Re: Nike re-signs Kobe

看板KobeBryant作者 (Beat the Suns!)時間18年前 (2007/06/06 00:38), 編輯推噓6(600)
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※ 引述《LakersSoul (laker?)》之銘言: : 來源: : Nike Re-Signs Kobe : Wherever Kobe Bryant is playing, he'll be wearing Nikes. Sources are telling : CNBC that Nike has re-signed the guard to a multi-year extension. The exact : length of the deal and the terms are unknown. It is also not clear whether : Bryant's contract would vary depending on the market in which he is playing. : Although it was expected that Chinese sports and apparel company Li-Ning, which : has Damon Jones and Bryant's former teammate Shaquille O'Neal under contract, : would make a substantial bid for Bryant, sources say that it only got serious : with Nike. 不論Kobe會去哪裡打球,他還是會穿Nike球鞋。CNBC得知,NIKE已經跟這位 後衛重新簽了複數年的延長合約。合約確切的年數跟條款還無從得知,而且 KOBE跟NIKE的合約會不會因為他在哪個球隊打球而有變動也不清楚。雖然李 寧 —中國的體育用品公司,旗下有Damon Jones及KOBE前隊友,大O— 之前 被認為會與NIKE競逐KOBE的合約,不過消息來源指出,只有NIKE是認真考慮 這件事情。 : Bryant signed a five-year deal with Nike worth $45 million in June 2003, a : little more than a year after his six-year deal with Adidas expired. : About a month after Nike signed Bryant, he was charged with sexual assault. : While other companies chose not to renew Bryant's contracts – Coca-Cola, : McDonald's, Spalding and Nutella -- among them. But Nike and collectibles : company Upper Deck stood by him. 在他與ADIDAS合約結束後約莫一年,KOBE於2003年六月與NIKE簽下一紙五年 四千五百萬的的合約。之後一個月,他遭受性侵害的控訴。當時其他公司, 例如可口可樂、麥當勞、斯伯丁,以及Nutella,選擇不再更新KOBE的合約, NIKE以及球員卡發行公司Upper Deck依然支持KOBE。 : Nike didn't debut a Bryant shoe until March 2005 and didn't support it with : advertising and actually waited until July 2005 – more than two years into the : deal, once the civil case was settled and the criminal case was dropped – to : debut the association in a Sports Illustrated print ad. NIKE直到2005三月才推出KOBE的第一雙球鞋,並且直到該年七月才有廣告支 持,在《運動畫刊》上刊登廣告,當時性侵害案的民事訴訟以和解告終,而 刑事部分也未受起訴。 : The first shoe with Bryant's name on it was the Zoom Kobe I, which hit the : market in February 2006. The Zoom Kobe II hit stores in April of this year and : sources say they Nike officials are planning on launching the Zoom Kobe III on : January 1, 2008. 第一雙以KOBE命名的鞋子是ZKI,於2006二月上市;ZKII則是今年四月在賣場 上架。據悉,NIKE正打算在2008一月發售ZKIII。 : Bryant's marketability has come full circle since the day he was charged with : sexual assault and some advertising executives labeled him as unmarketable. He : changed his jersey from No. 8 to No. 24 in the offseason and he will likely : finish as the league's best selling jersey this both the U.S. and China. Bryant : last finished No. 1 in the league in 2002-2003 – before he was charged. 在遭控性侵害之後,廣告業者曾經認為KOBE無法被行銷,如今他的市場魅力又 回到原來的狀態。他在季前把球衣背號換成24號,並且可能是今年聯盟在美國 及大陸球衣銷售第一名。他上一次球衣銷售奪冠是在2002 -2003球季,也就是 他被控訴之前。 : As Bryant goes through the greatest sports marketing comeback of all time, : Nike -- which was willing to stick through it with him -- will now reap the : reward. Of course with the Lakers not making it past the first round of the : playoffs in the last three seasons, it isn't all that positive and Bryant -- : assuming he stays with the the team -- needs to lead the team deeper into the : playoffs to stay relevant. Bryant led the league in scoring with 32.8 points : per game this past season. 正當KOBE經歷這場史上最誇張的體育行銷大復活,NIKE由於過去樂於與他站在 同一邊,因此正好可以收割甜美果實。當然,因為湖人隊在過去三年都無法通 過季後賽第一輪,這不會是正面題材;而且如果假定KOBE要留在湖人,他就必 須帶領球隊向季後賽挺進,並保持競爭力。KOBE季後賽的平均得分以32.8領先 群雄。 --- 順手翻,不通順處請見諒 謝謝a82k7網友提出指正~ -- Je mange, donc je suis. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

06/06 00:44, , 1F
推~zk3又要出囉..........@@ zk2都還沒買耶
06/06 00:44, 1F

06/06 01:06, , 2F
勘履有圖出現... 不過長的很怪...
06/06 01:06, 2F

06/06 01:11, , 3F
會不會出太快了一點= =
06/06 01:11, 3F

06/06 03:56, , 4F
窮人只能等有沒平民板可以買來當戰靴 QQ
06/06 03:56, 4F

06/06 11:55, , 5F
06/06 11:55, 5F

06/06 12:34, , 6F
32.8應該是play off的分數吧?
06/06 12:34, 6F
※ 編輯: JasonLai 來自: (06/06 14:34)
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