Jackson still thinks Bryant staying

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http://0rz.tw/302L6 While recovering from hip surgery at home, Lakers Coach Phil Jackson weighed in Monday on the latest movement in the Kobe Bryant ordeal, sounding a positive note for Bryant's future with the team. 正在家中進行臀部手術後復建的老禪在星期一對於Kobe最近的動態有所表示,聽起來 對於Kobe和球隊的未來關係是正面的。 Jackson, who had hip-replacement surgery last Tuesday, has spoken with Bryant numerous times since the nine-time All-Star demanded a trade May 30, an action Bryant reiterated last Friday in a meeting with team owner Jerry Buss. 上星期二進行屁屁手術的老禪近來多次與Kobe--進行溝通,這位多次入選明星賽的球員, 在五月30日的時候要求交易,並再上星期五的時候與球隊老闆Jerry Buss一次會面中在 度重申這點。 "He's made a decision that he feels justified to hold — one that I've questioned — that he has reasons to leave the Lakers," Jackson wrote Monday in a brief e-mail to The Times. "However, it's my unshakeable feeling that Kobe will be a Laker next October … when training camp opens." "Kobe覺得有足夠的理由讓他做了這樣一個決定,在我詢問後也知道了答案。"Jackson 在星期一寫了一封簡短的E-mail給The Times。"然而我對我的直覺堅信不移,我依然 認為Kobe在下個球季,也就是十月訓練營開始時還是會在這個球隊。" Bryant credited Jackson as being a voice of reason during Bryant's now-infamous day of seemingly contradictory talk-radio and newspaper interviews on May 30. Bryant said he wanted to be traded on a talk-radio show early that day but appeared to leave wiggle room for remaining with the Lakers on subsequent radio shows. Then, later in the day, he told The Times that he indeed wanted to be traded. Kobe表示Jackson在這段混亂時期扮演著居中協調的角色,儘管Kobe 5月30日在媒體發表一 些反駁球隊並且要求被交易的談話後。而且在這段期間他仍沒有退讓的動作。 Also that day, Bryant said Jackson offered some soothing early-afternoon words as they discussed a passage in a recent article by The Times that referred to a Lakers "insider" who blamed Bryant for the departure of Shaquille O'Neal in 2004. 另外對於之前湖人的內部人士指責Kobe是俠客離隊的始作俑者,Kobe表示老禪對此跟他 說了一些讓他感到慰藉的話語。 Jackson, 61, is expected to recover within a few weeks from his second hip- replacement surgery and will attend Basketball Hall of Fame induction ceremonies in September in Springfield, Mass. 六十一歲的老禪預計會在幾個星期內復原。 Jackson had his right hip replaced last October. Jackson has one year left on a three-year, $30-million contract and on Monday referred a question on a possible contract extension to an interview he granted in April. "Whatever I said then stands today," Jackson wrote. 對於老禪僅剩一年的合約,他認為續約的重點就像他以前所說過的一樣,"我曾說過的 話現在依然適用" In the April interview, Jackson said there were "a bunch of things that go into it — how we move forward as a team." 在四月的一次訪談中,老禪說:"有許許多多的原因但重點是這支球隊要怎麼向上爬。" "Personally, as an owner, does [Buss] really want to spend the kind of money he's spending on me to have a .500 team? We want to do better than that, by far. How do we go about readjusting to make sure that something that happened this year doesn't happen again in the future?" 老禪表示"我個人認為,身為一個球隊老闆,Buss真的花那麼多錢在我身上卻只想要一個 勝率五成的球隊嗎?顯然不是,我們都想要在更好,該想想如何為這支球隊做些改變來避 免今年的一些問題又持續在未來發生。 Jackson said at the time that his health was not a concern, although he indicated Monday that he wanted to be able to "coach up to my standards." 老禪說他的健康不是問題低,然而他在星期一指出他希望能夠"教出他的水準"。 The Lakers finished 42-40 last season and lost to Phoenix in the first round of the playoffs for a second consecutive season. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/19 22:53, , 1F
這種事情真希望快點解決 他們不累我都快累死了...
06/19 22:53, 1F

06/19 22:54, , 2F
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06/19 22:56, , 3F
west 也離開了...搞不好是他的黑暗兵法
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06/19 23:44, , 4F
a new road ahead 被撤掉了,換成了球迷的聲音。等待高
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06/19 23:46, , 5F
06/19 23:46, 5F

07/03 01:44, , 6F
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07/03 01:45, , 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #16T-jRKo (KobeBryant)