[轉錄]Bryant talks about future with lakers

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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: Javaris (Crittenton) 看板: Lakers 標題: Bryant talks about future with lakers 時間: Sat Jul 21 13:56:00 2007 http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2944034 LAS VEGAS -- Despite being given numerous chances to clarify his position on his future with the Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe Bryant on Friday declined to bring any clarity to his situation. 媒體很多次想讓 Kobe 再度講話放炮,不過Kobe這次可安靜的很。 廢話,騙人發言又亂掰... Does he still want to be traded? Or does he still want to be a Laker for life? Whichever is true, Kobe wouldn't say. 反正 Kobe 這次沒表態。 "I understand the interest in the situation, and when the time is right, I'll be more than happy to answer those questions," Bryant said after practicing with Team USA on day one of the national team's three-day minicamp. "Right now we have a lot to accomplish, and I don't want to detract from that or be a distraction from that." 他等到正確的時機才會繼續回答相關問題,現在只想專心在國家隊,不想分心。 Asked when exactly the time will be right, Bryant said he did not know. "It's about going forward and handling the situation the right way, and handling it behind closed doors within the walls of the organization, and doing it that way," said Bryant, who has failed to clarify his position for seven weeks now since going on 1050 ESPN Radio in New York saying he wanted to be traded, then altering his position in subsequent interviews later that same day. 被問到什麼時機才是對時,他也不表態。 他現在只是一步一步往前走,一邊處理這情況,而且是關著門跟球隊一起面對問題 所以不用再期待靠他炒新聞。 Bryant's agent has put in a formal trade request to Lakers management, and Bryant has discussed his wishes with team owner Jerry Buss. The Lakers are known to have called some teams to gauge what they could get back in a Bryant trade, but the organization has publicly insisted it has no plans to trade its franchise player. If Bryant's trade demand stands, he could force the Lakers' hand by holding out of training camp. But when asked specifically whether he'd be at camp, Bryant politely declined to answer. 如果 Bryant 依舊想被交易,他大可不參加訓練營,不過 Kobe 拒絕回答問題。 "I understand the questions, I understand the interest, but I don't want to be a distraction," Bryant said, allowing that he would have handled his trade request differently if he had a chance to do it over again. 我知道這問題很有趣,我也知道你想問些什麼,不過我可不想分心。 So for now, the mixed message that Bryant sent out on May 30 will continue to stand, and the damage this episode has done to Bryant's image is something he will have to live with. He said he had received several baby pacifiers in the mail from upset fans, including a pink one sent by L.A. Times columnist T.J. Simers, who was Bryant's most persistent questioner Friday, imploring him to undue the confusion he had created. "Yeah, I understand how it was received that way. And like I said, I think if I had to go back and do things differently, I would have. Like I said, the right thing to do now is handle the situation the right way going forward. And that's what we're trying to do." Simers asked Bryant if he had apologized to Buss for calling him an idiot. "Dr. Buss and I have had several conversations. We spoke a couple times, and I don't want to get into the conversations we had personally. I think our relationship, we want to keep things private and keep things between ourselves. Going forward, all I can do and all we can do is handle the situation the best way we can, and try to handle it the right way going forward, and that's not going to be a distraction." 以上都是沒意義的,感覺還是記者想炒熱 Kobe 想被交易的問法。 When asked if the signing of Derek Fisher, the drafting of Javaris Crittenton and the re-signings of Chris Mihm and Luke Walton were enough to placate his desire for an upgrade to the Lakers' roster, Bryant's initial answer did not make a lot of sense. "I think they're a helluva basketball, um, a great addition, I have to say, to the team. I think it was important to keep Luke, and Fisher I talk to all the time, and I'm extremely happy for his family, and I'm happy for Chris as well. I reached out to him." 關於暑假幾個動作的感覺,Kobe 認為還不錯。 But, he was asked, did those moves satisfy his misgivings? "It's not the time to address that," Bryant said. 不過記者又問這些動作能否滿足他,Kobe 又表示不是時候。 Asked if he thought the Lakers might pull off a blockbuster trade, he said: "It's not really about me. It's just about what Mitch [Kupchak, the Lakers' GM] and them feel like they need to do to improve the ballclub." 然後又問湖人可能不做重大交易,他感覺如何,Kobe 表示這不關他的事,他說 這是 Mitch 和整個團隊的事情,這是有關他們覺得需不需要做補強的事。 Bryant was more forthcoming when it came to other topics. ‧ On his weight loss of 19 pounds, he said it was the first time in nine years he had weighed in at 200 pounds. "I started watching what I eat. I had something to eat, I think it was pepperoni pizza and grape soda, and I started feeling a little bloated. And I didn't know what that sensation was, and I tried getting out on the track and running and felt a little heavy, so I had to cut back a little bit." 他現在大概兩百磅,他說現在很注意飲食,他發現之前自己常吃些垃圾食物,包括 披薩跟蘇打汽水等,他覺得自己身體怪怪的,跑起步來有點遲鈍,所以決定進行減重 ‧ On the scandal involving referee Tim Donaghy, who allegedly gambled on games he officiated: "It's a shame, it's unfortunate, and I'm sure the league is on top of it and I'm sure they'll handle the situation accordingly. It's very surprising. The NBA really hasn't had any scandals on gambling that I can remember. As players, all we can do is go out and play the game. David Stern is a great commissioner, and he'll handle it." 接著就是之前提過的裁判弊案,Kobe 則說這是個羞愧的事情,他相信聯盟會做出處理 他說聯盟從未有這類型的醜聞出現過,所以感到很訝異。身為一個球員,他能做的就是 出場比賽,其他的就都交給 David Stern 處理。 ‧ On finally playing for Team USA after circumstances forced him off the team in 2003, 2004 and 2006: "It means everything. I've looked forward to this for a while, to be in this position to represent our country." 對於加入國家隊感到虞有榮焉,他很高興。 連結裡有照片,真的變的蠻瘦的 = = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/21 13:59,
07/21 13:59

07/21 14:22,
http://myurl.com.tw/gfuj 訓練太變態,所以瘦了..XD
07/21 14:22

07/21 14:29,
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07/21 14:30,
07/21 14:30

07/21 15:55,
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07/21 16:06,
這個黃紫的上色我喜歡 ^^
07/21 16:06

07/21 16:36,
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07/21 16:49,
媽呀 果然是我心目中籃球的第一人 XD 妖壽變態
07/21 16:49

07/21 16:50,
好想趕快看到Kobe的比賽的啊 orz
07/21 16:50

07/21 17:34,
07/21 17:34

07/21 18:19,
還可以 主要別影響手感就好
07/21 18:19

07/21 19:52,
真的比較瘦,才幾天= =
07/21 19:52

07/21 20:35,
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07/21 20:39,
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07/22 00:06,
07/22 00:06

07/22 00:27,
07/22 00:27

07/22 00:28,
先斬後奏啦 ~ :P
07/22 00:28
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/22 21:08, , 1F
07/22 21:08, 1F
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