Real Madrid coach: I'd leave if I was Morientes

看板LFP作者 (啾啾大戰肥貓)時間20年前 (2004/12/22 12:44), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Real Madrid coach: I'd leave if I was Morientes - December 22, 2004 Real Madrid coach Mariano Garcia Remon has admitted if he was Fernando Morientes, he would leave the club. Liverpool are locked in talks with Real over the striker and hope to secure him for around £5 million. Garcia Remon said yesterday: "Perhaps, if I were in his place I would also leave. Through circumstance, others perhaps are playing more and if it is good for both, as much for him as for the club, he must make the decision to change teams." However, Garcia Remon insisted that he is very satisfied with the attitude of the striker. "He has a sensational approach, he trains like the best and never puts on a sad face. I would like to provide him with the best possible solution to this problem." -- 我如此匆忙的生活方式是否很滑稽 你儘管笑吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 12/22, , 1F
借轉皇馬板.... 12/22, 1F 12/23, , 2F
nono...YOU leave. Moro stays. XD 12/23, 2F
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