[閒聊] Time to end the hating on Bryant

看板KobeBryant作者 (台灣爛香蕉)時間17年前 (2008/02/24 03:59), 編輯推噓46(4604)
留言50則, 46人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/c13J6 February 22nd, 2008 He’s Beethoven Bryant… Now Hear the Music! By Ted M. Green | Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers, Column You wouldn’t think a man who seems to have everything would need anything. 你不會想到,一個好像已經擁有一切的人還會需要什麼。 You wouldn’t think a man loved by millions might need a friend. 你不會想到,一個被數以百萬計的人所擁戴的人會需要一個朋友。 Kobe Bryant has oodles of talent, tons of money, a pretty wife, beautiful young family and the respect, if not unconditional affection, of most of his peers. So what could a man with all that possibly need? Kobe Bryant有許多的天份、無數的金錢、一個漂亮的老婆、一個年輕美滿的家庭、 他人的敬重。跟他的同輩相比,是不是毫無疑問的? 所以..這樣的人還會需要什麼? Oh, just understanding, appreciation and, finally, an end to the hating. Understand what, you say? 喔,其實只要一些對他的了解,對他表示一點感激,還有..結束那些無謂的敵意。 或許你會問,要了解什麼? That he is the best player in the NBA by eons and quite possibly more skilled than even Michael Jordan. 了解他是聯盟歷史中的頂尖好手,甚至可能比那個人更有技巧。 Appreciation? Yup, by finally naming him MVP of the league. 如何表示感激?呃,不如給他個MVP獎座。 And hating? That’s right, it’s time to put a merciful end to the petty envy and ugly jealousies, time to stop holding Colorado over his head, time to stop penalizing him because he’s ridiculously gifted and kinda comes across like he knows it. 那麼敵意又是什麼?嗯,該是時候用個仁慈的心結束這些憤恨跟醜陋的嫉妒,是時候 停止把科羅拉多的那件事架在他的頭上,是時候停止因為他的超卓天份而懲罰他了。 It seems crazy to me that for every Kobe jersey you see in arenas around the country, for the millions of Number 24’s that are worn in China, there seem to be an equal number or more who refuse to give this generational treasure his just due. 對我來說是很瘋狂的,你可以在全美各地的場館中看到穿著Kobe球衣的球迷,在中國有 百萬人穿著24號球衣,但可能有等量甚至更多的人拒絕視他為這世代的英材。 I’m not talking about naming him to All-Star teams or All-NBA first teams or even paying him the 20 mil or whatever it is he makes in salary each year. He ’s earned all that. 我不是在討論他入選全明星或是年度第一隊,或是給他兩千萬年薪還是多少錢,那些都 是他自己掙來的。 I’m talking about recognizing how hard he plays, how hard he works to make his teammates better, how he leads by words and example. 我要說的是請體認到他是多努力的打球,多努力在讓他的隊友更好,還有他是如何用 言語跟身體力行去領導球隊。 The rap in the past that he didn’t make his teammates better? Bullfeathers. He passed to them. They missed. What was he supposed to do, shoot it in the basket for them? 過去那些說他不能讓他隊友更好的言論?屁啦。他都把球傳給他們了,他們沒投進而 已。不然你要他怎麼辦,幫他們把球丟進去嗎? Look at the Lakers now: If you don’t think Jordan Farmar, Sasha Vujacic and Ronny Turiaf are all light years better than a year ago, you’re just not paying attention. Heck, playing in the backcourt with Kobe, Derek Fisher at an age (33) when lots of guys are fading, is having a career year, with all-time bests in every shooting category. Coincidence? Not hardly. 看看現在的湖人,如果你不認為Farmar、Sasha、Turiaf比上季有著長足的進步,那 是你根本沒在注意。真是見鬼,現在Kobe的後場搭檔Fisher已經33歲了,通常已經是 其他人開始退步的年紀,結果這季是他目前生涯中表現最好的一年,在所有的命中率 都是最佳,難道這都是巧合? I’m also talking about how when it comes to being The Closer, Kobe makes Kyra Sedgwick look like a helpless little girl. Look under “4th Quarter” and Kobe’s probably got a copyright in the government patent office. Know what? Forget all that. 我也不是在講Kobe在關鍵時刻有多猛,雖然他在第四節的表現傑出到大概可以在政 府單位註冊專利。 算了,當我沒說。 What I’m REALLY talking about is, for Kobe’s detractors, the haters, to drop the pretense and stop the posturing and just admit that as a shooter, driver, finisher and defender, as the ultimate basketball Jedi master as we speak here in the late winter of 2008, Lebron James with all his Nike marketing power and funny/cutesy Old Man commercials, can’t hold Kobe’s jock. Or gym bag. Oh, he can hold it, all right, but only if he asks real nicely. 我真的想說的是,那些貶低、仇恨Kobe的人,是該放下那些歧見停止故作姿態,承認 他身為一個投籃者、切入好手、得分殺手、防守專家,是個籃球的終極絕地大師。 就算LBJ有他的NIKE市場力量跟那些搞笑的裝老人廣告,也不能跟Kobe並駕齊驅。 喔,好吧,如果LBJ稍微有禮貌一點,他應該可以。 By having the b*lls to light a fire under Laker management and calling them out last summer when they were derelict in their promise to put a team around him; and then, by putting those unkind words and bad blood behind him as if it never happened once he hit the court in November, never shortchanging his employers with his herculean efforts; by maturing into the kind of leader who pushes and encourages his teammates instead of scolding and demeaning them (see Andrew Bynum); by scoring points as if they’re bunches of grapes; by making more highlight plays in any given game than most other so-called superstars make in a month; by hitting hundreds of shots that make you shake your head and wonder if he’s even human; by leading the Lakers to the top of the Pacific Division and third best record in the NBA when many experts had them as an eight seed or worse; and dammit, by still playing like a genius virtuoso with a pinky finger that is so broken and mangled, a top hand specialist recommended immediate surgery; for dropping 41 on the Suns in Phoenix with a freaking half-broken shooting hand!; for all those reasons and probably 100 more I haven’t thought of, Kobe Bean Bryant has finally earned the unconditional respect and admiration he has never quite received from a public that has never embraced him with the same affection they showed for MJ and now the new darling of Hip Hop Hype, Bron Bron. 在去年夏天,他很有種的因為湖人高層不遵守他們對他的承諾而開砲,接著他將那些 不友善的言詞放在他腦後,當他在十一月上場比賽時,好像從來沒發生過一樣。 他的表現依舊超凡, 不斷的鞭策跟鼓勵他的隊友, 需要他得分時毫不手軟, 持續在每場比賽中演出其他球星要存一個月的超人鏡頭, 把一堆讓你會懷疑他是不是人類的球搞進籃框, 當專家認為湖人頂多是第八種子之時,帶領湖人登上太平洋組龍頭跟聯盟頂尖的戰績, 還有還有, 就算小指帶著專家說最好馬上開刀的傷,仍然殺翻其他隊伍, 他奶奶滴在太陽主場用個有著半廢小指的投籃手幹下四十一分! 以上這些,還有其他大概超過一百個我還沒想到的理由, Kobe Bean Bryant終於爭取到他該有的尊重跟讚美,那是他以前從未由群眾那兒真正 獲得的,從前那個人曾獲得的擁護。 I’ve got your Bron Bron right here. It is absolutely incomprehensible to me, but yet fully expected given the history of Kobe Bryant, that not one major national NBA writer, far as I know, has been smart enough, fair enough or honest enough to come out right now and say what is now startlingly obvious: 對我來說很難理解,沒有一個主要的NBA作家,至少就我所知,夠聰明夠公平夠誠實的 站出來說: That if Bryant isn’t the MVP this year, that award needs to be put on the shelf forever, never to be dusted off again. 如果這季Kobe還拿不到MVP,那麼那座獎盃可以永遠擺在架上不用拿下來了,連拿抹布 擦掉上面的灰塵都不用。 Know who the other candidates are this season? KG? Nope, been hurt. Lebron? With 24 losses in a conference that is dreck? Sure, whatever you say. 談談其他的候選人,KG?不,他之前傷停了。LBJ?球隊身在東區(dreck:大便.假貨 XD) 還已經輸了24場? 好啦,隨便你怎麼講。 In other words, there are no other candidates, not in the no-spin universe free of East Coast bias that I live in. 換另外一種說法,沒有其他候選人啦!至少在我家,可以允許對東岸歧視的地方沒有。 In the real, un-spun NBA, it’s Kobe’s world and everybody else is just living in it. And if you don’t believe me, ask the players. Trust me, they’ ll tell you. NBA是屬於Kobe的天下,而其他人只是剛好住在那邊。不相信?自己去問問其他球員, 他們會告訴你答案。 Now I’ll be the first to admit: I’ve always respected Kobe, appreciated him, understood his athletic genius, but I never quite embraced him, either. There is, inarguably, something cold, clinical and a little too detached about his public persona, and his postgame sound bites. There is something, the hard edge, that slight chip on the shoulder people perceive, that does stop many fans from feeling warmth for him. But that’s Kobe’s vibe. It must be how the real assassins roll. 但我必須先承認,我一直很尊重Kobe也很感激他,知道他在運動上的天賦,但我也從 未真的去擁戴他。毫無疑問的,他的公眾形象是有點冷淡,尖銳,有些太過於跟其他 人保持距離,而且他的賽後訪問好像會咬人。這的確會讓一些球迷無法感受到他的友 善(有嗎?( ̄ㄧ ̄;)),但這就是Kobe。 這大概就是如何扮演一個真正的殺手所必須的。 Turns out that off the court, Kobe is giving, outward reaching, socially aware and generous with his time; he’s warm with kids, busy with lots of community and charity work that never makes the papers. In fact, he wants it that way. 下場之後Kobe付出很多,花了很多時間在公益上,他對小孩子很熱情,忙著處理許多 從未見報的基金會和公益活動,而他也希望如此。 But from this point forward, let me suggest to the haters that it isn’t Kobe ’s fault some clever Nike marketer never had him be the one to dive into the pool or play four different characters including a grumpy old man. 我必須跟那些Kobe hater說,有些"聰明"的Nike行銷者,從未讓Kobe跳進池子裡或是 扮演四個不同的角色,包括一個奇怪的老頭,而這並不是Kobe的錯。 (現在Kobe也扮了三個奇怪的老頭..囧) MJ, he gambled, caroused, bitchslapped teammates, smiled at all the right times, became Nike’s Jumpman, hit the very last shot of his Bulls career to win his sixth and last title (I can still see it in my dreams in slo-mo, the pushoff on Bryon Russell, as if it happened five minutes ago)…and now Michael, his Airness, lives in our hearts forever. 那個人愛賭,喝酒,靠北隊友,但是他在正確的時候展露笑容,變成Nike的主打球星, 投進他在公牛的最後一球贏得他的第六也是最後一個冠軍盃(我到現在還可以作夢看到 那個慢動作,把Russell推開,好像剛發生一樣),而現在那個人,神,的表現只能存在 於我們的記憶之中。 Let me be the one to suggest to the haters that if you don’t begin realizing that a true basketball Beethoven is passing your way again, Kobe Bryant is going to be gone before you had a chance to genuinely enjoy and embrace the show. 讓我來跟那群Kobe hater說,如果你還沒開始體認另一個籃球場上的貝多芬正在穿過 你的面前,Kobe Bryant會在你有機會開始享受跟擁抱這場盛會之前,慢慢消失。 Ted Green is Senior Sports Producer for KTLA Prime News and a former sportswriter for the L.A. Times and National Sports Daily. He does not vote anymore for NBA MVP but wishes he could. 以上是這位仁兄的職位,曾是LA Times跟Nation Sports Daily的體育記者。 他沒有NBA MVP的投票權,但是他希望他有。 -- ┌這篇文章讓您覺得?────────────────────────────┐ │ │ 丁"丁 \ / = =|| ╯ ╰ ∩ < ▁ ▁_< ㄧ ㄧ+ │ o Δ ╰╯ 丁丁 震怒 無言 冏rz 揪咪 哭哭 送啦 科科 └──────────────────────www.stealfromKreen.com─────┘ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (02/24 04:05)

02/24 04:19, , 1F
推啦~ 今年季賽MVP跟季後賽MVP都給KB就對了
02/24 04:19, 1F

02/24 06:16, , 2F
推阿 完全說出我內心的想法 看了好感動
02/24 06:16, 2F

02/24 06:17, , 3F
02/24 06:17, 3F

02/24 09:14, , 4F
02/24 09:14, 4F

02/24 09:15, , 5F
02/24 09:15, 5F

02/24 09:27, , 6F
MVP!!!! 實至名歸的MVP...
02/24 09:27, 6F

02/24 09:32, , 7F
02/24 09:32, 7F

02/24 09:43, , 8F
別轉NBA版 尤其又提到LBJ... 不過這中肯文
02/24 09:43, 8F

02/24 09:54, , 9F
02/24 09:54, 9F

02/24 10:17, , 10F
02/24 10:17, 10F

02/24 10:24, , 11F
02/24 10:24, 11F

02/24 11:18, , 12F
02/24 11:18, 12F

02/24 11:54, , 13F
02/24 11:54, 13F

02/24 12:50, , 14F
02/24 12:50, 14F

02/24 15:53, , 15F
02/24 15:53, 15F

02/24 15:55, , 16F
Nice !
02/24 15:55, 16F

02/24 16:02, , 17F
02/24 16:02, 17F

02/24 16:18, , 18F
不推不是Kobe迷 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/24 16:18, 18F

02/24 17:26, , 19F
02/24 17:26, 19F

02/24 17:35, , 20F
02/24 17:35, 20F

02/24 17:46, , 21F
02/24 17:46, 21F

02/24 18:21, , 22F
02/24 18:21, 22F

02/24 19:40, , 23F
02/24 19:40, 23F

02/24 20:29, , 24F
02/24 20:29, 24F

02/24 22:37, , 25F
02/24 22:37, 25F

02/24 22:47, , 26F
MVP!!! KOBE !!!
02/24 22:47, 26F

02/24 23:13, , 27F
02/24 23:13, 27F

02/24 23:36, , 28F
02/24 23:36, 28F

02/24 23:55, , 29F
02/24 23:55, 29F

02/25 00:30, , 30F
這季沒有MVP 真的不知道啥時才能再拿MVP了
02/25 00:30, 30F

02/25 00:30, , 31F
02/25 00:30, 31F

02/25 00:36, , 32F
02/25 00:36, 32F

02/25 02:29, , 33F
02/25 02:29, 33F

02/25 06:32, , 34F
02/25 06:32, 34F

02/25 11:07, , 35F
02/25 11:07, 35F

02/25 12:44, , 36F
02/25 12:44, 36F

02/25 13:50, , 37F
02/25 13:50, 37F

02/25 14:54, , 38F
02/25 14:54, 38F

02/25 15:03, , 39F
02/25 15:03, 39F

02/25 15:53, , 40F
XD 這篇酸斃了~
02/25 15:53, 40F

02/25 20:07, , 41F
    MVP    MVP    MVP
02/25 20:07, 41F

02/25 21:44, , 42F
02/25 21:44, 42F

02/25 23:32, , 43F
02/25 23:32, 43F

02/26 13:19, , 44F
02/26 13:19, 44F

02/26 18:21, , 45F
沒錯 那段講kobe與人群疏離 賽後講話不溫暖 但這才是刺客
02/26 18:21, 45F

02/26 19:02, , 46F
02/26 19:02, 46F
※ 編輯: RAGERACER 來自: (02/26 21:54)

02/26 21:54, , 47F
02/26 21:54, 47F

02/26 22:42, , 48F
02/26 22:42, 48F

02/26 23:02, , 49F
KOBE真的做了很多好榜樣 也是很多人的偶像吧
02/26 23:02, 49F

02/28 17:03, , 50F
02/28 17:03, 50F
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