
看板LFP作者 (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot)時間18年前 (2006/07/13 22:23), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1 Sarriugarte replaces Clemente at Athletic Bilbao MADRID, July 8 (Reuters) - Athletic Bilbao reserve team coach Felix Sarriugarte will take charge of the senior side until the end of the coming season following the sacking of Javier Clemente, the club said on Saturday. Bilbao的預備隊教練Sarriugarte將接替被炒的Javier Clemente 在接下來的一個賽季中接掌一線隊兵符 Sarriugarte, 41, who played for Bilbao during the 1980s, has worked with the club for five years and led the reserve team to sixth place in the regionally-based third division last season. Sarriugarte在八零年代曾是Bilbao球員 他擔任預備隊教練五年 上賽季在區域性丙級聯賽中排名第六 'He is a young coach with great potential,' Bilbao president Fernando Lamikiz told a news conference. 'He uses modern methods and knows the club very well.' Bilbao主席說:"他是一個年輕有潛力的教練 思想先進並對球隊有深入的了解" Sarriugarte replaces former Spain coach Clemente who was sacked on Friday, four days after criticising the club's transfer policy. 前西班牙國家隊教練Clemente之前公開批評Bilbao的轉會政策 四天之後就被火了 Clemente took charge of Bilbao for the third time in his career last October when they were bottom of the Primera Liga and steered them to survival with a 12th-place finish, six points clear of the relegation zone. Clemente曾三度擔任Bilbao主教練 去年十月他接任時球隊是西甲最後一名 但賽季結束時他們排名第12 離降級區有6分的距離 He said Lamikiz had sacked him because of media pressure and because he wanted a more compliant figure as coach. Clemente認為主席火他是因為媒體壓力 主席想要一個乖一點的教練 But Lamikiz said that Clemente's criticisms were not the only reason for his dismissal. 但主席說這並不是他火他的主因 'The declarations he made on Monday were just the straw that broke the camel's back,' he said. 'Clemente doesn't know how to work as part of a team.' "他公開批評球隊是壓死駱駝的最後一根稻草XD Clemente根本不知道什麼是團隊合作" -- 其實我覺得他蠻可憐的... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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