FIFA fines Spain for racist action

看板LFP作者 (~*Feliz Natal*~)時間20年前 (2004/12/23 19:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1 2004-12-22 00:26:14 XinhuaEnglish BEIJING, Dec. 22-- FIFA fined the Spanish Football Federation 100,000 Swiss francs (45,050 pounds) for the racist chanting of its fans at the friendly match against England in Madrid in November. Following a meeting of its disciplinary committee, the world football ruling body announced the punishment on Tuesday. FIFA also said the Spanish football federation faced further and more serious sanctions, including being"excluded from one or several international competitions" if there is evidence of racism in the future. During the game between England and Spain at the Bernabeu stadium on November 17, several black England players were subjected to monkey noises and other abusive chants from the crowd. Players in both England's under-21 and senior teams suffered racist abuse in the November 16/17 friendlies. FIFA had adopted a strong anti-racism stance that any repeat of the racist behaviour could result in them playing behind closed doors or expulsion from one or several FIFA competitions. The Spanish Football Federation is also investigating the behaviour of national team coach Luis Aragones after his controversial comments about Arsenal's black French player Thierry Henry and England's colonial past before the match, according to the report of Reuters. The English Football Association said after hearing of the news it would just have to accept the sanction. (Agencies) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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