[News] Mista delight at atletico deal

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/07/28 04:08), 編輯推噓1(101)
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from skysports Mista has ended his unhappy spell with Valencia by joining Atletico Madrid, subject to a medical. Mista 前往馬競接受體檢 Atletico have agreed to pay €4.2 million (£2.9 million) for the Spain cap, who has been anxious to quit Valencia. 轉會費約為420萬歐元 Though the striker enjoyed a productive 2003/04 campaign with Los Che, he has found his opportunities more infrequent over the past two seasons. 雖然Mista在0304賽季是冠軍隊的主攻手但過去兩個賽季他鮮少有機會出場 The 27-year-old failed to find favour with Valencia coach Quique Sanchez Flores and is delighted to be signing for Atletico. 27歲射手失去了教練的重要轉而向馬競簽約 "It has come as a surprise, but overall an enormous joy for me to be signed by Atletico Madrid," Mista told the club's official website. "它來的太突然" Mista告訴瓦倫 "To arrive at a club of this stature is always very important for any footballer. 成為一個俱樂部重要的球員對一位足球選手是非常重要的 "What I hope to do is to give back to Atletico all the effort that has been put in to sign me." 我想盡所有的力量來幫助馬競以證明他們簽下我是個正確的選擇 Mista becomes Atletico's seventh signing of the summer, with new coach Javier Aguirre looking to challenge for Europe in the coming campaign. Mista是馬競新教練這個夏天為了挑戰歐冠而找來的第七位新同學 ___________________________________________ 馬競這個夏天交易動作不斷 先後在中前場補了多名好手....再加上本來就有的選手torres,maxi,kezman 下賽季的馬競目標應該是想要拿個歐冠來踢踢看... ___________________________________________ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/28 13:27, , 1F
加油MISTA 我會幫你把阻礙你先發的球員 拿拖鞋打打打
07/28 13:27, 1F

07/30 01:53, , 2F
07/30 01:53, 2F
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