Kobe's weight loss will improve his game

看板KobeBryant作者 (Crittenton)時間17年前 (2007/07/28 19:58), 編輯推噓10(1002)
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Finally, Kobe’s new diet has him playing at around 200 pounds, about 19 lbs lighter than he was last season: 終於,Kobe 新的飲食習慣將他的體重降到 200 磅上下,比起上個球季,他足足瘦了 有十九磅之多。 On his weight loss of 19 pounds, he said it was the first time in nine years he had weighed in at 200 pounds. "I started watching what I eat. I had something to eat, I think it was pepperoni pizza and grape soda, and I started feeling a little bloated. And I didn’t know what that sensation was, and I tried getting out on the track and running and felt a little heavy, so I had to cut back a little bit." 在甩掉十九磅的體重之後,他說這是九年來第一次再度回到兩百磅。 「我開始注意飲食,發現自己過去吃太多垃圾食物,慢慢感到有點不對勁。」 「我一開始並不知道嚴重性,直到我外出訓練跑步後,我覺得有點笨重,所以我必須 去除掉一些重量。」 My Quick Take: I consider Kobe Bryant the world’s most talented basketball player. I can’t imagine him taking his game and individual skill-set to yet anther level. But that’s what will likely happen next season because the guard has dropped twenty pounds and should be even leaner and quicker. 我的簡評 : 基本上我認為 Kobe 是全世界最出色的籃球員。我無法想像他還能進化到 另一個層次。但是這種事情卻有可能在下個球季發生,因為一個後衛在減掉二十磅之後 絕對會變的更刁鑽靈活與迅速。 Here’s how Bryant’s game will benefit from the weight loss: He’ll be even more explosive. Kobe’s first-step will be even harder for defenders to contain. He’ll be even better in the open-court. Kobe’s always been an excellent transition finisher, but now, twenty pounds lighter, he’ll be able to get up-and-down the court faster and will be even more unstoppable. He’ll be a better on-the-ball, perimeter defender. Kobe’s always been a great defender, but the new, ultra-quick Bryant will pester opposing point guards handling the ball. He’ll have even more energy. Kobe, because he had to carry the Lakers, would sometimes tire-out down the stretch of games last year. An even fitter Bryant shouldn’t experience these problems in 2007-08. 以下是減重後 Kobe 將會獲得的益處 : 他會更具備爆發力。 Kobe 的第一步啟動將會讓防守者更加難以捉模。 在全場跑動的機動性更加進步。 Kobe一直以來都是出色的快攻終結者,然而隨著二十磅的消失,他更能整個球場上 迅速的奔馳跑動,他將會變得更難阻擋。 他將更具備對位防守的能力,成為最佳的防守大鎖。 Kobe本來就是出色的防守者,然而全新的身體將使 Bryant 更加迅速,他可以更輕 鬆的壓迫對方持球的後衛。 他將獲得更多能量。 Kobe因為必須支手帶領著湖人隊,所以上個球季有時候你會發現他在比賽後半段會 有些疲憊。而這個全新的體能狀況將使他不再面臨這種問題。 Here’s how Bryant’s weight loss could change his game: His low post game could suffer. With less of an upper-body, Bryant might not have the size to post-up opposing two-guards. Bryant may have trouble defending bigger guards, who will be tempted to take him down to the block. He might not be so strong at finishing three-point plays. In the past, Bryant ’s size would allow him to absorb a tough foul, so he could maintain focus and still try to sink the basket. Will a lighter Bryant be able to take hard fouls and still go for the three-point play 以下是減重後 Kobe 打球風格會有的改變 : 他的低位能力可能受到打擊。 在上半身的碰撞能力減少後,Bryant 可能變得剩下只能單打控衛的狀況。 他也可能在防守端碰到較高壯的後衛時出現麻煩,而對手將會拼命的在禁區以衝撞 加以招待。 他可能不再有那麼強大的三分打能力。 過去,他的體型可以讓他吸收掉許多強大的碰撞,在碰撞完之後依舊有能力將球擺 進。而現在較瘦小的 Kobe 還有辦法繼續這麼做嗎? The Verdict: This is a case of pick your poison. Lighter Bryant, bigger Bryant-it really doesn’t matter. He dominated at 220 pounds. And he’ll absolutely dominate at 200 pounds. But I do believe Kobe’s perimeter game and endurance will improve because of his weight loss. 總體來說,這純粹就像你想挑哪種毒品來使用。 輕量級的 Kobe 或是重量級的 Kobe 都無所謂,他可以用 220 磅的體重統治全場, 所以他也將以 200 磅的體重作同樣的事情。 不過我仍然相信,Kobe 將會因為減重成功而使體能跟技巧更加精進。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/28 20:17, , 1F
多做針對力量的肌肉訓練 維持力量!Kobe加油
07/28 20:17, 1F

07/28 20:28, , 2F
我還是覺得02-03那樣的體態最棒 有速度有強度
07/28 20:28, 2F

07/28 20:30, , 3F
每次季後大變身 結果不是大好就是大壞 希望下季是好的
07/28 20:30, 3F

07/28 20:49, , 4F
當然是好的阿 增重容易 減重難 !!!
07/28 20:49, 4F

07/28 23:29, , 5F
Kobe沒有大壞過吧= =?
07/28 23:29, 5F

07/28 23:43, , 6F
大壞應該算魔鬼筋肉人那次 要幫忙搶籃板而練太壯了
07/28 23:43, 6F

07/28 23:45, , 7F
喔喔 05年是吧 因為那年禁區缺人的關係吧 Kobe要幫忙內線
07/28 23:45, 7F

07/29 19:30, , 8F
07/29 19:30, 8F

07/30 04:55, , 9F
07/30 04:55, 9F

07/30 09:44, , 10F
07/30 09:44, 10F

07/30 20:01, , 11F
07/30 20:01, 11F

08/03 02:45, , 12F
是普烏吧XD 你要胖普烏還是瘦普烏
08/03 02:45, 12F
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