Jordan on Kobe's frustration
.節錄自 LA Times
On Kobe Bryant and his frustration:
"Frustration is a part of the game, especially with a competitor. You want to
win so bad, and you've been there, and you want to get back there-and you feel
it hasn't really happened that way, and you look for reasons why. I think the
unfortunate thing is, we judge him in a very emotional state. He's watching
these young kids continue to play, and he's not. It gets at him. And he starts
looking for reasons.
"That's understandable, but I think he's got a good scenario over there — a
good GM, a good coach. I understand the frustration. I never got to that point,
but I can't say that I can't identify with it. The worst time for that to
happen is now. You want to play. Who wants to be home watching basketball? You
want to be out there at the most important time of the season. Then you sit
down and you get frustrated and you start pointing fingers or looking for
reasons why. He'll get out of that, as basketball gets away, and summer comes.
I think he'll mellow back and understand the organization is still trying to
make the right moves."
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