
看板KobeBryant作者 (laker?)時間18年前 (2007/06/05 21:52), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: AmadeusC (斷腳人 〒___〒) 看板: Lakers 標題: KB的一段話 時間: Tue Jun 5 16:23:56 2007 Kobe昨日在kb24.com談話內容 http://truth.kb24.com/ Man, today is one of those surreal days for me and my family. When you love something as much as I love the Lakers its hard to even imagine thinking about being elsewhere. But, the ONE THING I will never sacrifice when it comes to basketball is WINNING. That is plain and simply what it's all about. It's in my DNA. It's what pushes me to work as hard as I do. It's my daily passion and pursuit. 簡單翻譯口語版~ 嗨~ 大家好,今天對我與我的家庭而言,又是個夢幻而不真實的日子。 當你愛一個東西就如我愛湖人這麼的深刻時,是很難想像離開它而到其他地方的。 但是,我以為對籃球而言,惟一一個不能犧牲的東西就是勝利。 這就是如此的純粹與簡單的深植在我的基因之中。 這就是推動我沒日沒夜的練習的如斯艱苦的力量,就是我每天的動力與渴望。 The more I thought about the future, the more I became convinced that the Lakers and me just have two different visions for the future. The Lakers are pursuing a longer-term plan that is different from what Dr. Buss shared with me at the time I re-signed as a free agent. I have seen that plan unfold for the last three years and watched great trade opportunities come and go, and have seen free agents passed on. That has led to the Lakers not winning a playoff series. All of that was frustrating in itself,but then, this week to have someone "inside" the Laker organization try to blame me in the media for us not being a contender right now -- that is what brought me to my current position today. 但,當我更深刻的思及未來時,我就愈發懷疑湖人隊與我對於未來遠景的想法間的差異。 湖人隊追求的是一個長期計畫(Mitch的腦殘計畫),而這個與當年巴斯博士對我所言 而把我騙回來的講法有著絕對的差距。 在過去三年間,我清楚的看到了這XXX的計畫,呈現在我們一次次的放棄絕佳的交易機 會來了又走(小胖Baron Divis、野獸Ron Artest與Carlos Boozer)之中, 呈現在我們看著一個個的自由球員一個個從眼前蹦蹦跳跳的離開(Antonio Daniels)之中。 這使得湖人隊在過去三年中沒有贏得任何一個季後賽系列,就是這XXX的腦殘計畫。 所有的這一切都讓我感到沮喪,而後,XXX的居然還有些深喉嚨在媒體上發言,將我們 的失敗怪罪到我的身上 - 這是促使我在今天講這些話的一個主因。 I want it to be clear that I still love, with all my heart, the Laker Legacy. From Mikan to West to Goodrich to Wilt to Kareem to Magic. That will never change. And the support my family and I have gotten from Lakers fans is undeniably the best. I will also always believe that. 我必須要澄清,我仍然全心全意的愛著湖人這支球隊。 從大白佬 Mikan到Logo人 West到 Goodrich到大帥張伯倫到常青樹天鉤賈霸 到魔術師 Magic的湖人遺產也不會有任何改變。 而來自湖人球迷的支持,毫無疑問的是最強烈與最真實的.. 我仍然相信。 But, now there is a new road ahead. I am gonna keep grindin and keep workin to get back to competing for Championships. Sometimes the trek up the mountain is tough. But, I know we'll get there. 但,現在有一條新的道路就在眼前。 我將繼續艱苦卓絕的訓練以重回競爭總冠軍榮耀的道路。 攀頂的道路總是艱辛、總是荊棘,但,我知道我們總能抵達。 Strength and Honor, Kobe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/05 16:24,
忘了,要感謝KB版主jerrett,感謝您的外電 <(_ _)>
06/05 16:24

06/05 16:25,
06/05 16:25

06/05 16:40,
推一個 謝謝翻譯~
06/05 16:40

06/05 16:49,
06/05 16:49

06/05 16:48,
06/05 16:48

06/05 17:07,
06/05 17:07

06/05 18:09,
06/05 18:09

06/05 19:00,
感謝你的翻譯!! KB加油吧!!
06/05 19:00

06/05 20:48,
06/05 20:48

06/05 20:58,
蝦咪寄信 @@a,裡面有啥問題嗎?
06/05 20:58

06/05 21:17,
06/05 21:17

06/05 21:18,
06/05 21:18

06/05 21:19,
06/05 21:19

06/05 21:22,
根據 kb24.com 的管理者表示,是 Kobe 要求把這篇文字
06/05 21:22

06/05 21:23,
的發布日期做 update。他真正的想法沒人知道,也許是不
06/05 21:23

06/05 21:23,
06/05 21:23

06/05 21:25,
另外請問原 po,我可以把這篇翻譯轉回 Kobe 板嗎? :P
06/05 21:25

06/05 21:31,
06/05 21:31

06/05 21:40,
嗯 其實我在好幾天前就在kb24.com看到這篇了
06/05 21:40

06/05 21:40,
06/05 21:40

06/05 21:46,
噢,當然可以轉阿.. 請隨意~
06/05 21:46

06/05 21:47,
06/05 21:47

06/05 21:51,
謝謝 :D
06/05 21:51
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #16PMgFur (KobeBryant)
文章代碼(AID): #16PMgFur (KobeBryant)