The Truth: A new road ahead
Man, today is one of those surreal days for me and my family. When you love
something as much as I love the Lakers its hard to even imagine thinking
about being elsewhere. But, the ONE THING I will never sacrifice when it
comes to basketball is WINNING. That is plain and simply what it's all about.
It's in my DNA. It's what pushes me to work as hard as I do. It's my daily
passion and pursuit.
The more I thought about the future, the more I became convinced that the
Lakers and me just have two different visions for the future. The Lakers are
pursuing a longer-term plan that is different from what Dr. Buss shared with
me at the time I re-signed as a free agent. I have seen that plan unfold for
the last three years and watched great trade opportunities come and go, and
have seen free agents passed on. That has led to the Lakers not winning a
playoff series. All of that was frustrating in itself,
but then, this week to have someone "inside" the Laker organization try to
blame me in the media for us not being a contender right now -- that is what
brought me to my current position today.
I want it to be clear that I still love, with all my heart, the Laker Legacy.
From Mikan to West to Goodrich to Wilt to Kareem to Magic. That will never
change. And the support my family and I have gotten from Lakers fans is
undeniably the best. I will also always believe that.
But, now there is a new road ahead. I am gonna keep grindin and keep workin
to get back to competing for Championships. Sometimes the trek up the
mountain is tough. But, I know we'll get there.
Strength and Honor,
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06/05 10:11, , 1F
06/05 10:11, 1F
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06/05 10:54, , 4F
06/05 10:54, 4F

06/05 13:57, , 5F
06/05 13:57, 5F
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