Solari welcomes Real Madrid interest in Mascherano

看板LFP作者 (PEI & New Brunswick)時間20年前 (2004/10/14 12:43), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Solari welcomes Real Madrid interest in Mascherano - October 14, 2004 Real Madrid midfielder Santiago Solari welcomes the prospect of Javier Mascherano arriving from River Plate. Solari and Mascherano are Argentina teammates and the Real midfielder is delighted that the 21 year-old could join the Spanish giants in January. "Hopefully Mascherano comes to Real Madrid. Mascherano has a great present in Argentine football and a great future in European football," said Solari. "I hope that he has an opportunity to demonstrate his game in Europe." -- ╭╦╦╮╭══╮╠╦╮╦ ╦ ╦ ╦ ╦ ╭══╮ ╭═╦╮ ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ ╠╯╰╣╭╦╦╣╠╯╰╯ ║ ║ ╠╦╮║ ╭╦╦╣ ╰╣ 會飛的小蝙蝠 ╰══╮╠╯╰╣╠╮╭╮ ║ ║ ╠╯╰╯ ╠╯╰╣ ╭═╦╣Valencia 與LFP版主 ╠╮╭╣╠╮╭╣╠╩╩╣ ╠╮╭╣ ║ ╠╮╭╣ ╰╣熱愛足球的櫻花三號 ╰╩╩╯╰╩╩╯╩ ╩ ╰╩╩╯ ╩ ╰╩╩╯ ╰══╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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