Kobe Bryant and Ron Artest update

看板KobeBryant作者 (Crittenton)時間17年前 (2007/08/22 18:44), 編輯推噓4(400)
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Since draft night, the Knicks have not been in the spotlight at all. With baseball season in full swing, football season just getting started, all has remained quiet with the Knicks. The only stories of the off-season have involved the rumors surrounding Ron Artest and Kobe Bryant. All summer, these two names continued to be connected with New York. 自選秀會當晚之後,尼克隊已經不再是焦點。隨著棒球的例行賽逐漸加溫、美式足球新 球季剛剛開始,都顯得尼克隊是如此的安靜。唯一環繞在尼克隊的兩個話題便是 Artest 與 Kobe Bryant 的轉隊話題。整個暑假以來,這兩個名字不斷的與尼克相連著。 Over the last few days, new information on both players have came out and neither was positive for New York. Besides the Knicks, few teams have shown interest in the volatile Artest, until recently. Rumors surfaced over the weekend, that the Miami Heat are interested in obtaining Artest from Sacramento. With Shaq’s career winding down, Miami is in a win now mode, and may be willing to part with young power forward, Udonis Haslem, to bring Artest to South Beach. 過去幾天,這兩位球員都有新的消息發布,然而對尼克而言都不是好消息。除了尼克以 外,有幾支球隊對於網羅 Ron Artest 展現興趣,特別是最近。謠言在 Sacramento 逐 漸加溫,隨著 Shaq 的籃球生涯逐漸走下坡,熱火隊現在完全是把握現在的模式,因此 可能送出年輕的 Udonis Haslem 到國王,將 Artest 帶來南邊海灘。 If Miami was to land Artest, there chances of returning to the elite of the Eastern Conference definitely would increase. The East will once again be wide open next year, with Cleveland, Boston, Chicago, and Miami the favorites to reach the NBA Finals. Pat Riley is one of the few coaches who would be willing to gamble that he could control Artest and get the best out of him. With Shaq and Dwayne Wade, two established superstars in place, Artest would be asked to just come in and play a role, not be a leader of the team. 如果熱火隊取得了 Artest,他們就重新回到東區王座的機會就會大增。而東區的戰況 也將更加激烈,騎士、塞爾提克、公牛與熱火都是角逐總冠軍賽的球隊。Pat Riley 是 少數願意去賭可能可以控制 Artest 的教練,甚至讓他變的更好。只是伴隨著 Shaq 與 Wade 兩位球星,Artest 可能會被要求當綠葉球員,而不是球隊領導者。 As for Kobe Bryant, he recently did some interviews and discussed how he plans on reporting to training camp for the Lakers. He said he was frustrated with the organization but that he still looks at the Lakers as his team. This seems to be a dramatic change from the many reports from the major media outlets, including ESPN’s Ric Bucher, who has had the inside scoop on the Kobe situation from the start. 至於 Kobe Bryant,他最近接受了幾個訪談,談論未來的計畫,包含願意出席季前訓練 營。他表示自己對管理階層的行動感到挫折,但是他仍然將湖人視為自己所屬的球隊。 這在很多媒體人士眼中,看起來是個戲劇性的變化,包括 ESPN 的 Ric Bucher,這位最 早爆出內幕消息的人。 Only a week or two ago, Bucher made it known that he thought Kobe would never play again for the Lakers. He discussed that from talking to Kobe, he did not see anything that could change his mind, but did warn that things could always change. Kobe’s interview made it seem like even though he is upset with the front office, he would still be there when camp opens, playing for the Lakers. 在一或兩個禮拜前,Bucher 才表示自己認為 Kobe 絕對不會再為湖人打球。他開始從這 角度討論 Kobe,他認為沒有什麼事可以改變 Kobe 的想法,不過還是表示任何事情都可 能會出現變化。Kobe 的訪談顯示出雖然對於高層的行動感到失望,但他仍然會出席訓練 營,為湖人上陣。 With a lot of time between now and the start of the NBA season, a lot can change still on both the status of Artest and Bryant. When push comes to shove, I do think the Kings will take the best offer they receive for Artest, and move on without him. The Knicks continue to seem like a perfect match, since they want him, he wants them, and the Knicks have some expiring contracts and young players to offer the rebuilding Kings. I will stick to my belief, that Artest will be the starting small forward for New York, come the start of the regular season. 現在到 NBA 球季開幕還有一大段時間,Artest 與 Bryant 的狀況仍然可能會有巨大的 改變。當適當的時機來臨時,我認為國王隊會接受最好的條件來送出 Artest,然後用全 新的陣容往前邁進。尼克依舊被視為最適合的人選,特別是兩情相悅的情況下,尼克有 著一些將到期合約與年輕球員可以提供給國王重建的籌碼。我仍然相信,在新的賽季開 始的時候,Artest 最終將會成為尼克隊的先發小前鋒。 As for Kobe, that situation is much more complicated. LA will try to do anything to avoid trading one of the game’s best players. If Kobe is softening his stance already, it seems as if he will not force the issue and demand to be traded, but that can still change. Kobe seems to be confused as what he wants. Since his original demand came out, he has went back and forth in his demands. 至於 Kobe,他的狀況就比較複雜一些。洛杉磯將會試著去做任何事情來避免必須交易 這名最佳球員。如果 Kobe 已經開始軟化自己的立場,看起來他將不會再強迫些什麼事 或是要求被交易,只是這個情形隨時可能會改變。看起來 Kobe 正為了自己想要什麼而 困擾著,自從最初的要求出現後,他一直反反覆覆的改變自己的說法。 Both of these situations should be resolved during the month of September, prior to the pre-season starting in October. As was discussed in my previous article, Isiah Thomas and the Knicks will continue to wait in the wings, and let these situations play themselves out. Hopefully in the end there strategy works, and it leads to Ron Artest or Kobe Bryant becoming a Knick. 這兩個案例應該在九月份的時候都會有明顯的結果,就如同我先前文章所提的,Isiah Thomas 和尼克仍然在一旁等著,讓這些情勢自己發展下去。也希望這個策略能夠奏效, 讓 Ron Artest 和 Kobe Bryant 能夠成為尼克的一份子。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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