過任何電話。如果我真的想跟某人談這件事情,那麼我會去跟
Dr. Buss 講明的。
...DP: Did your representatives say to Mitch exactly what you've been saying?
That you want to be dealt?
DP : 你那些對 Mitch 的喊話是不是就是說,你想被交易?
KB: Yeah..."
"...KB: It's rough right now... The person that I lean on a lot right now is
Phil. We've spoke twice today, and he basically couldn't blame me for it, and
he'd do the same thing. He said at the same time, we believe that we can
figure some things out here and make sure that something like that within the
organization never happens again and then kind of take care of business
internally so players who play for the organization feel safe, feel trusted.
And we're going to try and go from there."
KB : 是的...
KB : 現在真的很困難... 我現在可以依賴的人就剩下 Phil。在今天我們就談了兩次
"DP: What if Jerry West decides to come back, even as a consultant.
DP : 如果 Jerry West 決定回來湖人,就算只是當個顧問,會變得怎樣?
KB: Jerry West- I trust Jerry West with everything.
KB : Jerry West - 我相信 Jerry West 所有的一切。
DP: Would that be enough to keep you in Los Angeles?
DP : 那會足以讓你繼續留在 Los Angeles 嗎?
KB: That would definitely help out the situation, because I want to feel like
there's somebody up there I can trust, you know?..."
KB : 那確實會幫忙我脫離現在這種處境,因為我真的想要在高層中找到一個可
So there's your wiggle room. This morning, Kobe told Smith that nothing,
even the return of West, could get him to change his mind. Later, he backed
off that a little. So what about Phil?
原本 Kobe 跟 Smith 表達的是就算 West 回來,他也不會改變他的內心想法。不過現在
有點改變了些,他稍稍讓步了。 那麼 Phil 呢?
"KB:... He's optimistic and determined that we'll both be back. Phil's
somebody that I listen to. I listen to heavily. I lean on him a lot. He
assured me, saying, you know, "Things are going to be okay. Things will be
alright. Don't go full bore just yet. Just take a deep breath, kind of let
us work these things out and everything will be alright." Which was very
encouraging for me to hear, because I don't want to go any place else. I
don't want to. I want to be a Laker. I want to be here for the rest of my
KB : 他很樂觀,他確定我們兩個都會再次回到湖人陣中。Phil 的話我聽的進去,
Kobe didn't give any names about players the Lakers could bring in that would
make him happy. He reiterated his frustration that guys like Baron Davis and
Carlos Boozer were available and the Lakers passed (he's also spoken about
Ron Artest in those terms, and on this point, I'm not sure I agree with him).
Generally, he seemed very frustrated with the quality of personnel the team
has had over the last three seasons. Put it all together with the
controversy from the weekend, and here we are. He wants to feel like there's
a "sense of urgency to try to get some players and do it now, as opposed to
Patrick then reminded him that the Lakers have made some moves over the last
few seasons- they just haven't all been very good. What makes Kobe think
they can start making good ones now?
Patrick 說湖人過去幾季其實都有些動作,只是沒什麼太大幫助。那麼這次 Kobe 憑什麼
"...Like I said, I don't really have much to lean on outside of P.J., and the
confidence that he has. I know how badly he wants to win, and I he knows how
badly I want to win. So if he can draw confidence from somewhere, I'll
believe in him."
KB : 就像我說的,除了 Phil 以外我並不太相信其他人,而 Phil 有那種信心讓球隊
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