[情報] 紅魔中意歐文

看板LFP作者 (Lucky Star)時間19年前 (2005/05/21 00:53), 編輯推噓4(401)
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http://uk.sports.yahoo.com/050520/4/b066.html Red Devils Linked With Owen Swoop Fri 20 May, 1:09 PM Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson wants to partner Wayne Rooney with England colleague Michael Owen at Old Trafford next season. 佛格森爵士打算在下一季在老特拉福球場把打造 "魯歐" 連線 Ferguson has seen his Red Devils finish the season a massive 18 points adrift of new champions Chelsea in the Premiership. 佛格森先生看到了紅魔與冠軍的巨大落差. And one of the main reasons for their failure on both the domestic and European front has been a dearth of goals - with United scoring just 58 goals in 38 league games compared to the Blues' 72 and Arsenal's 87. 原因是因為機乎枯竭的進球量 Ferguson has pinpointed Owen as the man he wants to spend Malcolm Glazer's cash on, with the former Liverpool hitman having failed to nail down a regular starting role in Madrid, where he is behind Raul and Ronaldo in the striker pecking order. 佛格森要把錢花在歐文身上 歐文被雙R卡住沒有辦法在馬德里拿到經常性先發的位置 The United boss has always believed in having four world-class strikers to call upon, and having seen Louis Saha and Alan Smith fail to really make their mark, will chance his arm with a £10m bid for Owen. Real are likely to want nearer to £15m for the 25-year-old, who cost £8m when he moved from Anfield and is only one year into a four-year deal. 上面再講價碼.....@@" Owen has spent most of the Primera Liga season on the bench but still managed to score an impressive 12 goals for the Galacticos 歐文在有限的出場下進球很多 (他真的很高效耶 其實~) -- 請各位原諒我 我今天才知道銀河戰艦是Galacticos XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ivanov 來自: (05/21 01:04) ※ 編輯: Ivanov 來自: (05/21 01:06) ※ 編輯: Ivanov 來自: (05/21 01:06) 05/21, , 1F
借轉RM版 謝謝 05/21, 1F 05/21, , 2F
你只要知道Xavi教我們的那幾句話就可以了XDD 05/21, 2F 05/21, , 3F
la proxima vegada q parlem serem campions. 05/21, 3F 05/21, , 4F
這個嗎? XD 05/21, 4F 05/22, , 5F
三樓的你很認真喔 都有記下來XD 05/22, 5F
※ 編輯: Ivanov 來自: (05/22 14:40)
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