Kobe dropped 19 pounds

看板KobeBryant作者 (Crittenton)時間17年前 (2007/07/20 13:03), 編輯推噓7(702)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
"His competitive juices are really flowing, and that's indicative of where he is," said Colangelo, who said Bryant told him he had dropped 19 pounds since the NBA season ended while getting in shape for his first summer with the national team. 老大瘦了19磅...我的老天 像他這種運動員還能在兩個月內掉了8公斤多 不愧是魔鬼訓練.. 23號好像有藍白明星對抗 nbatv好像有,但是網路會不會有連結就不知道了 = = 到時再看看變了多少 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/20 13:08, , 1F
07/20 13:08, 1F

07/20 14:39, , 2F
這樣會不會太瘦阿= =
07/20 14:39, 2F

07/20 18:53, , 3F
老大不是全身都肌肉了嗎 怎麼還能減的這麼快
07/20 18:53, 3F

07/20 18:59, , 4F
有照片可以看看嗎 0.0
07/20 18:59, 4F

07/21 06:46, , 5F
真的很偉大..!!能當kobe 迷真的很幸福..
07/21 06:46, 5F

07/21 06:46, , 6F
有那個nba球員在暑假不是變胖的 !!...
07/21 06:46, 6F

07/21 11:29, , 7F
07/21 11:29, 7F

07/21 16:26, , 8F
07/21 16:26, 8F

07/21 19:49, , 9F
07/21 19:49, 9F
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