Bosnia-Herzegovina VS Spain

看板LFP作者 (rosicky)時間20年前 (2004/09/09 04:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Bosnia-Herzegovina ─ Spain 1 1 (75' Bolic)  (67' Vicente ) 先發: 1 Casillas, 2 Salgado, 3 Romero, 4 Albelda, 5 Puyol, 6 Helguera 7 Raul, 8 Baraja, 9 Reyes, Victor, 11 Vicente 替補: 13 Canizares, 12 Valeron, 14 Morientes, 15 Marchena, 16 Torres, 17 Joaquin, 18 Alonso 換人: 50' Morientes (in) - Victor (out) Mori在62分時拿到一張黃牌-.-|| 58' Valeron (in) - Baraja (out) 71' Alonso (in) - Albelda (out) 比賽結果1-1,黃牌數兩隊相同,各三張。 -- "Morientes is hardly missed a chance since he arrived but what sets him apart is his humility." enthuses his captain, Ludovic Giuly. "He is the role model who can pull the others with him," Deschamps asserts. ※ 編輯: kahi 來自: (09/09 19:12)
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